Dr. Fauci warns of America about this epidemic work holiday

Five simple rules to protect you from coronavirus.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, The high expert in infectious diseases, said the number of coronavirus cases of the nation remained "unacceptable" and urged the Americans to follow some best practices to prevent a sudden climb of the disease after this weekend the work of the work of the nation.

"We are just about 40,000 new cases a day []. It is an unacceptable base, "says Andrea Mitchell of MSNBC on Wednesday. "We have to go down. I would like to see it at 10,000 or less, I hope less. »

This can be an ambitious goal, since the weekend of three-day work is days and that many Americans might be tempted to attend large gatherings, one of the main vectors of disease transmission . "We know by experience before when you enter the holiday weekend, the fourth of July, Memorial Day, there is a tendency of people to be negligent somewhat with regard to the public health measures we continue To be recommended again and again, "said Fuci.

This does not mean you have to sequester inside. "You can have a nice weekend, but you can do two fundamental things we talk all the time," said Fuci. "This kind of simple things can clearly prevent the types of surprising we have seen below the holiday weekend. This is what reccommends withden, and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


Avoid great gatherings

Woman standing and cheering at a baseball game

Fuci said that "gathering in bars, gather in crowd, people come together in a way without wearing party masks"Have been the main driver of the nation's sudden coronavirus climb this summer.

"We will continue to be in a lot of trouble, and he will have a lot of harm if that does not want to stop," he said.


Social practice remotely

Shoppers practicing social distancing lined up outside retail warehouse store in Tucson during the coronavirus pandemic

Fauci has constantly reiterated that it is important toStaying more than six feet other people (who do not live in your household) whenever you are in public.



woman with a surgical mask on her face

Coherentmask Can prevent you from spreading coronavirus if you are infected, and Fuci has already said that the port of a facial mask reduces your chances of coronavirus contracting from 50% to 80%."The message must be" carrying a mask, period, "Fauci this summer.


wash your hands

Woman Washing her hands with soap and water at home bathroom

In April, Fauci advocated "Absolute compulsive wash your hands "to slow the propagation of coronavirus. On the PBSNewshourLater this month he said he was the best absolute way to avoid being Covid-19. Do it carefully and frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.


Socialize outside, not inside

Friends drinking spritz at cocktail bar with face masks

"I would receive as much outside as you can," said Fauci on August 13 "If you look at the super-spreader events that occurred ... They are almost always inside in nursing homes. , packaging meat, prisons, choirs, churches, marriage congregations and other social events where people meet. Nothing 100%, but it is almost invariable that it is inside. So when you are inside, make sure you have a mask. When you are outside, keep the mask ".


Take this weekend

Experts are concerned about the slight rise in the number of coronavirus issues of the nation, which increased by 0.6% last week, even before the colder weather in the fall opens the way inside, where the Americans Recycled air can spread the virus easily.But Fuci pointed out that this weekend, people can take steps to prevent a transition to fall. "We really need to get our arms around that and remove this type of boost that we have seen," he said Mitchell. "We can do it."

As for you, do everything you can to prevent and spread Covid-19 in the first place: mask up, do the test if you think you have coronavirus, crowds to avoid (and bars and parts of the house ), social distancing practice, only doing essential races, wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas, and pass through this pandemic to your healthier, do not miss these37 places, you are more likely to catch coronavirus.

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