The sure signal you have already had COVID-19

And it is particularly debilitating.

People who had COVID-19 report a range of symptoms lasting weeks or months after they do not test more positive for infection, ranging from rashes to neurological problems. But a lasting symptom is particularly debilitating and common: fatigue. Read it and protect your health and health of others, do not miss the complete list ofWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

More than half had fatigue

New searchExit This week found that more than half of the covidant patients in a study reported fatigue, they simply could not tremble, ranging from slight to severe.

"Fatigue is a common symptom in people with a CVIV-19 symptomatic infection, "said Dr. Liam Townsend, an infectious doctor from Hospital's disease and the strug-spiding control of the Trinity of St. James, in Dublin , in Ireland, in a statement. " While the characteristics of the presentation the SARS-COV-2 infection has been well characterized, the medium and long-term consequences of the infection remain unexplored. "

The researchers interviewed 128 people who were diagnosed with COVID-19, an average of two and a half months after their infection (during which he was expected from recovery). But 52% reported persistent fatigue. It was important for how serious their coronavirus struggle, even people with minor infections reported sustainable fatigue.

RELATED:Without signs that you have already had coronavirus

The results "can identify a group worthy of further study and early intervention," researchers said.

The study, which has not been peer-examined, will be presented to the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and the Infectious Disease Conference on Coronavirus Disease (ECCVID) later this month.

Latest evidence of "Long Covid"

It is the last proof that coronavirus is not flu - it has a constellation of symptoms, a wide variety of results, and can affect body systems from the head to the toe. As the pandemic wears, the researchers reported that the effects of the virus can last months in "length lengths", which simply can not return to the reception of how they did before Contract Covid-19.

Many feel a phenomenon similar to chronic fatigue syndrome, saidDr. Anthony Fauci, The top infectious-disease expert from the Nation on August 13th. "We begin to see more and more people who apparently get up from the viral party of this one, then weeks later, they feel weak, they feel tired, they feel dead, they feel short of Breath, "he said." It's very disturbing, because if that's true for many people, so I do not save that may not be correct. You can have weeks when you do not you Feel exactly correct. "

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Other studies had similar findings on fatigue

According toLong-term survey of symptomsAt the School of Medicine of Indiana University, among the first 50 long-term coronavirus symptoms, fatigue is 1,567 of 1,567 respondents.

Scientists do not know why the virus causes fatigue that is so widespread and sustainable. Fatigue can be caused by the dysfunction of a wide variety of systems and body processes, and it is not yet understood how the virus produces the serious effects that can lead to the worst results: inflammation that can prevent the lungs and the heart of Work completely.

As for yourself, do everything you can to prevent you from installing and spread-Covid-19 in the first place:MaskBe tested if you think you have coronavirus, avoid crowds (and bars and evenings of the house), practice social distance, do only run essential races, wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas and to cross this healthiest pandemic, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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