The worst epidemic coronavirus will hit the city, warned Dr.
Cases Covid-19 explode in this metropolis.

As Covid-19 continues to culminate in states across the countryClick here to see the 23 states that have an alarming rise in cases of coronavirus-A City is rapidly emerging as the next potential hot spot. And, according to an infectious infectious world-renowned expert, he could be one of the largest guerrons Covid of-19 in the world.
"If we continue on the same trajectory, my concern is that Houston could become the worst affected city in North America", "Oil infectious Peter Hotez, MD, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston , RecountCNN affiliate KPRC-2. He is concerned that Houston and Harris County encompassing reign soon as the capital coronavirus country.
The "worst affected town"
He also hastweetedabout his prediction during the weekend. "Last # Covid19 for Harris County, my observation if this persists trajectory:
- Houston would become the worst-hit town in the US, possibly rival what we see now in Brazil
- The masks 1 = not good but not enough
- We should carry out a red alert, "said he wrote.
At a press conference Monday, the mayor of Houston Sylvester Turner reported 1789 cases of additional coronavirus in Houston, bringing the total in the city to 14 322. In addition, the head spokesman for the Houston Police , Kese Smith also saidCnnat least 103 Houston police currently quarantined with Covid-19. The Houston Health Department also warned that hospitals in Harris County experienced an increase of 177% of patients positive Covid-19 and a 64% increase positive patients in the ICU beds Covid since May 31 "We must act now. Wear a mask, a social distance & hand washing, "they asked atweet.
"All the good work we have done together in March, April and closing conferences and conventions, we are now engaged in activities that essuyent the success we have achieved," said Turner at the press conference.
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Mandate to wear your mask
Government officials hope that a new order of mask mandated, from 22 to 28 June, will help to flatten the curve in Houston. "At a minimum, we ask people to put their masks or their face coverings," said Turner.
"I do not want the city of Houston is found in stop mode, because our hospitals are overwhelmed and that people are dying," said Turner. "And that's what people see around the country. This is not what we want in the city of Houston." As for yourself: wear your mask, practice social distancing, wash hands frequently and get through this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss theseThings you should never do during the pandemic coronavirus.