Dr. Fauci says it's how long Trump will be contagious

"After a few days, you could be sick and yet the virus is no longer transferable," he says.

It was only a few days since President Donald Trump revealed that he had tested positive for Covid-19, with a number of people in his immediate infected circle. While probably in the first stages of the virus, it was released and pretty much this weekend (by car with closed windows) and plans to return to the White House earlier than later. A question that many people have is that the president is still able to infect others with the virus and how long will it be infectious? In a new interview with CNNNew day Anchor John Berman, the first expert on the infectious disease of the nation,Dr. Anthony Fauci, Detailed a chronology of the exact duration of someone infected with the virus can broadcast it to others. Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

First of all, wealthy is not in direct care of the President

First of all, Fauci revealed that he had nothing to do directly with Trump's treatment. Fauci told CNNNew day Anchor John Berman. "It's not something I really been erased to talk," he said. "But personally, I did not participate in the direct charge of the President."

However, he confirmed that Trump is in good hands. "My colleagues I know, including Sean Conley, are very good doctors and are very qualified, so I'm really convinced that the US President gets the best care you can get with the team to Walter Reed, "He said.

As for how long Trump will be contagious, the main member of the Coronavirus Working Group of the White House offered a general chronology of infectivity.

"It really varies from one person to another," he started. "What's usually happening is that you are exposed, after a few days, the virus is replicated in your upper respiratory tracts and you can be infectious with other people for a day or two before receiving your symptoms."

Once the symptoms are obvious, "About five days is the median time of exposure to the expression of symptoms," he said, it is possible that in a few days you can no longer infect other people with the virus.

"After a few days, you could be sick and yet, the virus is no longer transferable because we have studied when you try to isolate the virus in the nasopharynx when people are even in the state of the disease or Recovery and you do not have it, "he says. "It's usually due before they are symptomatic a few days later."

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Wait 10 days at least is the general directive

However, he maintains that the expectation of nearly two post-symptom weeks is the safe and responsible thing to do.

"The general guidelines are safe for a person to get out of the time they get symptoms is about 10 days after the start of the symptoms," he says.

At this point, "you generally have no viruses and studies that have been made these people are not at all informative to other people." As for yourself, to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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