Places where germs are everywhere

They crawl on you right now. Here's how to avoid buggers.

Most of us think of ourselves like pretty clean people. And we are usually. This is the world around us who is dirty. Some exposure to this one is good: man coexisting with bacteria and viruses from antiquity, reinforcing the immune system. Until it has the opposite effect. Touching germinal surfaces, then your nose, your mouth or face is the most common way of contracting the most common diseases - cold and influenza. But you can protect yourself with a little awareness. These are some of the most common places where germs are everywhere.


Your phone

toilet paper and a smart phone to work from the toilet

In the field of daily surfaces, mobile phones are a bacteria. Why? We constantly touch our phones, by holding them in the mouth and we put them on public surfaces by turning the average smartphone into a germ jitney. Skeptical? The researchers have discovered that a dirty cell phone can contain more bacteria than a toilet seat.

RX: Disinfect your monthly mobile phone and more frequently during the cold season and influenza. Mix a 50% water solution and 50% isopropyl alcohol in a small spray bottle, apply it to a microfiber cloth, and then wipe the screen and buttons.


Door handles

hand opening cafe doors

We tend not to think about the germance of public door handles simply because they are inevitable. But their ubiquity is the best argument for frequent hand washing: a recent test found the door handle on a New York Starbucks rental was 31 times germic as the subways of the metro.

RX: "Try to wear a hand disinfectant with you and always wash my hands before eating or touching my mouth", advises Danielle Dondiego, do,Your doctors online.


The office break room

Friendly diverse team talking and laughing eating pizza together, happy colleagues sharing meal, multiracial coworkers group enjoying lunch at break, good relations and office food delivery

Do you think your place of work is toxic? It's also germinated. And the ground zero is not the toilet. To study the spread of germs in the workplace, researchers at Arizona University have placed a synthetic germ on the coffee maker in the break room. In the four hours of four hours, he had extended to almost all the surfaces of the office, much further than the false germs planted in the bathrooms.

RX: Wash your hands frequently at work. Keep hand disinfecting your desktop and use it after touching highly trafficked surfaces.


Lift buttons

Pressing elevator button

Descent? With influenza, if you are not careful.A studyAt Arizona University found that the elevator buttons contain 40 times the bacterium of a public toilet seat.

RX: Press the elevator buttons on the back of a joint to reduce your risk of germing of the fingertips to your face.


The gym

Young asian sportswoman sitting and using smartphone in gym

"As a dermatologist, I am aware of how patients contract fungal infections. A place where I see a lot of room for improvement is the gym," saysTodd MINARS, MD, from the dermatology of minars to Hollywood, Florida. "Many of us can not pass through a long cardio session without music or podcasts, which we play via our phone. Unfortunately, the only places where your phone store on roller mats and stationary bikes are water holder or small magazine shelves. After training, I see that gym-goers gymnasiums manage their phones and have never cleaned up. You have increased your chances of an infection. "Exercise mats are also breeding grounds for bacteria; germs can linger on their porous plastic surface for hours to days.

RX: "Like most gymnasiums have on-site disinfecting wipes, I highly recommend each gym participant uses them to fully wipe your phone after completing your workout," says MINARS.Bring your own exercise mat, or wipes, from home.


The kitchen sponge

hand squeezing soap from blue sponge

The most managed element in your home is in the kitchen, not your bathroom: it's the sponge. The researchers say that cooking sponges contain more active bacteria - including a disease, causing diseases at e. coli and salmonella, that any other surface of the house. How much more?A studyBy the public health and safety organization found coliform bacteria (a fecal contamination sign) on more than 75% of cooking sponges, compared to only 9% of bathroom handles.

RX: Replace your sponges often, or take them once a week in the microwave. Sature them with water and microwave over one minute for one minute (for scrub sponges) or two (for cellulose sponges).



Water faucet Sink decoration in bathroom

"Studies revealed that the sinks are the largest reservoir of seed colonies in toilets, thanks to a build-up of water that become breeding grounds for lowercase organisms," saidAdam Spaver, MD, a cardiologist in Hollywood, Florida. In reality,The study of organization of health and public safetyI found that the bathroom faucet handle is the most managed sixth time of the average house. The toilets did not even cracked the top 10.

