20 most common winter diseases

Protect yourself from the disease with teacher tips up.

Winter is coming! It's time to make memories with the family, enjoy the holiday festivals with friends, to make a fire package, the hot of Sirotes. And perhaps sneezing, cut your nose, visit the doctor, aspire on a loss of cough and make a skin like a white walker.

Why does our body seem to collapse in winter?

A study published inNature Communicationsattribute it to our changing genes. The study concludes that "about 25% of all the pieces of DNA that codes for various behaviors and traits of our body, otherwise called genes, change significantly with the seasons". (The flu viruses also culminated in winter.) The best thing to do is to prepare yourself for some of the diseases you and your family could face during the cold months. Here, from the cure, there are 20 most common winter diseases you should look for this season.


A cold

woman blowing running nose got flu caught cold sneezing in tissue

The winter time is synonymous with common colds because they usually ran crappings during these colder months. According toDr. Darria Long Gillespie, "With the dry climate and colder temperatures, the rhinovirus - the bug that is the most common cause of the cold tends to prosper." Although colds are boring and can make you feel groggy and slow, you can usually complement regular activities as usual.

RX: The best way to prevent common colds is to stop the propagation of germs. Wash your hands frequently. If a family member is sick with a cold, do not share the dishes and wipe the surfaces inside the house, including light switches and counters, with a disinfectant frequently. If you make a cold, consider taking decongestants and rest as needed. You can also use saline rinsing or a humidifier to open your stuffy nose.


Irritated throat

Young woman has strong sore throat

A sore throat in winter can be caused by dry and cold air irritation. You can also experiment with a throat if you are exposed to the exterior cold air, then inside the hot air frequently. The rapid and constant change in the temperature of the air can feel raw thought. If you wake up every morning with a sore throat because of dry air, winter can feel like a long and brutal.

RX: The best way to remedy a constant sore throat in the colder months is to humidify this dry air.Dr. Martin TrottMARYLAND, MD, Facs, the St. John's Medical Center, says, "I would say to people only if they are very dry every morning, it's a good idea, at least in the bedroom, to get a Humidifier and handle the humidifier all the time with the door of the closed chamber. "



n suffering from stomach ache

Since winter is a gathering moment, you will probably make a lot of touch and talk with large groups. Norovirus is an extremely contagious foodborne disease that spreads in contaminated foods and surfaces. With all winter socialization that occurs, it is not surprising that this disease is much more common in winter.

According toCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention, "If you get a Norovirus disease, you can pour billions of Norovirus particles that you can not see without microscope. Only some norovirus particles can make other patients."

RX: Although there are no vaccines to prevent Norovirus, you can try to avoid this season by painting your hands thoroughly, especially after eating or preparing food. Clean and disinfect surfaces in your home and make sure your laundry is well washed, especially if a family member has already Norovirus.

RELATED: 20 facts that will change the way you wash your hands


Joints Achies

hands of a man making a massage on his knee, pain

If you suffer from arthritis, you will find that your painful and painful joints worsen the coldest months. And you are not alone. A study published inBMC musculoskeletal disordersExamined osteoarthritis (OA) participants and found that 67% of them were sensitive to the weather and felt more articular pain in cold weather. This may be due to changes in the barometric pressure that occurs when cold air begins to move.

RX:Unfortunately, there is no way to hide completely cold during the winter months. However, according to theMAYO ClinicYou can reduce joint pain by remaining active through exercise and managing your weight. Continue taking prescribed medications, stay positive throughout the season and do not smoke.


Raynaud's disease

Adult hand with Raynaud's Syndrome

Raynaud's disease is a rare disorder that brings your fingers or your toes to change colors and lose feeling when exposed to cold air. This condition can be uncomfortable and a long exposure to cold can result in serious symptoms, resulting in painful threshing and spasms because the blood flow to the ends is reduced.

RX: While Raynaud's disease is a nuisance, theMAYO ClinicConfirms: "For most people, Raynaud's disease does not disable, but it can affect your quality of life." To avoid these uncomfortable symptoms, place yourself in the cold, especially your hands and feet. Wear thick socks, gloves, ear headsets and a facial mask. Try to avoid prolonged outdoor activities in winter.


Cold wounds

woman with cold sore looking in mirror at home

A cold wound is a small blister or a group of blisters that can grow on the lips or around the mouth. These wounds can be painful and boring and can be even worse during the winter months due to a compromised immune system. According toAmerican Academy of Dermatology"More than half of the Americans aged 14 to 49 wear the virus that causes cold sores." A strong sun or another disease, like a cold, can cause a soaring fever buttons. They can also be caused by stress, sleep deprivation or hormonal changes.

RX: Get a lot of rest and try to eliminate stress during the holiday season as much as possible. Keep your lips hydrated and if you have a cold wound, use topical treatment to clean it faster.



Sick woman sneezing and blowing nose

Influenza is a viral respiratory disease that has similar symptoms to common cold, such as a stuffy or poured nose, sore throat and sinus pressure. However, influenza is also generally accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting, exhaustion, headache or cold sweat. Although you can catch the year of the flu, it is more important in the autumn months and winter. According to a study conducted by theCDCThe influenza season "most often culminated in February, followed by December, January and March."

