This governor has just published a state curfew

"We want people to be at home before 10 am," said Dewine. "We do not close, we slow down."

New Mexico states in Massachusetts are increasing restrictions likecase of coronavirusandhospitalizationsOvervoltage across America. The last state to be tightened is Ohio, where Governor Mike Dewine has just ordered a state curfew, which starts at 10 o'clock. Thursday, November 19 and ends on December 10th. "Basically, we want people to be at home within 10 hours," said Dewine. "We do not close, we slow down." If you work late or work early or you need to get the grocery store or walk on the dog or go to the hospital, it's allowed, and you will not be shot by the police -Dewine hopes that "common sense" will prevail. "We believe this will help reduce# COVID-19 [Femininespread, "he tweeted. Read to hear why he felt that this measure was necessary and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

The Ohio curfew comes that more than 3,500 people are hospitalized

The announcement comes as hospitalizations increase. "Ohio Gov. Mike Dewine said on October 13, there were 1,000 people in Ohio hospitals with Covid-19", reports the local CBS station,Local 12. "On November 5, this number doubled. A week later, the number was 3,000. The number of November 11, the number is 3 648. The Ohio Ministry of Health said there is had 7,079 newly reported cases. The total state is up to 312 443. Thirty deaths were reported bearing total to 5,772. "

From Dwine hopes that the curfew can prevent people from socializing. He said you can visit a friend but "Be at home before 10 am." Other restrictions were already put in place to limit the parties. "Despite the prescription of health that limited mass gatherings to 10 people in effect in force in force, we have seen a spread of the virus following banquets, wedding receptions and social gatherings After the funeral, "said Dewine. "We have seen a great tragedy associated with such events. It's not the ceremonies that cause the problem. It's the party after."

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The curfew has been endorsed by the association of restaurants and others

"We believe that the curfew is the best choice to slow down right now," said President and Chief Executive Officer of Ohio Restaurant and the Chief Executive Officer John Barker at the Briefing Tuesday Dewine .

The Ohio Chamber of Commerce andOhio manufacturers' association also approvedcurfew.

"Elimination of our economy again, or even close certain businesses, is certainly not the solution" Ohio Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Andrew E. Doehrel and Ohio Manufacturers, President Eric Burkland, said in a statement.

"A temporary curfew can be the least disturbing option to our recovery economy that can be taken right now to give our health care providers needed to breathing respiration."

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How to stay safe during the pandemic

As for yourself, do everything you can to prevent you from installing - Covid-19 in the first place until there is an available vaccine: wear yourfacial maskTested if you think you have coronavirus, avoid crowds (and bars and parties of the house), practice social distance, only manage essential races, wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas, Stay outside the interior. "We have seen what's going on when you do not do that through the very unfortunate experiences that have become very public now in the United States. I mean, it's a positive proof, "says Fauci. And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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