Dr. Fauci says that the war on Covid became "against them"

The top infectious infectious expert worried about the division in America.

The deaths related to Covid-19 exceeded 200,000,000 in this week and, wherein you are asking for this number is true and tragic, or too inflated, and our concerns about the hesitant coronavirus.Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Freets on this Division. He spoke with Cofounder of the COVID monitoring project author of the Atlantic and Atlantic employee, Alexis Madrigal, to the virtualAtlantic FestivalOn the mentality of America "we against them" and what we can do to stop it. Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

Dr. Fauci is worried about misinformation

"It has been detrimental, because what the needs of the general public are a coherent message and that they believe and what happened, unfortunately, and you have to fall asleep not to realize that, which we live in a society Very divisive right now, "he told Madrigal." There is no doubt about it. It's not my opinion. It's just obvious to what we see. It's rather politically charged. "

"What happened," he pursued ", did the public health issues and public health recommendations were taken on an approach" us against them ". Repeat at the point of bringing the People to wear a mask "- What both had discussed earlier" It was like a statement not to wear a mask. People, as you know, is the knowledge of the public now, threatened me like a public health person, literally threatening me and my family because I say we should do the public health things like wearing a mask. Distantaneous physical "-It is like" I do something that is detrimental, they interpreted as the public health measure hurts. "

"No," he says, "the virus hurts us, not the public health measures."

RELATED: Covid errors that you should never do

We can all turn things together

"Public health measures should really be seen as a vehicle or a way to reopen the economy and recover the country and recover a job", pleaded with water. "This should not be considered an obstacle."

He maintained that he did not speak to close the country. "We know what the harmful aspect of this is about many people," he said. "I'm talking about trying to open the economy, but to do so in a measured and careful way. According to the guidelines we have carefully pronounced. If we did it, I'm almost certain, we would not have seen These surges of cases that brought us up to 70,000 per day and now have a wafer of 30 to 4,000 a day. I believe that if we do that, we will see things around. And I know because If you look at this great map of a beautiful country, some areas of the country are done really well. We need to make the models. "

To free you from Covid-19, do as Dr. Faisci advises:mask, avoid crowds, wash your hands and do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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