What does Covid mean?

"Covid-19 is the name of the disease caused by the SARS-COV2 virus".

Covid-19, Coronavirus, Sars-Cov-2 ... What does all this mean that Covid means? You may have heard one of these three names while listening to the news or reading the latest statistics, which can be a little confusing. If you try to understand the difference between these three names, the answer is quite simple: there is none. They all refer to the same virus that kept us in our homes in the last eight months.

What does Covid mean?

"Covid-19 is the name of the disease caused by the SARS-COV2 virus" according toDr. Sophie VERGNAUD, MD, a medical expert from Goodrx. It certifies that Covid-19 is actually an acronym created by theWorld Health Organization (WHO).

The organization simply abbreviated the most common sentence that refers to the virus, "Coronavirus disease in 2019". CO, VI and DI in this sentence have been collected to create COVID, and then added to the end to mean the year.

WHO announced the name of this virus in a press release on February 11, 2019. However, when Covid-19 started for the first time in Wuhan, China, it was initially called "Novel Coronavirus of 2019", which has been abridged at 2019- NCOV.

When the virus clearly indicated that it traveled around the world and stick for a moment, theInternational Committee for Virus TaxonomyRenamed "Acute Respiratory Syndrome of Grave Coronavirus 2." This long-term name was then abbreviated at SARS-COV-2, as the virus is distant compared to the SARS epidemic that occurred in 2002, which is also a coronavirus.

Who gave a virus nickname, so it's easier to say

Who gave the virus his nickname Covid-19 to facilitate the general public and the media to talk about the virus. Now that we are known with the virus over the last seven months, we will hear it calling as Covid-19 or just as "coronavirus".

However, it is sufficient to refer to what "coronaviruses" is not necessarily precise since there are several types of coronaviruses, including SARS. But do not let it stop you. Since Covid-19 is the only coronavirus that stopped the whole world in its tracks, it is prudent to say that anyone who will know which virus you are talking about if you use the term "coronavirus".

But where does this term come from? "Coronaviruses are named after the Corona Latin word, which means" crown "or" halo "because they have" peaks similar to the crown on their surface ", according to theDisease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC).

Whether you call it the coronavirus, Covid-19 or designate it by its scientific name, SARS-COV-2, it does not seem to go anywhere. To keep you and your loved ones away from this virus, follow all federal and local health instructions, wash your hands frequently and continue social distance. So be sure to use precautions and do not visit either.35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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