50% of covidant patients undergo long-term fatigue, said a study
A new study asserts that the majority of people infected with coronaviruses are excess of exhaustion for several months.

At the beginning of the pandemic, fatigue - a common side effect of many diseases - has been identified as one of the many possible symptoms of COVID-19. However, the continuation of research has found that many people with coronaviruses still live a severe exhaustion long after the disappearance of the virus. In fact, according to the new research set at the ESMID Conference on Coronavirus Disease, more than 50% of covidant patients experience "persistent" fatigue for several months after a negative test, regardless of the severity of their infection. Read on and protect your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.
"Fatigue is a common symptom"
In adeclaration, Dr. Liam Townsend, St James's's Hospital and Trinity Tadinal Medicine Institute, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland and his colleagues reveal that more than half of patients with light and severe covid infections are experiencing long-term depletion.
"Fatigue is a common symptom among those with symptomatic CVIV-19 infection," he said, noting that, while "the presentation characteristics" of the virus are well known at this stage ", the consequences to medium and long-term infection remain unexplored. "
The small study of 128 participants was recruited about 2.5 months after a disease. Although their symptoms have been appeased at this point, more than half have stated that they still lived fatigue.
"In particular, concern has been raised that SARS-COV-2 likely to cause persistent fatigue, even after infected people have been recovered from COVID-19. In our study, we have studied if patients are Remember the SARS-COV-2 infection remained. Fatigueed after their physical recovery and see if there is a relationship between severe fatigue and a variety of clinical parameters. We have also examined the persistence of disease markers beyond From the clinical resolution of infection, "explains Dr. Townsend.
A group worthy of a complementary study
Despite the search for clues to explain prolonged fatigue, they did not find any. However, they note that even if women accounted for just over half of the study patients (54%), two-thirds of persistent fatigue people (67%) were women. They also revealed that those who reported fatigue were more likely to have an anxécedents of anxiety or depression.
Researchers emphasize that it is not that coovidant patients who suffer from serious infections that may undergo long-term damage. "This study stresses the importance of assessing those recovering from COVID-19 for symptoms of serious fatigue, regardless of the severity of the initial disease and can identify a group worthy of a thorough study and an early intervention. , "Wrote the authors of the study. As for yourself: go through this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch coronavirus.

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