Signs you have Covid, like Hugh Grant

"It started as a very strange syndrome where I continued to break a terrible sweat," said the actor.

Hugh grant, starFour weddings and a burial,NOTTING HILL,PaddingtonAnd the new HBO seriesFailure, Appeared onThe late show with Stephen ColbertAnd revealed that he had coronavirus (COVID-19) in winter. He shared his list of symptoms with the host. Although the grant has made partly in jokes on the "completely deserted"Shiny-The hotel using the recent London Lockdown-his signs Covid were not entirely rare and they are the ones you should be careful. Read it to see what it has crossed and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


You could go out sweaty

Man with hyperhidrosis sweating very badly under armpit in blue shirt because of hot weather

"It started like a very strange syndrome where I keep breaking a terrible sweat; it was like a poncho of sweat, embarrassing really," said Colbert. TheCDCLists fever and chills, as well as bodily pain as official symptoms of COVID-19; One of these could cause perspiration, as your body fight the virus.


Your eyes can feel "too big"

Closeup of irritated red bloodshot eye

"And then my eyes felt about three sizes too big." Covid-19 can affect your eyes in some ways. First of all, the virus can enter your body through the eyes. And during infections, it can cause blood vessels (enlarged, red, swollen eyelids, excessive watering and increased discharge, "according to theMAYO Clinic. In addition, "coronavirus can cause pink-eye infection (conjunctivitis)", reports theAmerican Academy of Ophthalmology. "If you have pink eyes, do not panic. Just call your ophthalmologist to let them know and follow their instructions for care."


He felt a pressure on his chest

mature man having heart attack at home

Grant also described "feeling as if a huge man was sitting on my chest - Harvey Weinstein or someone." "A person can have light symptoms for about a week, then gets out quickly," warnsHarvard Health. "Let your doctor know if your symptoms get worse quickly over a short period of time. Call the doctor immediately if you or a loved one with Covid-19 experimenting with one of the following emergency symptoms: respiratory difficulty, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, confusion or the inability to awaken the person, or bluish lips or a face. "

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You could lose your sense of smell

Perfume Chanel No. 5

Dealer Suite: "So I walked a street one day, and I thought that" I can not feel the fucking things "and you start panicking because, at that time, people had just started talking about it as A symptom. "Grant said he even felt the trash and trash of" Stranger "to make sure he had really lost his sense of smell. "I could not feel anything ... I finally returned home and I fell home and sprayed the Chanel # 5 from my wife directly in my face. I could not feel a thing but I'm blind . " "Up to 80% of those who test positive for COVID-19 have subjective complaints of odor or loss of taste", reportsVanderbilt University. The scientific name for losing your sense of smell is anosmia. "This percentage increases when these patients are tested using objective methods that measure the smell function. Most patients first notice problems of sense of smell, but because the smell is necessary for Taste the flavor, the symptoms are often connected. "


The grant was under locking and will be for the month

Barbie dolls.

"We are all supposed to be in our home, but I have never seen the streets more struck by people," the grant said. "It is not supposed to be restaurants, no bars, no shops - but each store seems to think it is essential. The florists are open." It is quarantined with his children, including girls who appreciate their barbies. "I realized even after my daughters slept, I still played with the barbies," he joked. "I liked to make them fall in love ... and they have developed a connection. I took pictures of them and I sent them to friends. That's what happens in a very long lock. You are desperate, you know. " Call your doctor if you feel symptoms like subsidies and in addition to using humor to cross the pandemic of your healthier, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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