The thing n ° 1 to avoid making this summer, warns the coronavirus expert

The game must continue, but that does not mean you must be a spectator.

If you are at the sport, the coronavirus Pandemic has obviously put a shock absorber on your ghost. Whether you play, have a child who does, or just love to attend live sports events, you're probably waiting with impatience the words "play the ball" or "on your brand, get, go!" However, before throwing your favorite jersey and you are preparing to encourage, one of the best experts in nation's infectious disease has tips that might save you your life.

Dr. Onyema Ogbuagu, an infectious disease specialist in Yale's disease and associate professor at the School of Medicine, reveals toEat this, not that! Health An activity that he will not participate at a next moment. "This summer, I will not participate in a living sporty event, especially those with a potentially large crowd and are played inside," he maintains.

Why you should not attend a sporting event

Why is it so concerned aboutBaseball stands, sports arenas and bleed? "The risks associated with the COVID contract are the highest in this context relating to one or more of the following (a) prolonged exposure to persons from different parts of the city, state or country (b) Assizes or standing in narrow neighborhoods where the maintenance of physical distancing is difficult (c) risk of contact with frequently affected surfaces is high (d) the cheers and crystal that occur invariably during the Games promotes the expulsion of respiratory secretions And oral and it is difficult to do with masks, can cause a spread of infections. "

He points out that adherence to the CDC guidelines - wearing a mask, practicing a hygiene of hands and social distances (which may be impossible for sporting events!) - Can mitigate this risk, "there is still too much transmission of the community in Covid, including people who areasymptomatic or presymptomaticwhich will be involuntarily involved in public events and spread the infection. "

"Therefore, it is logical that the opening of sporting events to the public (fans) should be included in the last phase of reopening when all the indicators suggest that the wave of infection is higher or at least close to that", He explains.

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Players should be worried too

It also emphasizes that players should also be - if not more concerned about coronavirus propagation than fans. "It's important to note that for team sports, for players,Distribution of infection between teammatesCan also occur during practice and the preparation of the game, as has already been observed for many sports teams, "he said." So there is too much risk for fans and players at this time. "

The term league, one of the summer collegiate baseball leagues, plans to have spectators this summer. A NASCAR race at Homestead-Miami had 1,000 visitors to a naval base nearby.More recently, Star Novak Djokovic Tennis and his wife tested positive for the virus, while on the Adria tour in Croatia.

Therefore, you will not find Dr. Ogbuagu in the stands of his sportsman of choice this summer. "I usually assist in the United States open for tennis each year, but will stay away this year and look at home," he explains. (The tournament does not allow anyway spectators anyway.) "I will always enjoy the sport, but in more safe circumstances!"

As for yourself: go through this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss these Things you should never do during the coronavirus pandemic.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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