Dr. Faisci warns Covid-19 mute in something much worse

The new version is even faster than the first.

The first expert in the country on infectious diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci, warned yesterday that coronavirus mutated in something that can be even more infectious. "The data show that there is a single mutation that makes the virus capable of replicating better and perhaps have high viral loads", the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseasessaid in an interviewwithThe American Medical AssociationDr. Howard Bauchner. "We do not have a connection if a person worse with that or not; it just seems that the virus is better and can be more communicable."

The possibility of a more infectious coronavirus comes when America is gathering a picture in cases. On July 2 alone, the country recorded a record of 55,595 cases - a change of 90% of 14 days in the wrong direction. The United States has 2.7 million cases confirmed, more than anywhere else in the world.

A more infectious coronavirus

"Researchers of the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico and Duke University of North Carolina have joined the University of Sheffield'sCOVID-19 [FeminineGenomics United Kingdom Research Group Analyzing genome samples published on Gisaid, an international resource for sharing genome sequences, "ReportsScientcealert. "They discovered that the current variant, called" D614G ", makes a small but powerful change in the" Spike "protein that protrudes from the surface of the virus, which it uses to invade and infect human cells".

The researchers feel that it is three to six times more likely to cause an infection. "It seems likely that it is a virus of the equipment," said Erica Ollmann Saphire, one of the heads of leader of the Institute of the Immunology of La Jolla.

Fauci worried about "Spike in cases"

Fauci gave the same day, he discussed the rise in business - and his concern about them. "What we saw in the last days is a point in business that go beyond the worst peaks we have seen. It's not good news," he said during a Interview with BBC News that broadcast Thursday. "We need to get this under control, or we risk an even larger epidemic in the United States"

"Now, all you have to do is take a look at the news at night and you see people who gather in bars without masks, gathering in different types of groups that go well beyond the Recommended number of people, "he said. "What happens when you do that and you do not wear a mask? You get the kind of epidemic we see."

He mentioned, as he has previously, young people are responsible for some of the widespread. Addressing younger Americans, he said, "If you are infected, it is likely that you infect someone else who infect someone else, who could then infect a vulnerable person. Then, You have very serious consequences. "

As for yourself: wear a mask, practice social distance, wash your hands frequently, and to cross this pandemic with your healthier, do not miss theseThings you should never do during the coronavirus pandemic.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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