The best burger for weight loss

Ah, the summer has finally arrived, which means it's time to pull the grill and pass your friends for a barbecue.

The only problem: you are on a diet and you do not want to blow with your greasy burger. With our help, you are not obliged! Although some BBQ staples are more difficult to healthy than others (such as potato chips), this summer article is not one of them. With some quick and easy modifications to your original recipe, you can turn an anti-deferred hamburger into a meal that will help you reach yourweightloss Goals.

Here's what you will need to buy to whip it:


95% skinny beef patty with three ounce grass: Opting for 95% Lean more than 85% does not allow you to save six grams of six-year-old fat of fat, it also dries the saturated fat in half and holds 50 calories on your plate. Keep meat from drying up by mixing with mushrooms and chopped buttons. For each cup of meat, use a quarter cup of vegetables, this ensures that you will get the right amount of moisture without changing the texture. Prefers frozen hamburger? We recommend Bubba Burger Hear-Fed Burgers Angus Grass Grass Burgers.

The bread

Martin 100% whole wheat potato rolls: These potato rolls are the perfect ship for your weight loss hamburger. The whole wheat adds a powerful fiber punch to protect you and that its seven grams of protein will support your hard skinny muscle mass.


Kraft singles 2% Sharp Cheddar milk: There may be some lighter cheeses, but they do not have the taste of cheese. If you are looking for an all-purpose burger topper, use this single discount on a slice to keep the check calories.


Organic Ketchup of Naturals of Annie: This can cost you an extra dollar or two, but it's worth solving organic. The biological tomatoes bear twice as much cycopene cancer as conventional counterparts, and this version of the conventional condiment is free of high fructose corn syrup, an additive shown to increase the appetite.

Gray Poupon Classic Dijon: This low mustard is mainly made of mustard seeds, charged with omega-3 fatty acids. Go ahead and add a teaspoon or two.

Middle Sodium Pickle: The pickles are weak, have a good fiber success for you and are covered with grease vinegar and carbohydrate incineration, so it is not necessary to feel guilty of stacking them on your galette. Make sure you use the low sodium variety to maintain blood bloating and high blood pressure at the bay.

Total damage

320 calories, 9.8 g of grease, 4 g of sat SAT, 702 mg of sodium, 25.5 g of carbohydrates, 4 g of fiber, less than 10 g of sugar, 33 g of protein

-No bad at all compared to a fast standard hamburger, which can carry doubling calories and fats.

Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Burgers
By: josh-sens
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