RX:Wash your hands every time you use the bathroom, and thoroughly clean your bathroom sink once a week.


your workstation

man cleaning his computer keyboard

"One of the germiest domains that do not receive enough attention is your computer," says Ross Lynell, a certified health and well-being coach and founder ofZivadream. "Our workstations, especially our keyboard and mouse, are traps of germs. We raise our workstations and touch the germy items, such as door handles and office coffee machine, then continue working without making an effort to clean our hands. This allows germs transferring your hands to your workstation, where they multiply ".

RX: "Make an effort to regularly wipe your keyboard, the mouse and the area of ​​the workstation surrounding with disinfectant wipes," Ross suggests "especially during the winter months when we are more sensitive to the disease. »



woman at the cash machine

Because they are affected by potentially hundreds of people a day, ATM keyboards have never been going to win a price of hygiene. But (maybe because we associate them with the joyful thing they distribute), we do not appreciate how germy they get. How is GERMY? On anew studyBy LenDedu, dirty than the door handle on a public toilet.

RX: Press the ATM keys with a joint to reduce the chances that you transfer mouth germs, and disinfecting for users after you get your money.


Public makeup testers

A study conducted in 2005 between 67 and 100 percent of make-up testers against were contaminated with bacteria, including E. coli, staphylococcus and streptococcus, insects can cause severe skin and eye infections.

RX: Never use a public makeup tester on your face. Ask for a single-use sample that is sealed.


Your car

A man cleaning car interior, car detailing

According to a recent study, there are 700 strains of bacteria, on average, living inside your car. The average steering wheel has about 629 units of bacteria per square centimeter. It's been four times dirty than a public toilet seat!

RX: Clean your car once every few weeks. Use the antibacterial cleaner on everything you touch, including the steering wheel, dashboard and controls.


Sanitzer soap and hands pumps

Female hands using wash hand sanitizer gel pump dispenser

"Public soap dispensers are a surprising source of germs," ​​says Ross. "Because they are often affected by people after only fast rinsing (or without rinsing at all), they are covered with germs. The liquid interior does not have the capacity to clean the pathogenic plastic handle of the container, so that the germs continue to accumulate and multiply ". The same is true of the hand disinfectant that you see the pumps in the office or gym.

RX:"Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly with hot water and a good dose of soap after touching the distributor," says Ross. "And make an effort to avoid a jet or touch the toilet door on your way if possible. »

RELATED: 20 ways you are washing bad hands


The grocery store

pushing grocery cart through store

Your neighborhood grocery store is crowded by germs from the entrance to the exit. A study revealed that more than50 percent of grocery caddiescontain pathogenic bacteria, such as E. coli, which can cause gastrointestinal disorders. Another study has found the handles on the freezer cases have more germs than a toilet seat. And whenMichigan State Researchers of the UniversityTested cash flow bands for bacteria, 100 percent have positive back. They are made of a porous plastic which imprisoned germs, yeasts and molds.

RX: Use antibacterial wipes to disinfect the basket handles, put all your products in plastic bags to prevent it from being contaminated at checkout, and when you come home, wash everything you eat and your hands.


Bowl Fido

labrador watching at meal at home

"Ceramic and plastic dog bowls are among the most surfaces mounted by germs in the middle house," explains Richard Ross, editor-in-chief ofThe Dog Clinic. "They often welcome E. coli and salmonella, among a variety of other bacteria and viruses. Many dog ​​owners do not realize, and are happy to put the bowl on the kitchen surfaces that are used to prepare food. »

RX: "In addition to keeping dogs away from the preparation of food and disinfect them regularly, it is also a good idea to replace plastic bowls with those in stainless steel," says Ross. "It is not germinal proof, but are home to fewer bacteria than alternatives. »


This public toilet area

Female dries wet hand in modern vertical hand dryer in public restroom

The news that the public toilets are Germy can not make you fall. But you can not have realized only to try to practice a good hygiene, it could do so you are sick: "According to one2018 studyThe hot air dryers in public bathrooms can suck air bacteria released when the toilet flies and spill bacteria on your own hands, "says Splavel.

RX: Wash your hands, dry them with paper towels - and additional insurance, "use paper towels to serve as a barrier against bacterial transmission when ignition and outside the tap and L Opening the door, "says Spavaver. And live your happiest and healthiest life, do not miss these 100 ways your home can make you sick .

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