13 COVID signs was in your body

These "long-term complications" ruin lives.

As thecoronavirus The number of deaths increases every day, many people who have got the virus still live - but live a diminished life. "It is increasingly recognized that SARS-COV-2 can produce long-term complications after the recovery of the acute effects of infection", writes authors of a new study inMedrxiv. They analyzed the "short and long-term self-illuminated symptoms in a general cohort of the adult population comprising 233 cases of Covid-19 +, 3,652 SARS-COV-2-negative controls and 17,474 persons not tested"; Read it to see if you had the most popular symptoms and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.



Portrait of young woman smelling a fresh and sweet nectarine

"Anosmia, the technical term of the loss of ability of the ability once relatively unknown to its ability to feel is now too common, "reportsStatistical. "It has become a critical diagnostic marker of Covid-19. As we have learned, asymptomatic carriers - people infected with the coronavirus novel that do not show visible symptoms - can always infect others. A revealing sign of Asymptomatic substrates is that they often experience sudden ananimal. "And it can last months and months.



woman, annoyed, frustrated fed up sticking her finger in her throat

It's a loss of taste - and it can possibly be permanent. Ato studyin theFamily Medicine and Primary Care Journal Chronicles a woman who had Covid, had a radiograph of the clear chest, had stable vitals - "however, weeks later," there was little improvement in the symptoms of loss of taste and smell, who were always persistent. "



Mature man with bad headache at home

"About half of the hospitalized patients have neurological events of COVID-19, which include headaches, dizziness, reduced vigilance, difficulty concentration, odor and taste disorders, crises, shots. crisis and muscle pain, "ReportsNorthwest. "It is important for the general public and doctors to be aware of this because a SARS-COV-2 infection may have neurological symptoms initially, before any fever, cough or respiratory problems occur," said the author's author From the examination, Mr. Igor Koralnik, Chief of Northwest Medicine for Neuro-Infectious Diseases and World Neurology and Professor of Neurology at the University of Northwestern School of Medicine.

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Shortness of breath is a feature of Covid-and can last long after pouring the virus. "Doctors respect pulmonics and heart complications, including scars. Patients who become ill-critical with Covid-19 seem more likely to have a persistent angisson, but those with light cases are also at risk" , reports reportsScience. "We also see that people who had an initial symptom of dyspnea are significantly more likely to develop long-term symptoms," say the authors of the new study.


Memory loss

Horizontal portrait of stressful stylish unshaven male regrets something, keeps hand on head, looks down in despair

"In addition to changing behavior and regulating physiological responses duringsicknessThe immune system specialized in the brain also plays a number of other roles. It has recently become clear that neuroimmune cells that sit on connections between brain cells (synapses), whichsupplyand the thorough amounts of inflammatory signals are essential for the formation of normal memory, "reportsDoctor-express. "Unfortunately, it also provides a way in which diseases like Covid-19 can cause both acute sentencesNeurological symptomsand lasting problems in the brain. "



Woman having headache migraine. Stress and depression.

"Patients with COVID-19 are experiencing a range of effects on the brain, ranging from the severity of the confusion to the loss of smell and taste to mortal blows", reports reportsJohns Hopkins. "Younger patients in the 1930s and 40 may have changing neurological problems of life because of cerebral shots."



woman in a couch with headache and a hand on forehead

"Our data show that the first most commonly experienced symptoms are actually headaches (82%) and fatigue (72%) - and this is the case for all age groups", reports theSymptom Covid Symptom. "Only 9% of COVID's positive adults aged 18 to 65 did not have the experience of headaches or fatigue. Of course, headaches and fatigue commonly occur in other conditions, which is why they do not trigger their own test. " These headaches and fatigue can last months - and possibly never disappear.


Heart palpitations

Woman having bad ache and pain heart attack health problem.

"The virus can harm the heart and doctors concern long-term damage. How does the heart heal after Covid-19 could help determine if a patient develops an irregular heartbeat", reports reportsScience.


Chest pain

Portrait Of A Mature Man Having Heart Attack

"In the study of Italian patients, the most common symptoms reported to follow-up were fatigue, shortness of breath, articular pain and thoracic pain, in that order," reportsJama. "None of the patients had a fever or another sign or symptom of acute illness, but about 44% of them had an aggravated life."

RELATED: 7 tips to avoid Covid, let's say to doctors


Pain with deep breaths

in pain touching chest respiratory symptoms fever, coughing, body aches

Covid-19 is a respiratory disease, so naturally, your breathing would be affected. Researchers now discover that lungs can be healed, causing pain when they breathe life.




Neurologicalto study"Overall, 25% of patients had symptoms considered as evidence of CNS malfunction (central nervous system), including vertigo (17%), headache (13%), an altered consciousness ( 7.5%), acute cerebrovascular disease (3%), ataxia (0.5%) and seizures (0.5%). "



Patient complains of heart pain to a cardiologist doctor

Long carriers see heart rate on 100 beats per minute.



Sick woman covered with a blanket lying in bed with high fever and a flu.

Although this is not mentioned in the study, "one of the most insidious long-term effects of COVID-19 is the least understood: serious fatigue. In the last nine months, a growing number of people have reported disabling exhaustion and discomfort after having the virus, "ReportsNature. "Your health care provider will review your health back history and perform a physical examination," saysCEDARS-SINAI. "They can easily notice a fast heartbeat by taking your pulse. But it is important to exclude from other causes for the fast heartbeat. It is also important to learn what type of tachycardia is present. Other types of tachycardia may need different treatment. "If you have experienced one of the symptoms mentioned above, call a health professional and crossing this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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