THE COVID-19 AWFUL Symptom no one speaks

Shortness of breath is just the beginning.

You have read the big titles: the symptoms of coronaviruses include shortness of breath, a dry cough and fever, among others, and then there are the most atypical, like "Covid toes" (a rash) and pink eyes. But it is a symptom, the media speak much less on, and it is the one that can last the longest: mental illness. Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

The long-term impact on your mental health

COVID-19 can cause delirium "in a significant proportion of acute patients," says a new reportThe lancet, Resulting in what the Mayo clinic calls "a serious disturbance of mental capacities that the results of confused and reduced thinking about the beginning of the delirium," he continues, "is usually fast - in a few hours or some days. »

Long-term effects are just as disturbing, delirium or not, COVID-19 can seriously affect your mental health.

This same studyThe lancet Compared to the coronavirus (also nicknamed SARS-COV-2) with previous coronavirus. "In case of SARS-COV-2 infection follows a course similar to that of SARS-COV or MERS-VOCs, most patients should find without experiencing mental illness," write the authors, however: "Clinicians Must be aware of the possibility of depression, anxiety, fatigue, post-traumatic stress disorders, and rare neuropsychiatric syndromes in the longer term ".

Virus survivors can also feel shocked by time in intensive care, quarantine, or to be banned from their community. "Isolation, fear, uncertainty, the economic situation crisis, any cause or could cause the psychological distress" of Devora Kestel, Director of the World Health Organization (WHO) the mental health service, during the presentation of a UN report and political guidance on COVID-19 and mental health.

"With the number of people in the world who are admitted to the hospital [and] admitted to intensive care units, I think we could see a lot of post-traumatic stress afterwards," said University College London and Co-author Jonathan Rogers study.

How to deal with IT ALL

If you have trouble dealing with Covid-19, here are some WHO tips and advice to help guide your next actions:

  • "Have a routine. Continue with the daily routine as far as possible, or make new ones.
  • Reduce at least NewsFeeds. Try to reduce how much to look at you, read or listen to the news that makes you feel anxious or distressed. Look for the latest information at specific times of the day, once or twice a day if necessary.
  • Social contact is important. If your movements are limited, stay in regular contact with the people you close by phone and online channels.
  • Alcohol and drug use. Limit the amount of alcohol you drink or drink alcohol at all. Do not start drinking alcohol if you have drunk drunk before not. Avoid consuming alcohol and drugs as a way to deal with fear, anxiety, boredom and social isolation.
  • Screen time. Be aware of how long you pass a screen every day. Make sure you take regular breaks from on-screen activities.
  • Social media. Use your social media accounts to promote positive and hopeful stories. Correct disinformation wherever you see it.
  • Help others. If you are able, to provide support to people in your community who need it, such as helping them make food purchases.
  • Support health workers. Take online opportunities or by your community to thank the health workers in your country and anyone who work to respond to COVID-19 ".

And be assured that although it seems that no one talks about that, the question begins to draw attention around the world. "It is now clear that mental health needs should be treated as a critical element of our intervention and recovery from CVIV-19 in the event of a pandemic," Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health Organization ( WHO), said in a brief, United Nations policies. "A failure to take the emotional well-being of people will seriously result in long-term social and economic costs for society. »

As for you, do everything you can to prevent and spread Covid-19 in the first place: mask up, do the test if you think you have coronavirus, crowds to avoid (and bars and parts of the house ), social distancing practice, only doing essential races, wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas, and pass through this pandemic to your healthier, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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