The 15 ugliest luminaries of the planet

Decor monstrosities that are clearly not brilliant ideas

You do not need me to tell you that we live in an artificially enlightened world. According toinvestigationThe average house reached 47 different lighting points of 47 points of lighting, and it is likely that you do not notice them hard. But when you do, face that: it's usually because his ridiculous and unusual appearance makes you stop in your tracks and, possibly aloud ", my God who is ugly."

To make sure that no one ever does that at home, we decided to gather all the lights, lamps, chandeliers, chandeliers and other lighting devices that you can actually buy right now. So, click and enjoy your superior taste. (Well, unless you really have one at home in your home right now. If that's the case, throw it away!)

Global luster

ugly lights
Image via Pinterest

There is a design diagram to suit virtually any style, which you liked a classic Victorian house or you are fans of a more modern aesthetic. What practically everyone can get along, however, is that a purple-covered eye chandelier affixed togreen tentacles Do not go with any of them.


ugly lights

There is no denying thatgame culture has become more public over the last decade. (Just look at the recent Blockbuster launch fromRed Dead Redemption 2, who won $ 725 millionin a weekend.) Unfortunately, this change means that there has also been a rise in ugly lights, such as this battery of Gamecube and controller who are more suitable for the Chamber of a child in 2002 than the House of an Adult in 2018 .

Jack Daniels Dragon Lamp

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Image via Amazon

LoveGame Of Thrones? Love drinking Bourbon directly from the bottle? For those who answered "yes" to the two questions, there is this particularly ugly light, featuring a too soaked dragon that will probably need a home cabin.

Rat Taxidermie lamp

ugly lights
Image via Etsy

For some people,Halloween is not a single day of the year, it's a lifestyle. And for those who are so inclined to pursue the frightening side of things all year long, there is a luminaire that will keep your extraordinary home all year round. Combining a nuance of Bordello inspiration, false spiders, a glittering pumpkin, a ceramic skull, and, like the resistance piece, a rat taxidermy, which must be one of the most ugly lights in the world, especially if it is part of your decoration of the year.

Grape chandelier

ugly lights
Image via Casa Victoria Los Angeles

Some chandeliers on top always speak to stay on the right side of the elegant. This assumed group of grapes is not a number among this group. Not only is it a perplexed orange color, it also looks much more like insects trapped in the amber that your group of average grapes. ParaphraseJurassic Park, "Light, Uh, finds a way."

Octopus lamp

ugly lights
Image via my confined space

Thegreat mysteries of deep Can now take the scene in the center of your home, thanks to this puzzled lamp. An octopus of the lantern, sitting on a tree strain, can now burn one of the surfaces of your home, pushing the light on its own ugliness along the way.

Handbag lamp

ugly lights
Image via Etsy

While a classic Chanel Rabat bag lamp would be ugly enough as it is, the designer of this particular lamp took things further and created a handbag no sensitive person would not be captured, let fall to illuminate their room . The combination of feathers, jewelry, pearls, embroidery and a small set of corpropicer wires makes this source of particular light aundeniable fashion do not.

Chandelier bottle of beer

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Image via Amazon

There is no denying thatAmericans love their beer. In fact, according to a recentGallup SurveyIt is the most popular alcoholic drink in the United States. However, no matter how much you love the Ipas and the bearers of this world, making your bottles worn out in ugly lights - or, even worse, paying a nice penny for someone else to do it, do not Never give the elegant sophistication you hope. for. If you go for more than one atmosphere FRAT-HOUSE-SALOON, you will certainly nail it.

Fish lamp

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Image via Etsy

The only thing most laidienne a lamp ceramic fish? A ceramic fish lamp accentuated by gold with two fish kissing inside.

vegetable Luster

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Image via Pinterest

The premium you collect your own vegetable garden can be a beautiful thing. What is less good, however, is sitting under a mixture of cabbage vegetables, each slightly lumpy and misshapen than the last.

Frog Chandelier

ugly lights
Image via live commentations

The vegetation is a common theme among the chandeliers designers - for better or for worse. For a good example of an ugly lights that fall squarely in the "for worse", feast your eyes on this chandelier, adorned with faded leaves and ceramic frogs with bulging eyes that seem to jump on your table at any time .

goose lamp

ugly lights

There is a time and place of taxidermy - namely hunting lodges and a time when people came to the general consensus that shooting animals for sport is not really aEndeavor nice. Unfortunately, the artist behind this horrible light did not seem to get the message before the head of this poor bird and replace it with a desk lamp in his hand.


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Image via Etsy

Regardless of which side of the aisle you find yourself in regard to gun control, it is difficult to discuss the beauty of this city themed lighting device. Maybe worse than design, however, is the parade of omnineuses shadows it casts on your walls.

zombie lamp

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Image via Amazon

If you are looking for the right light source to instill terror in thefamily membersThere is a zombie for. Remote gums, wounds of flesh, the eyes recessed and ideally a small lantern, all combine to make this the king of longaf the ugly light.

Lamp baby's head

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Image via Etsy

It takes a very special type of person to want this doll head illuminated lamp is a permanent fixture at home. Specifically, someone who likes cigars, antique baby dolls, andbe absolutely terrified every time they set foot in their house. And the most terrible styles to avoid, discoverThe worst decoration trend of the house the year you were born.

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