10 ways you could have had Covid-19-but I did not know

There is a good chance that your winter disease was misdiagnosed, health experts maintain.

While most of us in the United States are not too worried about potentially mortal virus infection until mid-March, when Covid-19 has been officially reported a pandemic, current data carriers. that it was actually here and the diffusion, long before we realized.

As many of the coronavirus symptoms overlap with other diseases and conditions of health, it is very possible that you have already had - and could have even been diagnosed with something else.

"In medicine, you are looking for the disease that is logical, not a new virus that will grow to pandemic proportions," Leann Poston®, MBA, M.ED.,Health Ikon, explains toEat this, not that! Health. In this spirit, here are 10 diseases that you believed that may have been actually coronavirus.


Superior Respiratory Infection

Woman sore throat with glass of water in her bed

According toInna Hussain, MD, Assistant Professor, Director of the Voice, Airway, Swallowing Disorders Program Dept. Of Otolaryngology, Rush University Medical Center, your bad and prolonged earlier this winter of upper respiratory tract may have been Covid-19."We now know that Covid-19 was probably around earlier than we thought," explains toEat this, not that! Health.

"I, as well as many of my colleagues of otorhinolaryngology, patients with prolonged saw cases of URIs. They were sent to the primary care offices to remove a kind of bacterial infection. The symptoms included sore throat and general malaise, however, many of them were negative tested for various infections. "We now suspect that these cases were COVID-19," she admits, pointing out that Covid-19 tests were not available at the time.


Streptococcal angina

Young woman at doctor being tested for pain in the throat

Streptococcal angina is a bacterial infection that can make your throat Sensation rough and evil - also a symptom of coronavirus. "The earlier this winter we had several patients who came to see their doctors with sore throat and the signs of infection of the upper respiratory tract which have proved negative for streptococcal angina," Dr. Husain explains.



skin rash treatment on woman neck

According to Dr. Husain, because Mono also shares a lot ofsymptomsIn common with COVID-19 - fatigue, fever, rashes and swollen ganglia - both could easily be confused. In fact, in recent months, they had several patients who tested negative for the condition, informally called the "kissing disease" and scientifically called infectious mononucleosis.


Pink eye

Closeup of irritated red bloodshot eye

The pink eye, alias conjunctivitis, is a relatively frequent ocular phenomenon. However, if you had during the winter, there is a chance that it was actually a symptom of coronavirus.various studiesand theAmerican Academy of Ophthalmology(AAO) reported that Covid-19 "can cause mild follicular conjunctivitis otherwise impossible to distinguish from other viral causes. In fact, they felt that the impacts of conjunctivitis 1-3% of those who Covid-19.



woman with cold and flu bad symptoms

Many of us withdraw from the doctor when we suspect the flu hit, especially if our symptoms are manageable. Even if you have decided to ask for medical help, perhaps your influenza test has come from negatives or your doctor has chosen not to administer at all. Anyway, he could have been Covid-19 points on Dr. Husain. "Several patients were diagnosed with the flu due to sore throat, fever, discomfort / pain, but had negative influenza tests," explains.


Food poisoning

Suffering From Abdominal Pain Touching Aching Stomach Lying On Couch At Home

Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are revealing signs that you have food poisoning or the influenza of the stomach - but they are also three of themain symptomscoronavirus. If you have undergone digestive problems in recent months - and perhaps could not put your finger on a food - you might have really been struggling with Covid-19.


Lyme disease

A person, leg bitten by a deer tick

Although the main symptom of Lyme disease - bacterial infection, you can get from a tick bite - is an eruption for distinctive search, its other symptoms are surprisingly similar to coronavirus. Among them? Fever, chills, headaches, fatigue, muscle and articular pain, and swollen lymph nodes. Although it is not likely that you have lyme during the winter, because of the absence of ticks, certainly keep this information in mind during the summer months.



Man with allergy or an infection sneezing

Allergies or coronavirus? "While we enter the allergy season, it is important to help distinguish allergy symptoms from those of infections like Covid-19 and the flu," saysRyan Steele, do, A medicine of Yale Allergologist and immunologist. "It can make a big difference in your health and those of the family and colleagues," one of them, according to Dr. Poston, is a throbbing cough.



Woman Trying to Sense Smell of a Lemon

Dr. Husain reveals that there were cases of ananimal - the loss of sense of the smell and / or taste - from Italy / Europe before being a symptom of screening for Covid-19 by the CDC. "Coronaviruses and other superior respiratory viruses can infect the cranial nerves, including the olfactory nerve that creates a sense of smell," she says. In fact, she wrote a piece detailing the phenomenon inAmerican scientist. "So, as Anosmia was not on the list of screening issues, patients may not have been tested for the virus."



Doctor examining chest x-ray film of patient at hospital

Were you sick for what seems to be forever during the winter? Maybe your doctor even diagnosed you with pneumonia. Publish onsays that there is good luck to your serious and relentless illness in January or February could have been coronavirus.

As for yourself: go through this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss theseThings you should never do during the coronavirus pandemic.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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