Dr. Fauci calls the distrust of the "disturbing" vaccine

The surveys show half of the Americans are not willing to do this to end the pandemic.

Dr. Anthony FauciThe top infectious-disease expert from the nation, finds it "disturbing" that many Americans are reluctant to get a coronavirus vaccine.

Despite the fact that Covid-19 killed more than 230,000 Americans and caused massive upheavals in almost every facet of the closing schools of American life, office buildings, restaurants and recent polls have found that A majority or the majority of Americans are vaccinated against coronavirus as soon as it becomes possible.

Last week, six out of 10 respondents in an Axios / Ipsos survey reported that they would not receive vaccine as soon as it became available. It's 53% in August. In a PEW research survey of September 6th,Only 51% of respondents said they would certainly be vaccinated - a 21-point drop since May. And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

RELATED:All that Mr. Fauci said about Coronavirus

The messaging to blame?

Fauci commented on the Texas Tribune Festival on Tuesday, attributing the lack of public confidence to the "mixed messages that came out of Washington".

President Trump sometimes contradicts the recommendations of health officials, such as the port of masks, which makes them politicized. A certain Trump fear tries to rush into a vaccine, to the detriment of security, to acquire a political advantage before the election of November 3rd.

Fauci said that health officials had to work to "find trust ... that this is done to protect them as individuals and protect our society".

Ideally, they will have to work quickly. Façions and other experts stated that clinical trials could produce a worthy approval vaccine within a few months. "I feel carefully optimistic, as a scientist, that we will have a safe and effective vaccine," said Fauci. "I think it will happen, and that will probably happen at this end of the calendar year."

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Fauci, who advised six presidents and is the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, said previously that potential vaccines are progressing rapidly due to scientific advances and not political concerns.

"We pay special attention to the safety and speed with which we move is more related to technical logical progress in the way you can do a vaccine, even before you start testing it," said Fuci on August 3. "When we talk about speed, it does not mean sacrificing security considerations, and that does not mean sacrificing scientific integrity."

Vaccines on a fast track

Several potential vaccines are currently in clinical trials. Last Friday, Johnson & Johnson stated that the vaccine that is developing has caused a strong immune response in 98% of participants in a trial of 1,000 people. This vaccine will conduct a phase III test of 60,000 people, the results expected by the end of the year or at the beginning of 2021.

Vaccines by at least five other manufacturers are currently in phase III tests, according toa trackerby the Society of Regulatory Affairs professionals.

As for yourself, do everything you can to prevent you from installing - COVID-19 in the first place: Wear yourfacial maskBe tested if you think you have coronavirus, avoid crowds (and bars and evenings of the house), practice social distance, do only run essential races, wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas and to cross this healthiest pandemic, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

Categories: Health
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