RX: Influenza is very contagious, so stay away from friends or family members who have it. An influenza vaccine from your local pharmacist can prevent you from contracting this winter. If you catch the flu, you are isolating yourself from family members and plan to visit your doctor for an antiviral medicine so you can shorten the duration of your illness.


Stress gorge

woman experiencing strong throat ache

According toCDC"Strept's throat is an infection in the throat and tonsils caused by bacteria called group streptococcus." It can be difficult to distinguish a simple sore throat, which does not need treatment, stress throat, which requires antibiotics. However, according to Dr. Long Gillespie, you will know that you have Strepto's throat, because you will have a strong pain in the throat that looks like swallowing knives every time you have to swallow. "

RX: You can try to avoid Strep's throat by keeping your own hands and stay away from friends of family members who have this contagious disease. If you think you may have the Strep throat, go to your doctor right away. You will need to complement a series of antibiotics to reduce symptoms, prevent bacteria from spreading others and finally Nix the disease completely.


Dry and crunchy skin

Woman use hand cream on dry hand

Since environmental moisture is low in winter, it is more likely that you experience dry and crisp skin. This condition is the most common on your hands and feet or other extremities that can be exposed to the elements. If your cracking skin is serious or starts bleeding, it can be extremely painful and can even lead to an infection.

RX: According toMAYO ClinicYou should see a doctor for your dry and cracked skin if he develops open wounds or redness or you have trouble sleeping due to the severity of your state. To avoid or remedy your dry skin, keep it hydrated and avoid extremely hot showers or exposure to hot water. Cover your skin as much as possible to the cold.



A woman using an asthma inhaler in a cold winter

Asthma is a condition that blocks your respiratory tract and it is difficult to breathe. The winter time can make the symptoms of asthma worse because the cold and dry air irritates your passages. This causes spasms of your muscles, so it is more difficult to control the loss of breath, even with your inhaler or your prescription medicine.

RX: To keep the symptoms of asthma at the bay, limit your time outside and engage vigorous outdoor activities. Wear a scarf when you go to the cold and talk to your doctor seasonal changes in your state.Dr. Emily Pennington®From Cleveland Clinic, explains: "Make sure your action plan for the asthma in place. This way, if you get sick, you know what to do before your symptoms are really serious."


Sinus infections

Man blowing his nose in the cold weather

According toCDCIf you have an weakened immune system with a preliminary illness, seasonal allergies, sinus problems, or if you are a smoker, you are more likely of sinus infections. Since winter leads to more colds and diseases, these infections are more common in the coldest months. The symptoms of sinus infection comprise a nose flowing or clogged, headache, pain or pressure on the face, post-nasal drip, sore throat, or cough.

RX: The CDC recommends that you see a doctor if your symptoms persist for more than 10 days, you feel serious symptoms, or if you have a fever more than three days. You can relieve sinus pain to yourself by placing a hot compress on your face, using a decongestant or breathing steam of a hot shower.


Carbon monoxide poisoning

Close-up Of Electrician Hands Removing Battery From Smoke Detector

The carbon monoxide is an odorless and colorless gas that can kill you if you breathe it too long in an unvolished environment. Winter is the time to monitor the poisoning of carbon monoxide because this gas can be released by defective heating systems or gas appliances. According toCDC, "Every year, more than 400 Americans die from unintentional non-fire co-binding, more than 20,000 visit the emergency room and more than 4,000 are hospitalized."

RX: Install battery carbon monoxide detectors in your home near devices that use gas. Set a reminder to replace batteries twice a year and replace your detector every five years. Make sure gas appliances are installed in well-ventilated areas and have regular maintenance performed on your heating system.

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Ear infections

woman having ear pain touching her painful head

Ear infections generally can not alone and may appear after having a cold, influenza or other seasonal disease. An ear infection is an accumulation of liquid in the ear and the symptoms include ear pain, a drop of ear fluid or hearing difficulties.

RX: According toMAYO ClinicYou should see a doctor for your ear infection if the symptoms last more than one day or you suffer from serious ear pains. The best way to prevent hearing infection this season is not having cold or other illness. You can try preventing these diseases by eating health, exercising, keeping hands and clean surfaces and limiting exposure to other people who can be sick.



Young ill woman in bed at home

TheMAYO ClinicDefines bronchitis as "inflammation of the mucous membrane of your bronchial tubes, which carry air towards and from your lungs." Acute bronchitis usually develops as a result of another cold or illness, while chronic bronchitis is much more serious and can grow alone. You can have a bronchitis if you can not stop coughing, have a mucus overproduction, you feel tired, experience breathing shortness or having an embarrassment in your chest.

RX: You should see a doctor if your symptoms are accompanied by a fever, they persist after three weeks or are so serious that you have trouble sleeping or breathing. Air pollution or cigarette smoke can cause bronchitis, so try to stay away from these substances. As bronchitis is usually caused by another disease, get your influenza vaccine and try staying away from others who have colds or other diseases.



