Dangerous alert has just published on these facial masks

They could do more harm than good in the battle against coronavirus.

Up to 70% of China's imported N95 masks may not meet US efficiency standards, potentially leaving health workers vulnerable to coronavirus infection.

ECRI Non-Profit Patient Safety Organizationissued a danger alert On the masks Tuesday.

"Due to the desired situation, US hospitals bought hundreds of thousands of masks produced in China in the last six months, and we find that many are not safe and effective against the spread of CVIV-19", Declared Marcus Schabacker, President and Chief Executive Officer of ECRI, in a statement.

ECRI researchers tested nearly 200 N95 style masks purchased by major hospitals and health care systems in the United States. They found that 60% to 70% of imported masks that were not certified by the US National Institute for Workplace and Health Safety (NIOSH) had a "significantly lower" filtration performance compared to Certified N95 Niosh. The N95 designation is supposed to mean masks that filter 95% of the air particles. ECRI found that the majority of imported masks did not do it.

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"The use of masks that do not meet US standards put patients and front-line health health care workers. As ECRI's research shows, we strongly recommend that health care providers are moving forward. More due diligence before buying masks that are not made or certified in America, "says Schabacker.

The organization recommended to health care providers to wear masks approved by Niosh, using non-Niosh masks only as a last resort.

So what does it mean for you?

How to choose a face mask

Health officials have consistently informed that people who are not health care providers refrain from buying N95 masks, in order to preserve the limited offer of people on the front lines of the pandemic. Earlier this year, N95 became rare; ECRI study can bring another shortage if health workers move imported masks.

The good news is that you do not need N95Facial masks Considerably reduce your chances of contracting coronavirus or transmitting it to other people.Dr. Anthony FauciThe top infectious-disease expertise of the nation said that wearing a basic facial mask reduces your risk of infection between 50% and 80%.

Depending on the CDC guidelines, the best types of facial masks to buy are those with two or more layers of washable and breathable tissue; or surgical masks. A mask must integrate firmly around your mouth and nose, and perfectly against the sides of your face without deficiencies.

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The types of masks that should be avoided are masks with expiration valves and neck gaiters, which are worn around the neck and are removed to wrap loosely around the nose and mouth studies have found that they found that they found are not effective in blocking the transmission of the virus.

Face shields can be an additional protection option, but only in combination with a facial mask. Last month, Fuci said that because coronavirus enters the body through mucous membranes, it might be helpful to protect your eyes with protective goggles or face shield. But alone, the face shields do not adequately protect the other airborne respiratory droplets, and the CDC does not yet recommend plastic shields for routine use.

How to stay healthy

FaultyRecommend stronglyYou wear a face mask, avoid crowds, practice social distance, wash your hands frequently and cross this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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