50 secret signs that you are sick
This doctor reveals when worrying and why.
As a doctor, I know it's not always obvious that you are sick. Sometimes symptoms and signs can crawl you on you. You are just not sure whether you want to disturb people like me. Remember:You are not a hypochondriac; You lean!If you suffer from something on this list, your doctor will be happy to see you and clear your appointment! It is always the case that an early diagnosis gives the best chance to heal, so if you think something is not correct, listen to your body and see a professional. Do you recognize one of the following scenarios?Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.
You continue to turn the television
... because you can not hear it. Does the deafness of old age age for you? Or could an auditory loss be due to something else? Check with an ENT if you are concerned.
Your toes feel cold all the time
... But when you touch them, they feel the right temperature. This could be a peripheral neuropathy, "results from the damage to nerves outside the brain and spinal cord (peripheral nerves), which often causes a weakness, numbness and pain, usually in your hands and feet" , speakMAYO Clinic. Consult your doctor!
You can not see driving at night
The blindness of the night is very common. The old age causes hardening and yellowing of lentils. This can be aggravated by dry eyes. Have it check. Worse case scenario, it's a rare condition called Retinite pigmentosa - or maybe you simply need a new set of headlights!
You develop a multitude of sleep problems
... and can not fall asleep, you can not stay asleep, sleep strongly, wake up early in the morning, you feel tired and refreshed. Sleep disorders, including snoring and sleep apnea, as well as other sleep disorders are very common. You may need professional help.
You will make a cup of tea and tabac is already in the cup
Memory problems are all too common. Forgetful? Tiredness? Menopause? Or could he be dementia? If you encounter a memory loss that disrupts your daily life, discuss the question with your doctor.
You can not read a text message without reaching your glasses
Are your eye tests up to date? Healthy eyes, healthy body!
You continue nap during the day
Is it because of all these bad nights? She says you're snoring - but that could be an obstructive sleep apnea, in which the airway behind the tongue collapses when you breathe, reducing or even stopping your flow of air for a minute. Sleep apnea has been associated with high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease, according to theNational Sleep Foundation. The researchers think it is because the condition causes repeated oxygen deprivation that emphasizes the blood vessels and the heart.
Your finger and / or your nails go yellow
Fungal nail infections may mean that you have low levels of immunity. Time for a balance sheet.
You can not stop scratching
There is something that does not go with the skin in which you are, and there are one million causes of itching of the skin, called generalized pruritus: allergies, pebbles, eczema, psoriasis and liver disease. Go for verifying it.
The shower is blocked again!
And what blocks it? Your hair again! Hair loss named Alopecia - has many unpleasant causes. See the doctor.
You are a woman and grow a beard
Sporting Sprouy Hair on your chin? Oh dear! Unwanted hair. This can be a sign of too many male hormones. It's quite common to menopause-however, make it check!
You continue to need a big hat
And your shoe size increases. This is rare but may be due to acromegaly - caused by overproduction of growth hormone.
You are in the laxative driveway
Are you reallyconstipated? If it's a rare event, you may have eaten something funny. If this happens frequently, you can not get enough fiber.
You have the shopping
Continue to toilet paper? Someone has diarrhea. If it is a persistent change of intestinal habit, do not be embarrassed. This is particularly urgent if there is blood in your stool. Ask for help!
You are always thirsty
Are you really so thirsty for thirst?ThirstyCan be a sign of diabetes. Go see your doctor for a test.
You constantly need to pee
There may be many reasons for that.Diabetesis a common cause. Urinary infections and prostate problems. Do not let that, go see your doctor.
It kills you to run for a bus
Is it just because you are unsuitable or is there something that does not go with your heart or lungs? Time for a physique.
You wezez in the cold
And you touch the night. This could be asthma. It's very treatable - make an appointment.
You constantly reach the tums
It is this constant indigestion. What causes reflux, gastritis or stomach ulcer? Take too much analgesics - for example,ibuprofen (A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, NSAID) that can irritate the mucosa of your stomach? Do not let this before it's too late, see your doctor.
You take too many types of drugs
The list of drugs on your repeated prescription can be ridiculously long. Ask your doctor a drug review.
You must wear stamps or stamps all the time
It is either frequent bleeding, a vaginal discharge or a urine. All that happens, it's not your new normal - it's time to see the doctor.
You saw newspapers
I'm afraid that the rest of the campsite is that too much aware that keep everyone awake with his express snoring! Fort snoring is a feature of sleep apnea, which is a serious health problem. Snoring is not funny, it's a serious business. This can cause heart failure and death - see the doctor.
When you pee, it looks like a pint of guinness
See the doctor. You could beyellowish-It is a sign of liver disease.
RELATED: What is your urine says about your health
Your skin has a terrible turtle
This could be due to stress, secondary cutaneous infections, even rarely, a sign of HIV infection. See the doctor.
You can not climb the stairs
Could you be anemic? Or is there something that does not go with your heart and lungs? Go see your doctor.
You wake up in the night
It can be because you slipped from your pillows and are too flat in bed. It's calledPAROXYSTIC NIGHT DYSPNOATEAnd it is a sign of heart failure.