Doctor examining chest x-ray film of patient at hospital

Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs that can cause a persistent dry cough, muscle pain and fatigue. According toHarvard Health Publishing, "The vast majority of cases are due to airborne microbes, usually bacteria or viruses." Since bacteria and viruses are more abundant in winter, pneumonia cases may also be more widespread.

RX: Bacterial pneumonia should be treated with antibiotics while viral pneumonia is expected to improve. TheCDCRecommends people with higher risk of pneumonia, including those over 65 or with compromised immune systems, receive two pneumonia vaccines. Since influenza can cause the onset of pneumonia, the influenza vaccine is also recommended.


Winter allergies

illness young woman sneezing in a tissue

If your allergies worsen near the holiday season and after decorated your home for Christmas, you can have a Christmas tree allergy. You are probably not even allergic to the tree itself, but with dust and allergens that can gather on it. These allergies can ruin your holidays with a nose that flows or clogged, coughs and red eyes or itchy. According toDr. Kara Wada®From Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center "," Mold growing on Christmas tree is most likely to blame aqueous eyes, flowing noses or breathing difficulties. "

RX:To fight against your allergies, Dr. Wada recommends giving your Christmas tree a rinse and letting it dry before putting it in your home. Your artificial tree, your ornaments and your shaft holder must be completely offset with a vacuum fan or leaves. You can also get a medicine on the counter or prescription to relieve your allergy symptoms for the season.



man massaging nose bridge, taking glasses off, having blurry vision or dizziness

According toAmerican Foundation of Migraine, changes in temperature and seasonal changes can trigger migraines. If you are already susceptible of these intense and prolonged headaches, be aware that the beginning of winter could make them worse. A barometric pressure change could be the culprit. Cold and dry air is also known to result in faster dehydration in many people, which could be the cause of intense headaches.

RX: Drink a lot of water, especially in the coldest months, to make sure you are not dehydrated. Getting a lot of sleep, exercise regularly and eat healthy can also help keep migraines away during the winter.Dr. Cynthia Armand, MD,From Montefiore Medical Center also said: "The migraine brain likes the schedule, so try to keep as much as possible a normal schedule."


Pink eye

Red eye for allergy

Pink eyes, also known conjunctivitis, occur when the conjunctiva of your eye is irritated by an infection or allergy. According toAmerican Academy of OphthalmologyWhen you have pink eyes, you will live red, inflated or inflamed eyes with a sticky white discharge. Since the pink eye is extremely contagious and can be passed like a cold, it is more common in winter, when cold is also more apparent.

RX: According toDr. Rishi Singh, MD, from the Clinic of Cleveland, the germs of conjunctivitis are distributed through the contact. It is therefore important to "remember these public places, such as handle and elevator handle buttons, such as aircraft and pillows of hotel rooms that can accommodate the virus." Wash to The frequent hand is essential to prevent pink eyes. If you contract conjunctivitis, visit your doctor immediately so that you can start an antibiotic treatment.



Man coughing

The Huisson cough is also commonly called cough and is a severe bacterial infection that generally does not affect infants and children. Although this disease begins like a cold, it can progress in the cough that ends in a breath for the air, which generally sounds like a hunt. This cough can be accompanied by a fever, a nose that flows, an aqueous or sneezing eye.

According toJohn Hopkins Medicine"Crested cough is on the rise, as fewer children get vaccinations, then boosters every 10 years. In recent years, between 10,000 and 40,000 cases have been reported each year nationally." Since contagious diseases are more widespread in winter, crested cough can also be more common during this season.

RX: The hut cough can last up to 10 weeks and if it is not treated, can lead to pneumonia and other serious illnesses. Visit your doctor as soon as possible so that you can start antibiotic treatment. The treatment will reduce the time you are sick and will make you less contagious. You should also drink a lot of liquids, rest, try to stay warm and stay away from airborne pollutants, such as dust or smoke.


Seasonal emotional disorder (sad)

Winter depressed sad girl lonely by home window looking at cold weather upset unhappy

A seasonal emotional disorder (sad) is what some would call the "Blues Winter-Time". It is common to feel a little lethargic in winter, when the weather outdoors becomes cold and miserable and you are not as active outdoors as you were in warmer seasons. But if your blues begins to affect your daily life and you feel depressed, you can live sad. According toMedical Center of Rush UniversityYou may have sad if you suddenly have the difficulty of taking an initiative, you do not want to be social or can not sleep. You may also have trouble focusing on small tasks, to have suicidal thoughts or feel hopeless about the future.

RX: Regular exercise, healthy diet and regular social interaction can help you keep you happy during the cold winter months. If you feel the symptoms of SAD, talk to your doctor or psychologist right away. A professional can help you fight your winter blues. You may need to have more sun or use light therapy to imitate sunlight. You may also need prescription drugs to regulate the chemical imbalances that your body knows. And live your happiest and healthiest life, do not miss these101 The most instance habits on the planet.

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