Places you are most likely to catch Covid

"The risk is quite variable depending on whether people hide," says an expert.

The best way to avoid capturing Covid-19 is social distancing, self-insulating isolation and wearing protective equipment when you have to go out, depending on theCDC. However, with more and more reopening companies, more people come out - who have naturally led to a point in cases of COVID. Here are the nine places where people are most likely to catch Covid-19 and stay safe and others safely during this pandemic, no matter where you go, do not miss this essential list of theWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


You could catch Covid with beaches

Group of friends walking along a beach at summertime

The beaches of most states are open for the summer. However, it does not mean that you should appreciate them. Although it may seem easy to social distance in an open area, like a beach, this is not the case. "Beaches can go calm to animation before knowing," says Dr. Kiersten Kennedy, Head of Hospital Medicine at the University of Alabama at the Birmingham Hospital. In addition, many people do not wear their masks while they are in the water, eat and drink. "If you find that you are unable to wear your mask and / or if you are unable to maintain your distance between others, it's time to go," says Dr. KennedySatellite.


You could catch Covid on public transport

woman wears face mask and keeps social distance by standing and using smart phone while transporting at train

Although public transport is an essential service in most states, it is still a high-risk area of ​​exposure. When taking public transport, it is difficult to physically distance. It also requires people to stay together for a long time.


You could catch Covid at the bars

Friends in the Pub

There is a reason that most restaurants still do not open their bars. The bars encourage not only closed seats, but they discuss strongly, and they often have bad ventilation systems. "As a general rule, where people gather in large groups and are not socially distant and carrying out activity, we can not wear mask (as a drink or eating) are the highest risks," says Dr. Thomas Murray, a specialist in infectious diseases in Yale New Hospital Haven.


You could catch covid with hair and nail salons

Woman wearing red face mask getting fresh styling at a hairdresser shop

The hair and nail salons have recently become hot spots for Covid. These companies incite not only people to get closer to each other for a period of time, they also have many touchable surfaces. However, it does not mean you still can not get a manicure or haircut. "I would recommend choosing the collection sites to visit according to the environment of the environment and the type of establishment. I would wear a mask and only frequent institutions that have mask policies"Alexander Benson, a critical care doctor at Centura Health in Colorado who runs the establishment COVID-19 operating team, saidSatellite. "If you have a particular place, you want to go back, ask them about CVC and cleaning policies."


You could catch Covid with churches

Young woman is worshipping at a service in a church

The churches have just started having masses in person; However, they are always hot spots for Covid. In California, Governor Gavin Newsom has recently been called to stop the assemblies of the Church. This was adopted after the Mother's Day service led all the assistants to be exposed after a person who tested positioned has disappeared.


You could catch Covid with gyms and fitness centers

Fitness girl lifting dumbbell in the morning.

Gymnasiums and fitness centers have been opened for a while in some states, but they are risky places for transmission.A studyMade by Alexandro Andrade, Fabio Hech Domini, Marcelo Luiz Pereira, Carla Maria de Liz, and Giorgio Buonanno, says airborne diseases are likely to spread in places that require a lot of occupant breathing. Obviously, the exercise of a gym requires a lot of heavy breathing. Gymnasia also have multiple contamination contact points and have nearby neighborhoods.


You could catch Covid in retirement homes

Family of elderly,senior woman,child girl are talking by maintain distancing,prevent infection of flu,Coronavirus,pandemic of Covid-19,people with prevention mask,maintain social distance for safety

Given that the COVID pandemic has begun, the highest age group is middle-aged citizens and the elderly. In the United States, 11% of COVID cases were all retirement homes and other long-term care facilities. Currently, all retirement home staff members are required to follow advanced hygiene protocols. All retirement homes are closed to external visitors. According to Dr. Boris Lushhniak, the Dean of the University of Maryland Public Health School, these protocols could become permanent. "Physical distancing, mask wear and frequent washing by hand must be part of our culture for a near future," said Dr. LushhniakReader's Digest.


You could catch Covid with buffets / indoor dining room


Most restaurants exclusively make outdoor meals, with some socially remote limited interior meals. But do not trip with your preferred establishment at any time soon. Especially if you want to enjoy a buffet. The buffets force people to stand online and affect all the same surfaces. The Professor of the University of Purdue, Dr. Quinyan Chen cites air conditioning in interior restaurants as another factor. "Restaurants are one of the most dangerous places as they use mixing ventilation, in which air conditioning systems are trying to stir as much as possible as much as possible," says Chen. "Droplets in restaurants would be uniformly distributed."


You could catch Covid going to a sports stadium or a great concert

Woman standing and cheering at a baseball game

A team of doctors of theTexas Medical AssociationClassified almost all activities - to open your mail to a bar at a level of risk. Going in a sports stadium or a large concert has been classified as the risky activities, as well as go to a bar and a worship with more than 500 worshipers.


How to avoid Covid-19

Woman with medical mask to protect her from virus

Although these places are all high-risk zones for Covid, the best way to avoid Covid is to provide protection in public, social distance and avoid crowds. Dr. Murray says that one of these places can become low-risk spots as long as people are taking care. "The risk is quite variable depending on whether people mask," he says. "It's as much behavior as on the location." To this end, to cross this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss these37 places you are most likely to catch coronavirus.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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