Dr. Fauci has just blamed these states for the coronavirus epidemic

He says they are responsible for 50% of all new infections.

This week, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the best infectious infectious expert and a member of the White House Coronavirus Working Group, makes a media tour, sounding to the alarm that coronavirus cases increase at a disturbing rate; We are approaching 60,000 cases a day and the country struck another daily record, it is sixth in ten days. In an interview with Anna Rothschild, on the FiveThirtyEightPodcast-19He talked about what is most urgent today-The before which states are to blame.


On the great coronavirus

Male and female EMTs wearing face masks during Coronavirus pandemic remove gurney from ambulance parked at Boca Raton Community Hospital

"I know what's happening out there because it is quite clear is that in some states, governors or mayors basically jumped on the guidelines and checkpoints and opened a little early. And They were not ready to manage the resurgence they saw in other states, [where governors and mayors actually respected by the guidelines and restrictions - but the persons of the State, in particular young threw caution to the wind and you see the movies of people, densely gathered in bars and in areas where they meet, do not look at social distancing, do not wear masks. So I think it That we are seeing at the moment are the results of this in these states, these four states that counted about 50% of all new infections "- Arizona, California, Florida and Texas -" that we see in the United States. "


Did some states open too fast?

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"You know, I think in some respects, in some cases they have not always done so. But I think it certainly contributes to that. Certainly, Florida I know, you know, I think I've jumped on some control points. "


Can overvoltage be blamed on politicians who do not follow the guidelines and people who do not follow orders?

Friends drinking spritz at cocktail bar with face masks

"Yes. It's both. I mean, it's not a one-dimensional thing. It's complicated. There are governors and mayors who have done it perfectly correctly. They wanted to open up, So they followed the guidelines for opening their state. But what happened, it was that many citizens, said, "You know, well, I'll be locked up or I'm going to leave it All rips. And you could see to just look at, documented on television and in the photo papers still inhabitants of bars and congregations, which constitute a perfect configuration, especially if you do not have a mask. Yeah, then there are sometimes times when despite the guidelines and recommendations to open carefully and carefully, some states jumped on those who have just opened too fast. "


How will the United States go overall?

Doctors inspecting patient in hospital.

"Well, let me say that there are regions of the United States, as if you live at the moment [in New York], it's really good, that you have crossed something really bad and Whether you have things under control. And you have a governor and mayor of the city who understand what it means to access the guidelines of the gateway, phase 1, phase two, phase three. So , you are well. Other cities are fine. But as country, when you compare us to other countries, I do not think you can say that we do very well. I mean, we are just not. We place 20,000 for weeks and weeks and weeks. And now the last two weeks, we "I returned up to 50,000 new cases a day. And now as yesterday, it was 43,000, but 43 and 50 are twice what your base is. I do not think we should congratulate ourselves on how we faison s good. "


Partisanship she makes things harder?

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"You know, I think you should admit that this is the case. We live, I mean, you must have debtors to the eyes and cover your ears to think that we do not live in a very divisive society now, from A political point of view. I mean, it's just unhappy, but that's what it's. And you know, experience historically, only when you do not unanimity in an approach to Something, you are not as effective in the way you manage is so I think you will have to make the hypothesis that if there was not such a division, which we would have a more coordinated approach. "

As for yourself: cross this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss these Things you should never do during the pandemic coronavirus .

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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