Trump all Covid 'cure.' Here is the truth.

"Antibody drugs can be a critical bridge until there is a Covid vaccine," he says.

President Trump receives combinations of medicines for immunotherapy immunotherapy immunotherapy to fight against its CIVID-19 infection. In the meantime, the country suffers from 46,500 new cases an average of a day and it is now clear that clear vaccines will probably not be widely available for several months. So, suppose that the processing of the virus is currently the only option. In this case, many Americans are wondering if they should also receive the treatment of the President if they should be infected with SARS-COV2. Especially because he said in a video posted on Twitter, speaking of an experimental antibody cocktail, still in clinical trials, which is produced by Regeneron: "I call it a healing" that everyone should have Access to "for free". Read it, and to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

Trump's treatment is currently not available for everyone and is personalized for him

First, it is essential to understand the process of treatment of the asset. Other medicines, it gets a combination of Regeneron's monoclonal antibody immunotherapy drugs. The investigative agent, REGN-COV2 combines two antibodies targeting a critical protein of the SARS-COV-2 virus. The early data showed a reduced viral load quickly and lowered the symptoms of COVID-19.

The President also receives remesivir, a medicine which, on March 20, 2020, was made available to people with CVIV-19 without satisfying the registration criteria for the current clinical trial. Later, the Food and Drug Administration also issued the emergency authorization (e.u.a.a.) for that.

Once again, the two treatments that the President rejoices has not been considered by peers or examined traditional security and regulatory measures. In medicine and science, we are moving away from the process of precipitation because it can have disastrous consequences.

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals announced via aPress releaseThat their first analysis showed a reduced viral load and time to mitigate symptoms in non-hospitalized patients with COVID-19. This can be a potentially good treatment option. Nevertheless, only after these studies are published and analyzed will have we understand the magnitude of its benefits.

An interesting part of this drug development is that the Regeneron monoclonal antibody cocktail would not be possible without research on human embryonic stem cells and fetal tissue.

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Drugs are still in the test phase

Antibody medicines can be a critical bridge until there is a Covid vaccine. Nevertheless, the offer is very limited, the cost is high and these drugs are still in the test phase. The best case scenario is to avoid getting sick. And to do that, we must continue to work together to stop the propagation of COVID-19 by encouraging people to wear masks outside and pursue physical distance and avoid inside as much as possible. Covid is a deadly and severe disease and its implications can be devastating. So, to cross this pandemic of your healthier, stay outside more than from the inside when with people you do not get away, wear yourfacial mask, the social distance and do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

Dr. Leo Nissola is a doctor, an immunotherapy scientist and an immunology author. Follow it on Twitter @LEONISSOLAMD

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