Why could you be partially immunized against coronavirus right now

Your immune system could have this curious response.

Scientists are theoretical that many people can be "partially immune" in coronavirus, even without having been infected with the disease, theWashington Post Reported Friday.

The starting point of the theory is a statistic that has frustrated by public health officials from the beginning of the pandemic: up to 40% of people infected with coronavirus can be asymptomatic. The fact that so many people can be public in a public dissemination of the disease, while sembling healthy making frustrating frustrating and containing.

But some researchers believe that this could have risen potential: that there are so many people who get the coronavirus and are not sick - and so much for which the disease is light - could mean that their immune systems know about Sort How to mount an answer to the virus and weaken, if not prevent infection.

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"A high rate of asymptomatic infection is a good thing," Monica Gandhi, an infectious specialist of the University of California's disease in San Francisco, told theTo post. "It's a good thing for the individual and a good thing for society."

"Memory" cells can attack and defend

There is no immunity at SARS-COV-2 in itself; The coronavirus novel is indeed a new virus. But in some people, the immune response could be performed by "memory" cells - the portion of the immune system formed to attack invading pathogens - stimulated by pieces and pieces of their previous formation. Childhood vaccines, for example. Or meetings with other coronaviruses like common cold, a new paper publishedin the newspaperScience suggests.

"This could potentially explain why some people seem to face the virus and may be less likely to become seriously ill," said the National Institutes of the Director of Health Francis Collins this week.

The concept of "Herd Immunity" immunity is based on the number of people who test positive for antibodies to a particular pathogen. Coronavirus antibody tests are available. But T cells, also called "assistant" and "hunter" cells of the body - are not part of this test.

But do not stop washing your hands

Dr. Anthony Fauci, first infectious infectious expert and a key member of the Pandemic Response Team of the White House, told theTo post that these ideas are the subject of an investigation, but the theories are premature. "He agreed that at least partial pre-existing immunity in some people seems like a possibility," said the paper.

Fauci pointed out that many reasons are many reasons why people do or do not contract viruses, nor experiment with a light or serious case. These include age, genetics and pre-existing health conditions.

It therefore reiterated its constant advice on how to protect yourself from coronavirus: scientific data of frequent hand washing back, carrying face masks, limiting social gatherings and crowds and avoiding effective preventive measures.And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these37 places you are most likely to catch coronavirus.

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