If you are old, you are at greater risk of std, study

Sexually transmitted infections do not only occur in younger populations.

According toCDCAlmost half of the 20 million sexually transmitted diseases (STDS) annually are reported by persons aged 15 to 24. However, older Americans are a good portion of the remaining 50% - and according to a new study, people over age 45 are at a greater risk than ever capturing sexually transmitted infections. Read to hear why and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

Many people have never been tested for sexually transmitted infection

The investigation, called theGAPSexual Health Initiative, interviewed 800 adults across England, Belgium and the Netherlands, of which 200 identified as disadvantaged in a socio-economic way. Nearly 80% of people in the population group in general were aged 45 to 65, while 58% of those of the disadvantaged socio-economic group were 45 to 54 years.

The researchers found that more than half of each category respondents had never been tested for sexually transmitted infection. In addition, up to 68% said they use "never" protection, with more than 20% explaining that because of their age, there was no risk of pregnancy.

"The more than 45s at most risks are generally those that come into new relationships after a period of monogamy, often post-menopause, when pregnancy is no longer a consideration, but gives little thought to STIS," has explained Dr. Ian Tyndall in a statement.

"Given the improvement of life expectancy, sexual health care must improve its intervention for the elderly and vulnerable groups to provide a service more used, knowledgeable, compassionate and effective."

The study concluded that"The more than 45s are at a higher risk of contracting STIs than ever before because of the reluctance of the company to talk about seniors and seniors of average age."

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Be tested for STIS

Although the study was conducted in Europe, Dr.Darren Mareiniss, MD, FaceceThe Emergency Medicine Physician at the Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia explains that the results are probably relativable in the United States. However, it emphasizes that it is not uncommon to see a higher TSI rate in disadvantaged social / disadvantaged demography, which can tilt the conclusions. "This is a confusion factor that STI is a risk in this population," he explains.

"STDs disproportionately affect disadvantaged people and people in social networks where high-risk sexual behavior is common and access to health care or health research behavior is compromised," confirms the CDC. As for yourself, lift up for sexually transmissible disease and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch coronavirus.

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