I am a doctor and these mistakes could get you Covid

Know the truth about the virus can save a life, and someone else is too.

As a doctor, I know that unfortunately the Pandemic of Covid-19 is far from over. And as we all approached to find a kind of solution, the best medical advice to prevent viral transmission remains the same thing: social distancing, hand washing and facial masks. You do not need to look further than the Super-spreader of the White House on September 26eIdentify COVD errors. At this event, the main leaders were observed hugging and kissing, sitting nearby, and no one wore a mask.Even those who should define an example make COVID errors, with disastrous consequences. The president himself became infected.

Here are Covid's mistakes I beg you not to do. Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


Error Number 1: Do not be reassured by negative Covid test results

Staff testing a driver for coronavirus

We have been led to believe that the White House relied on daily COVID tests so that officials are safe. This implies that if they have tested negative, they were supposed not to be infected. As they felt safe, they thought no other special restriction action was needed. This is the first mistake.

In the early stages of infection, people are the most infectious and can test negative. ThePCR testaims to confirm the presence of the virus in nasopharyngeal secretions. It should be taken at least a week after being infected. If this is taken too early, you can be infected and have a negative test. 2-9% of the tests are false positive tests. Depending on the test used, the false negative rate can be as high as29%.

After being infected,symptomsappear within 3 to 14 days, usually after about 4-5 days. However, people are the most infectious 2-3 days before showing symptoms. It is certainly possible to test negative and transmit the virus.

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Error Number 2: Do not believe anyone who says the mask is ineffective

girl wear medical face mask on sunny city street

I can not believe that there is so much anger about being invited to wear a face mask. There is now a lot of evidence that masks can reduce the spread of COVID infection.

For example:

  • Using masks slowed down the growth rate of infection - A recent American study in the journalHealth affairscompared the growth rate of COVID-19 infection between 8eand 15eMay, in the 15 states more than Washington DC, where the wear of the mask had been made mandatory. The study revealed that after the date of introduction of the mandate, the growth of the COVID infection percentage was triggered. After accepting the mandate, the days 1-5, 6-10, 11-15, 16-20 and after day 21, there was a decrease of 0.9, 1.1, 1.4, 1.7 and 2.0% of the VOC growth rate. The authors calculated that, since the decision on the facial masks had been agreed, more than 200,000 cases of COVID infection have been prevented.
  • Countries where mask wear is mandatory, have lower mortality rates - another recentResearch studycompared the mortality rate of CIVID infection in 194 countries. They discovered a statistically significant lower mortality rate in countries where mask wear was mandatory. The mortality rate increased by 8 per week in these masks use countries, compared to a 54% increase in those that did not.
  • Hide by a positive passenger from Covid-19 on a protected flight by other passengers - In one interestingcase report, a man who presented symptoms and was then positive tested in Covid-19 stole from Wuhan, China to Toronto. It was wearing a mask for all the flight and none of the 25 people with less than 2 m nor in the rows around him, tested positive after 14-day monitoring and testing.

TheCDCand theWHORecommend that everyone should wear a face mask, when mixing with people who are not in your household and that you are in places where social distance is difficult.

Yes80%Of the population wearing face masks that would have a better effect on the reduction of viral transmission than a complete lock!


Error Number 3: Do not think that if you wear a mask, you can forget to wash your hands

washing hands in kitchen

The door mask is one of the important tools to help prevent the propagation of COVID-19. But this can only be effective if you also continue to wash your hands and practicing social distance. There was a concern that when people adopt masks, they may feel safer and stop washing hands so often.

However, the virus is transmitted from hands to the face and mouth. Although the main method of propagation either by inhalation of infected droplets, the objective is to prevent any particles of virus entering your respiratory tract. Handwashing and mask complement each other.

A recent review in theBmjConcludes this does not seem to be the case, however, there has been very little research on this particular problem.

Please: Wear a mask, but also continues to wash your hands.


Error Issue 4: Do not believe those who say who say for fessory the restriction and count on the immunity of the flock

Young friends having barbecue picnic in the nature, playing guitar, playing badminton, enjoying sunny summer day outdoor

You may have heard some people suggesting that we should give up all these restrictions, let the virus pass his toll and count on the immunity of herds. In reality,epidemiologistsDo not believe it's the solution.

