This thing reduces your coronavirus risks in half, the study indicates

The work you did is pay. Do not stop.

For months, we have been, wearing masks, work at home, which limits gatherings and taking care to stand out six feet in the grocery line. It is understandable to wonder, all this is work?

According toA new studyFrom Johns Hopkins University, the answer is yes: the researchers determined that social distancing and loopbacks reduced the spread of half coronavirus in 82% of counties in the United States.

Loopbacks worked

At the beginning of the pandemic, the experts of the disease and local officials feared that the number of COVID-19 could be catastrophic because the infected people seemed capable of transmitting the virus for asymptomatic days. In one case, at the very highly publicized, a lawyer in the Westchester County Suburue in New York has infected more than 50 people, he had occasional contacts with before showing symptoms.

The perspective of each of these 50 people infecting 50 more people, who could then each exponential spread of the continuing sickness, the officials led to start clutches and the recommendations of social distancing in mid-March.

The results Johns Hopkins suggest these measures have succeeded. Scientists have examined COVID-19 propagation in 1400 counties more than two months. They found that 82% of these communities were able to reduce the transmission rate to less than one person per patient patient (the term R1).

The researchers divided the counties into five different groups, each with similar socio-economic characteristics. These have varied for dense urban populations, including low-income household income, mainly rural areas.

Most counties started with a transmission rate of R3 (or three sick people infections). In urban areas, which were heavily dependent on public transport, infection rates decreased slowly, while rural areas were able to contain more rapid spread due to low population density. May 28, 1177 of 1.417 Counties had reduced their rate of infection to R1.

Long Way of the immunity of the flock

The study, which has been published on a pre-impression site and has not yet been examined by peers, has found that the rate of infection varied according to the counties from 0 to about 29 percent.

Because the immunity of the herd is not reached up to 50 to 70 percent of a population has been exposed to a virus, scientists noted that the United States is far and that new measures to combat The virus should be specific to each location.

"Our results suggest that the decommissioning strategies as well as reopening require a careful review of county characteristics, in addition to national and local trends," write researchers.

Experts invite everyone to continue to follow local social distancing guidelines, same hot weather encourages traditional gatherings in beaches and parks. "If people want to go out, they really had to assess the level of the epidemic in their particular field,"said Dr. Anthony Fauci, A key member of the White House Intervention Team in the event of a pandemic, June 1st.

And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss theseThings you should never do during the pandemic coronavirus.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
By: aasma
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