50 best foods ever for men

Keep your health and body in great shape as you get older with these foods rich in antioxidants.

Whether you are 25 or 45 years old, eating a dense nutrient diet is essential to stay healthy, lean and strong. For men, it means you make sure you eat three well balanced meals every day, including breakfast.

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), men who jump a morning meal have a27% higher risk to have a heart attack or die of heart disease that men who do not do it. So listen, guys! Here we reveal 50 foods that all men should incorporate into their diet, as well as delicious means (and easy!) To add them to each meal.

The best foods for your penis

happy couple laughing in bed

Despite its reputation to be capricious, the penis does not ask much: support, protection and healthy diet. The food you eat is crucial for sexual health, the force of erection to the motility of sperm. Research indicates that some specific nutrients - vitamins common to less known plant extracts - have demonstrated positive effects on very specific aspects of penis performance. Here is the most powerful of the lot.


Brazil nut


Often ignored in favor of almonds or peanuts, Brazil nuts are packed with magic for your manhood. Selenium is a mineral trace found in Brazil's nuts that play an important role in hormonal health. You only need a little bit for healthy sperm, but a small deficiency can be catastrophic for reproductive health. In a study, men who had a drop in testosterone and were infertile also had a significant lower selenium level than the fertile group.

Complete with the improved mineral chances of successful 56% design. And onesecond study This included 690 infertile men with low levels of minerals, selenium supplementation found could significantly improve the motility of spermatozoa associated with testosterone deficiency. In addition, 11% of men successfully impregnated their partners during the trial! Bonus: Brazil's walnuts are one ofHealthy fats to make you lose weight!



bubbling coffee pot next to mug

Recent University of Texas The results suggest that men who drink two to three java cups one day-or 85 to 170 milligrams of caffeine from other drinks - are 42% less likely to have erectile dysfunction than those who consume less stimulant . And those who throw four to seven cups were 39% less likely to have the disease.

The trend is faithful among overweight, obese and hypertensive men, but not for those with diabetes, a condition that often causes the issue. So, how is the coffee consumption going to keep things going on? Scientists say that the stimulant triggers a series of reactions in the body that finally increase the blood flow to the penis. For more benefits from Java, see our Exclusive ReportEffects of coffee on the body!



spinach in wood bowls

"Spinach are rich in magnesium, a mineral that decreases the inflammation of the blood vessels, the increase in blood circulation", explains Cassie Bjork, RD, LD, ofHealthy life. And when it comes to a man, the blood flow is everything. "The increase in blood flow causes blood to the extremities which, like Viagra, can increase the excitement and make sex more pleasant," says the psychotherapist and the expert sexTammy Nelson, PhD. Spinach are also rich in folate, which increases the blood flow to the nether regions, helping to protect your guy against age-related sexual problems. Speaking of it, do not miss theseBest supplements for your penis.



watermelon slices on white plate

The watermelon is one of the richest natural sources of L-citrulline, an amino acid that can help make your erection more difficult. Once it is in the body, it converts to L-arginine, stimulating the production of nitric oxide, which increases the blood flow to the penis, reinforcing the erections.



pesto in white bowl

Thanks to the pines that provide its base, this sauce is rich in zinc. Men with higher levels in their system have been demonstrated to have higher sex readers than those with lower levels. Pine nuts are also a good source of magnesium, which stimulates testosterone and helps keep the sperm healthy and viable, according to theInternational Journal of Endocrinology. We like to mixPesto With zoodles, fresh basil, chopped tomatoes and grilled chicken-super delish!



pomegranate on wood table

A study published in theInternational Research Journal on Impotence Discovered as the pomegranate juice, rich in antioxidants that support blood flow, can help improve erectile dysfunction. Although this study has been funded by POM wonderful, animal studies have also shown that the elixir improves the erectile response in the long run, so it's worth it to be cut - literally. Knock a shot or sprinkle your juice on your juice a bit: a cup of wonderful pump pie 31 grams of sugar.



bowl of cherries

Nature candies can be a cherry bomb for your sex life. Cherries are rich in anthocyanas, plant chemicals of the artery that prevent them from opening their activities. Not only does it help you stay healthy, it also has a direct effect on blood flow under the belt. Then make them a steady snack: a cup of clocks in less than 100 calories and has the B vitamins, flavonoids against cancer and three grams of satisfaction fibers. Looking for more healthy belly healthy meals? Discover these delicioushigh fiber foods!




