Dr. Fauci says these states are in danger of COVID-19

Since the beginning of the pandemic coronavirus, the question of most of our spirits is: when will it end? Many infectious experts from the disease believe that, like similar viruses, including measles-Covid-19 will never be completely eradicated. Instead, we need to focus on getting control, minimizing infections, hospitalizations and deaths. How will we know that we actually beaten Covid? DuringSatelliteThe Meeting of Tuesie Tuesday, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the main infectious infectious expert and key member of the Coronavirus Work Team of the White House, gave an explicit answer to the question and mentioned which rate of positivity have indicated the danger. Read it, and to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these37 places you are most likely to catch coronavirus.


On states with high positivity rates

Woman wearing surgical mask going through crosswalk in midtown manhattan.Concept of Coronavirus, COVID-19 and quarantine

During previous interviews, Dr. Faisci has clearly stated that the eradication of the virus is not a probable reality. However, he explained to the panel when the percentage rate of percentage goes "path," which means a victory. How long is enough to start celebrating? "I mean, you look at the city of New York right now. It's less than 1%. That's what everyone wants to be," he said. Unfortunately, many states are far from this target number. "There are regions of the country where 15, 18 years old, 20%" - in Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Mississippi, Nevada and Texas- "It's really high," he said. "You must get this percentage of positivity so that the percentage of your tests you make either really positive, it must be a very low number."


On if the coronavirus vaccine will never be mandated

Nurse checking a vial of medicine.

When a vaccine becomes available, Dr. Faisci does not believe that anyone will be forced to get it. "I do not think you never see a vaccine mandate, especially for the general public," he said. The only exception could be in health. "Sometimes, in the health sector, as in my hospital here at Nih, you will not be allowed to go to the room unless you receive an influenza vaccine," he added. "But you never ask - at least I do not think you would do it. I would rather be surprised if you ordered it to any element of the general public."


On whether the United States always communicate with WHO


President Donald Trump may have denounced the World Health Organization, but the United States did not completely separate their relationship with them. "I am on a-and my CLEC colleagues - are on a weekly sponsored call and implemented by whom in which the health authorities and scientists from all countries of the world are involved with Covid-19, which is about From all countries of the world speaking their experiences, to share information, "he revealed." We have scientific collaborations with our colleagues in Europe, the European Union, Australia, of the Canada of Mexico. We have clinical trial networks in South Africa, Brazil, Chile and Peru. So there is a huge international activity "" continued. "You do not hear a lot in the press, but it really happens a lot of intensity."


On the reasons why school closure is not a unique situation.

Mother puts a safety mask on her son's face.

Despite the fact that epidemics have been reported in schools that have reopened across the country, Dr. FaCi argues that there is no single answer - all the answers to the question of whether schooling should be All virtual. "The bottom line is that we live in a great country and we can not adopt a one-dimensional approach," he said, explaining that if schools open or not to learn in person should depend on the level of infection in the specific region. "We must realize that it must be flexible on where you are and how you are prepared to react, make a statement from one side to each other, the country as a whole will not work . "


How to avoid Covid-19

Rising cases and hospitalizations make these the nation's hot spots.

Until a vaccine is widely available, do everything you can to prevent recovery and propagation-Covid-19: wear a face mask, test yourself if you think of coronaviruses, avoid crowds (and bars and evenings of the house), practice social distancing. , only manage essential races, wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus .

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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