The immunity of the herd means that so many people in the population have had infection, most have become immune and that the virus is unable to spread. We do not yet have a Covid vaccine, the only way to reach these levels of immunity would be to let the virus spread unchecked.

Now here is the most important thing: so that the immunity of the flock will occur, 60 to 85% of the population had to be infected. Because the virus has a high mortality rate, millions would die. And even when flock immunity antibody levels have been achieved, the virus would continue to propagate further.

The virus is the risky for those who are vulnerable, and it is impossible for all those who are vulnerable, to be completely isolated from society. Although the highest mortality rate for the elderly, the youngest people also die of COVID. To date, 16,685 people aged 54 and under died in the United States with COVID-related death (CDC) Do not think that if you are young and you read this, it does not concern you, it applies to everyone.

The only way to reduce the dramatic effects of COVID-19 on our population is to follow medical advice - social distancing, hand washing and mask. There is no quick fix. It's hard and tedious work, but it's effective, and we can all do it when we make sense.

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Error Number 5: Do not think someone who says Covid-19 can be cured

Donald trump thumbs up

President Trump said appreciated that he is "covid healed" and is now "immune". In fact, this is misleading.

There is currently no cure against COVID-19. More than 150 drugs are being tried around the world. Only two so far have shown a promise-dexamethasone and remesivir. These two were given to Mr. Trump. These drugs are considered potentially the rescue, but it is not the same thing as being recognized as cure.

  • Dexamethasone - Randomized Covid-19 Therapy Assessment (stimulus trials) is a large randomized and randomized trial involving more than 12,000 CIVID-19 patients designed to assess the effectiveness of different drug treatments. In July, the trial reported the use of dexamethasone, a powerful steroid, reduced death for patients on a third-party fan and reduces deaths for those requiring oxygen from one-fifth oxygen. However, dexamethasone has not reduced deaths in patients infected with COVID but who had no respiratory support prior to the start of the drug.
  • Vedesivir - It is an antiviral medicine, used in the past to treat Ebola. TheNejm recentlyReported a randomized placebo-controlled test of patients with severe covidation infection comparing treatment with remodeivir or placebo. The Coldesivir group had a 5-day shortened recovery period from the placebo group. Mortality was 6.7% in the Coldesivir group and 11.9% of the placebo group. Although the authors calculated an overall reduction of 30% of mortality in the Coldesivir group, this was not statistically significant, which means that these results of the study could have occurred by chance. Although remesivir seems promising, the drug must be fully evaluated by the regulators because it becomes a licensed treatment.

There is no magic cure for Covid-19. If or when a healing is found, I'm sure it will be neat of roofs! But for now, Covid-19 is incurable and your best chance is to avoid becoming infected at all.


Final thoughts of the doctor

with sneezing at city street, woman without protective mask while spreading flu,cold, Covid-19

I heard someone screaming and screaming do not want to wear a mask on the radio the other night. I found it really upsetting and it worries me.

If the port of a mask can prevent another person from becoming infected, is it such a lot to ask? Everyone is stressed at the moment, tired of restrictions, lacks their old lives, suffering in an emotional and financial way.

Is it the combined stress of life with Covid that makes people so aggressive and unpleasant? Where are you mixed messages they get media? Or the myths they believe to be true? Or maybe they do not understand the complexity of the pandemic? Or are they just downright rude, and belligerent?

10% of the population broadcasts 80% of the infection. If these 10% would follow the rules - including wearing a mask - many people could have their jobs here and live a much more normal existence. The 10% that will not conform, such as Mr. Angry screaming on the radio - attempts of all others to get aware of this virus.

It's not a joke and no time for temperament angry seizures either. Nobody likes to be told what to do. But we are all forced to live together in society and get together when times are difficult and do not let the childish behavior get the best of us.

The bearing mask may not prevent you from becoming infected, but it could prevent you from inadvertently infecting you someone else. Do not wear mask is selfish. There are very few people who are reallyexempt. A respiratory doctor commented that if your breathing is so bad, you can not tolerate wear a mask, you should not leave your house at all.

So, the last word: please do not make any mistakes of Covid, I ask you! Stay safe and keep those you love too. And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

Dr. Deborah Lee is a medical writer forDr. Fox Online Pharmacy.

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