I am an infectious doctor disease and you make this mistake

"A huge failure" are responsible for the recent deadly thrust in cases of coronaviruses.

As the country associated with a "apocalyptic" coronavirus arises in several states across the country, including Texas, California and Florida, and everyone is not surprised. In fact, the majority of infectious disease experts - includingDr. Onyema Ogbuagu, a specialist in infectious diseases of Yale's disease and associate professor at Yale School of Medicine - have seen this main resurgence of CIVID-19 coming from a mile.

"It was so predictable," said Dr. OgbuaguEating this! Not this health. "An old adage goes, a wise man learns of the mistakes of others. We are not yet collectively to show the wisdom that need to overcome this epidemic in the United States and we are supposed to be the example in the world."

So where exactly, did we go so much wrong in our efforts to flatten the highly infectious virus curve?

And what does Dr. Ogbuagu ask you to stop him?

We did not follow successful models demonstrated by other countries

One of the important lessons of the countries that experienced the outbreak of Covid earlier.Progressive public health measures can be effective in stopping propagationFrom the virus, says Dr. Ogbuagu. These include closures at the border to limit cases imported from global hotspots, increasing tests and infrastructure to identify and isolate infected persons, then attenuation by applying and Applying locking measurements and mask port to limit the spread of the community. "The degree of success of each of these is strongly dependent on the desire to do so and adhere to them by decision-makers and the public as relevant," he explains.

"In the United States we hadhuge chessOn all these measures, "he points out." Travel restrictions or prohibitions were initiated late, the tests were not only defective but inadequate especially earlier and that the locks and the port of masks were strongly politicized and this has a limited interest in the promotion of those. No mention adherence to them. "

Our health system has not been prepared

In addition, hospitals and health systems were underfunded, sub-reported and submerged. "Thestatisticalof 84,500 health workers with 469 deaths are only upsetting because they are largely avoidable and constitute a huge negative impact on our health workforce that responds heroically to the epidemic. The national level, "added Ogbuagu adds.

"Unfortunately, but informatively, the United States regions have had difficulty managing public health measures aimed at managing COVID epidemics, disproportionately live a resurgence of COVID cases," he says.

Political leaders played a devastating role

The policy also aggravated our result, according to Dr. Ogbuagu. "The irresponsible behaviors and actions of some of our political leaders in the highest offices have not only modeled but have actively promoted incorrect behavior (antithetic recommendations to CDCs)" continues.

We are still in the first wave of the pandemic - and things get worse

Because of these reasons, while other countries have effectively reduced coronavirus infections, we are still in the first wave ", and transmission is actively continuing with more than 50% of US states that have increased cases of rice with some Breaking recordings (in the worst sense) and the cost is a life! "He points out. "The ultimate result is that the American population represents 4.25% now represents 25% of global infections and deaths." Since Dr. Ogbuagu was talking about weeks ago, these numbers are even higher today.

You have to stop the propagation now

If there is a hope of "returning to normal" or even just a new normal, everyone needs to do their part - andStop making the big mistake of ignoring all protective measures. "We need to strengthen public health measures to end community transmission, including reopening efforts," says Dr. Ogbuagu. "If we can make sure that people do not gather as much in the interior framework, improve the mask between the general population and protect vulnerables, such as strict measures in retirement homes, for example, we can start making gains in the fight against rising in new cases. "As for yourself: no matter where you go, or how do you get there, wear your face mask, from the social distance, wash your hands frequently , watch your health, avoid crowds and cross this pandemic at your healthier, don 't these37 places you are most likely to catch coronavirus.

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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