You can not see your toes
... or do your Selleaux. If your abdomen swells, this is probably fat - unfortunately, but may be due to fluid in the abdomen, A.K.A. ascites. It's very serious for you to see the doctor.
Your room always seems too hot at night
Get hot flashes or night sweats - the probable menopause for women. Or if you get a fever at night, take your temperature regularly - it could be aPUO, a.k.A a pyrexy of unknown origin (fever that lasts more than three weeks without any idea of reason). See your doctor.
Your pants slides around your hips
Weight loss, if involuntary, always needs an investigation. See the doctor.
You feel sick a lot of time
This can be for several reasons. Check that you are not pregnant. Think about any medicine you are taking. In fact, sometimes it's anxiety, because people feel literally sick of worries. Sometimes he has a more sinister cause.
Your periods stop for three months or more
... and you are not pregnant. It's calledSecondary Amenorrhea. This can happen for many reasons, and this can affect your long-term health and see the doctor.
You bleed after sex
It's calledPost-believing bleeding. It's always something that needs an urgent trip to doctors. There is a good chance that this will have an innocent example - for a cervical ectrophion, which is a spread of cells. However, this can be a cervical cancer sign. Like all serious illnesses, earlier they are diagnosed. Get this flat. Do not be one of the 8 million women who did not have their smear test! It's really not so bad as you think. Cervical smears save lives! Do something incredible for yourself and reserve this test today.
You continue to make nose bleeding
This is often one of these things - however, recurring nose bleeding can make you anemic. Sometimes the bleeding noseepistaxis-Have be very difficult to control. Very rarely, you can die of a bleeding of nose. A very heavy nose bleeding can be a sign that your blood does not bump correctly, or, for example, that you have leukemia.
Your face is abnormally pale
Look in the mirror, put a finger just under your lower eyelid and remove it. If this conjunctival zone isabnormally paleThis can be a sign of anemia. You can also have pale folds in the palms of your hands and a pale tongue. When a anemia you often feel tired all the time. See the doctor.
Your skin is slate gray
This is characteristic of a condition called hemochromatosis in which abnormal levels of iron are fixed in the body. It is a genetically inherited condition. It's very treatable.
Your friends and family appear as you have bad breath
Bad breathMaybe because you have a gum disease, so it is very important to brush your teeth regularly, dental floss and to make balance sheets and see the hygienist. Some medical conditions can be associated with unpleasant breathing such as diabetes, chronic cough, smoking and acid reflux. Do something about it today!
Your feet, ankles, hands or swelling of the face?
This is called edema. This can be a sign of heart failure or other problems such as liver disease. Go get help right away.
Tired all the time?
There is a long list of causes. Stress, anxiety, depression and poor sleep are all on the list. But serious illnesses such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease also provoke extreme fatigue. Go and have a balance sheet.
Is your voice all crossed?
This may be due to nodules on your vocal cords, smoking, thyroid disease or even cancer. Have you been assessed?
Do you look at your moles?
Any modification must be reported. Remember your abcds:
- ASymmetry - Is your asymmetrical taupe asymmetrical?
- BOrder - Does he have an irregular border?
- VSOlor - Is the color uniform?
- DIameter - Is more than 6 mm in diameter?
If one of this happens, go to show your doctor.
You have noticed a bump
... where you usually do not have a mass. It could be just to be a fat fat lipome - but it could also be an enlarged lymph. If it's a change in what you usually have, go see the doctor. It could be a lymphoma.
Do you have panic attacks?
These can be associated with a chest seal and feeling of failure to breathe. These symptoms also occur with angina angina, so it might be serious. Go and get this checked in doctors.
You cursed too easily
This can meanCoagulation problemsand can mean liver disease or bleeding disorders. Do not leave it!
You get a metal taste in your mouth
This can happen to a variety of reasons - for example during pregnancy, or as side effects of certain drugs such as antibiotics or medicines. This can rarely be due to more serious diseases such as cancer.
You start getting painful joints
This can be a seal or multiple joints. Yes, osteoarthritis is the most common cause associated with aging, but other causes include gout, fibromyalygia and rheumatoid arthritis. Drop-sorry to say that this is associated with excess alcohol. See your doc.
You start to see the double
This is called diplopia. Go see your optician. Causes include dry eyes, corneal problems, cataracts, captures and even brain tumors.
You notice skin changes on your chest
... like punking or coupling the skin, even if you can not feel a bump. It is extremely important to see the doctor right away. If you have breast cancer, it is detected previously, better the result of the treatment.
You have a cough for more than 3-4 weeks
... who will not disappear. Other important symptoms are breathlessness and blood in sputum. You must see the doctor right away.
If you get chest pain on the effort that goes when you rest
This could be a coronary disease of the angina artery. This is because your coronary arteries are loaned inside and the blood supply to the heart is sufficient to rest but can not face when you exercise. Do not wait for the doctor. The next step could be a heart attack. Angina is treatable.
Any sweet abdominal pain that lasts more than a week
... or more severe pain from more than 24 to 48 hours - it's time to get help. Arrange to see your doctor. There are many causes, but you have to get the right diagnosis and good treatment.As for yourself: go through this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss theseCovid errors that you should never do.
Dr. Deborah Lee is a medical writerDr. Fox Online Pharmacy.