The former director of CDC says when we go "recover our lives"

"No thing will stop it. This is there for a moment, but we are there together."

In the last 14 days, the United States increased by 18% in cases of coronaviruses and a 30% rise in deaths, with fastest figures in states such as Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi , which join states such as Texas, Arizona and Florida to become overwhelmed by Covid-19. Sunday, former director of CDC Tom Frieden spoke with Chris Wallace onFox News SundayAbout what needs to be done to stop the virus, how long we could see a vaccine and when we have our "return life".


How to slow down the propagation

Female doctor with a patient who is complaining of chest pain during coronavirus epidemic.

"The virus clearly has the top in the United States and what we learn around the world does not disappear unless you are an island and that you are able to keep it entirely .... it is really clear that there is a lot of spreading in bars, probably a lot of spread in interior restaurants and restaurants. So, really we have the choice. Should we close the bars and probably the indoor dining room and give to Our children a chance to learn in person in the fall or not? It's our choice. And in the northeast, fundamentally, we have done that cases of choice have remained weak. And if it stays weak, we will be able to start a form of tuition in person in many communities in the fall. "


On what will finish the pandemic

Doctor show rapid laboratory COVID-19 test for diagnosis new Corona virus infection

"There will not be a solution to this pandemic and we need to level with people. We do not have enough tests. So we have to prioritize them. We do not have enough protective equipment for workers. Health. So we need to reuse safely and use more equipment regularly reusable. And if, and when a vaccine comes, we will have to deal with difficult decisions about who gets it first. What is self-confidence? Security, how fast is available? One of the things that has embarrassed us is that idea that something will stop that. No thing will stop it. It's here for a moment But we are there together. And if we unite. In our efforts against that, while keeping physically separately, we can recover our lives and livelihoods. "

Related: The CDC anticipates that deaths will skyrocket in these 9 states


On all different state directives


"One of the things that matter most is that we are not on the same page. My group examined the 50 states, which is on their website. And most of the essential information is not there. Each person of This country should be able to know very easily. What is the risk in my community and how is my community doing this risk? So, and my family can be safer to do that .... he is really important that we all have the same page. "


On when we have a vaccine

Doctor filling syringe with medication, closeup. Vaccination and immunization

"We must first see if they work and there is a new encouraging that some of them could. Second, we need to make sure they are safe and that we can not reduce any corner on security. And thirdly, we must make sure we can bring them in the arms of people. And that means ensuring that there is trust ... sometimes next year under probability. If we are lucky. "


On whether it is safe to send children to school

Teacher and children with face mask back at school after covid-19 quarantine and lockdown.

"It's really a question of leveling with people straight on what we know and what we do not know. One thing we know is that children are well, less likely to become criticism of Covid About a thousand times more likely than more likely adults. And in addition, the severity of COVID is quite similar to the severity of a seasonal flu - but this is only part of the equation. What about staff? What about teachers? What about people in children's houses, grandparents, and others, but these children could infect? ​​So, One thing that the directive indicates that if the risk in the community is low, you may be able to exploit schools safely. The essential is a community can open schools. The difficult part opens and maintains them open and Only a community that both controls Covid and carefully opens schools for PO Use it. "


On children spreading the virus

"Children seem to be a little less likely to be infected than adults. So there are different evidence about different parts of the world. And children may be less likely to spread the virus to others, but he There is very little evidence on this subject. And some of the science, some of the virus studies suggest that older children, 10, 12 years old and behave much like adults and their ability to spread the disease. We do not know Not with certainty. What we know is that if you have a lot of covid in the community, you will have a lot of Covid at school. "


How to avoid Covid-19

Woman cleaning and polishing the kitchen worktop with a spray detergent, housekeeping and hygiene

To stay healthy no matter where you live, wear your face mask, let yourself test if you think you have COVID-19, avoid crowds (and bars, the holidays of the house), practice social distancing , only manage essential races, wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas and cross this pandemic at your healthiest, do not miss these37 places you are most likely to catch coronavirus.

Categories: Health
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