If you have this IMC, your Covid death risk increases, says CDC

Even those who are moderately obese are at a higher risk of serious illness.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, health experts have warned that those suffering from severe obesity - a body mass index of more than 40 years - are at an increased risk of severe coronavirus infection and death. Now, the CDC claims that even those who are moderately obese have a greater chance of serious disease.

This week, the CDC has updated their advice, adding that those with BMI between 30 and 40 are "at increased risk of critical disease of the virus that causes Covid-19". They also added that those overweight, defined by IMC between 25 and 30, "could be at an increased risk of serious disease of the virus that causes Covid-19." Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

Minorities are more subject to serious infections

According toCDCMore than 71% of Americans over 20 years old are overweight, obese or obese, while nearly 40% are considered at least slightly obese.

On another page, explains that "obesity is a common, serious and costly chronic disease," adding that this is one of the reasons for which minorities are more subject to serious infections than whites.

"Have obesity puts people at risk of many other serious chronic diseases and increases the risk of COVID-19 serious illness. Everyone has a role to play by turning the tide against obesity and its disproportionate impact on the Groups of racial and ethnic minorities. "

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How to stay safe

The CDC recommends that those entering this category take extra precautions. In addition to following the prevention methods described on their website - which includesmask, Distance social, practicing hands hygiene and avoid cluttered interior spaces - they also suggest to continue treating the pre-existing condition.

"Take your prescription medications for overweight, obesity or severe obesity exactly as prescribed," he suggests. "Follow the recommendations of your health care provider forNutrition and physical activitywhile maintaining social precautions for distancing. Call your health care provider if you worry or if you feel sick. "

Researchers always try to learn how much the virus is more risky for those who suffer from obesity. According to a meta-analysis of data involving 399,000 CIVID-19 patients, published on August 26Obesity ReviewsPeople with obesity who have contracted the virus were 113% more likely to be in the hospital than those of a healthy weight, 74% more likely to be admitted to a UIC and 48% more likely to die. And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

Categories: Health
Tags: Cdc / Coronavirus / News / Obesity
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