This index can explain why more men get COVID-19

Genetic indices shed light on the role of players.

Early in the pandemic, it became clear that Covid-19 actually discriminated. Some factors - including sex, socio-economic status, geographical location, age and pre-existing health conditions - can increase the chances of an individual to become infected, suffering from complications of suffering, or even die Highly infectious virus. Sex has been a particularly intriguing aspect of the virus and researchers attempted to determine exactly why men are more subject to a serious infection of coronaviruses than women and why some young men apparently healthy become so sick of the virus.

A preliminary report published this week in the medical newspaperJamaCan offer a glimpse of how the genus plays in the battle against the virus, with indices pointing to genetics.

Defects in the gene make the fight COVID

The search focuses on four Patients Covid-19-19 - two sets of brothers aged 21 to 32 years of families unrelated - in the Netherlands. All were in good health before becoming infected with the virus and were controlled in the intensive care unit between March 23rd and April 29th. One of them died, while the rest of them finally recovered.

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Thanks to a genetic analysis of patients and their families, researchers identified defects in a gene that allows cells to make molecules called interferons, which stirred the immune system to fight against viruses. Researchers explain that this immunodeficiency made it difficult to combat coronavirus infection.

"In this case, a series of 4 young men of 2 families not linked with serious relevance variants of the Loss function of the TLR7 on X-Chromosomal TLR7 have been identified" the authors explain.

Genetic variations can make you susceptible, they claim

Although genetic defects were extremely rare and would probably not represent other serious cases of COVID, researchers believe that their conclusions support a theory that genetic variations make some people more susceptible to the virus.

"While rare mutations of TLR7 are unlikely to be a major serious illness driver in most people infected with SARS-COV-2, the genetic study begins to trigger the molecular foundations of COVID-19," a authors, "Robert M. Plenge, MD, Ph.D., written in an accompanying editorial.

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They also believe that this could explain why men are more likely than women because the imperfect gene has been found in the X chromosome. Researchers explain that men have only one copy of the X chromosome and women have of them. So if a woman actually worn the genetic flaw in one of her x chromosomes, the other could be normal and in turn, keep her healthy.

The researchers hope that these conclusions will lead to "improvement of diagnoses and therapeutics, including a rational reuse of existing anti-inflammatory therapies in early infection or late disease in the late phase," writes plenge.

As for yourself, whatever your sex, wear your face mask, let yourself be tested if you think you have Covid-19, avoid crowds (and bars and evenings of the house), practice distancing socially, only manage essential races, you wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas and cross this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss these37 places you are most likely to catch coronavirus.

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