The potatoes - whether they are white or sweet variety - are an excellent source of potassium. This nutrient increases the traffic, which keeps the blood flows where it has to go and stimulate the pleasure of your room. It also neutralizes blooming with salt, so youlook better bare, too much.



carrots on wood table

Do you want to become dad? Pick up some bags of baby carrots. A study published inFertility and sterility This analyzed the effect of various fruits and vegetables on the quality of the sperm discovered that the carrots had the best results all around the number of spermatozoa and motility, which is the ability of your sperm to swim to an egg. Men who eat the most carrots have seen an improved sperm performance of 6.5 to 8%. Harvard researchers attribute the magnitude of carotenoids, powerful antioxidant compounds in carrots that help the body to make vitamin A.



maca on wood table

Ancient Incans consumed this energizing Peruvian plant before battles and before sex, saysChris Kilham, an ethnobotanist at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. Maca increases sexual appetite, endurance, endurance and fertility.A study Realized on the Clinical Depression and Research Program of Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston noted that Maca has helped people with antidepressant sexual dysfunction to find their libidos.

Foods for your heart

man in suit holding chest

Get this: more than one in four adult men, or more than 25%, will die of cardiovascular disease, according to theCDC. And one out of four deaths result from heart disease. These are seriously frightening statistics! Associated with a sensitive diet and a constant routine exercise, the following foods can help expand high blood pressure, stroke, high cholesterol and heart disease.


Wild salmon

raw wild salmon

That you simply try to stay healthy or try to improve your heart health because you are already suffering from cardiac disease,Omega 3can help, say the experts of theNational Institute of Health. How? 'Or' What? Healthy fat helps reduce triglycerides (greases that can accumulate in your blood and cause a heart attack) and also reduce the risk of irregular heartbeat. Recovering the benefits, choose wild breeding and check theseHealthy salmon recipes.



flax seeds pouring out of wooden spoon

A healthy cardiac fat diet, such as those found in linen seeds, raises good levels of HDL cholesterol. Plus the seed, which can be added to anysmoothiesCereals also contains a huge dose of fiber protecting from the heart. Use earth seeds to maximize your omega-3 intake.

13 And14

Beans and legumes

beans in heart shaped dish

Unlike sources of protein animals, beans and legumes are free of unhealthy grease. Which could be the same reasona study I found that people who have eaten legumes at least four times a week had a lower risk of heart disease by 22% compared to those who consumed them less than once a week. (If they ate more beans, it probably meant that they ate less meat.)

Equally encouraging results have been published in theCanadian Medical Association Journal. A scientific examination of 26 clinical trials discovered that eating a cup of everyday triennial beans could reduce the levels of "bad" cholesterol in the five percent blood. Add beans to your salads,soupsAnd Guac (another healthy heart food!) To harvest the benefits. We are also fans of hummus black beans roots. This is a great veggie stick diper and sandwich.



raw walnuts on wood table

The name of the genre for nuts comes from the Roman phrase Jupiter Glans, or "Jupiter's Acorn", which shows you how much the Romans have dug that the nuts believed. And still today, the fleshy walnut is very considered for its nutritional genirality. As one of the best food sources of anti-inflammatoryOMEGA-3 fatty acids, the nuts proved to be particularly good for the heart.

A study showed that a daily two ounce snack was sufficient to significantly improve blood flow to and from the heart. And a secondJournal of the American Cardiology CollegeThe study of more than 76,000 women revealed that eating a one-oz walnut once once or more a week was associated with a 19% 19% cardiovascular disease. It sounds like a great reason for Chowler, if you ask ourselves.

It is important to note that high temperatures can destroy the volatile oils of Walnuts, while the prolonged exposure to the air can bring the nuts to become rancies. Buy Crus Walnuts and store them in a hermetic container in the refrigerator for a healthy heart snack that loves you.



avocado on wood board with a knife

Good news, guacamole lovers! Thanks to its high mononaturated fat content (a nutrient that struggles with high cholesterol), your obsession with lawyers can simply keep your Ticker in the health of the tip. Check theseLawyer Recipes for Weight Loss for culinary inspiration.



oatmeal in a white bowl with berries

The oats are rich in a type of soluble fiber called Beta-Glucan and the anti-inflammatory compound avenuehramide - that help combat health problems related to obesity, including heart disease and diabetes. A 10-year study in theAmerican Journal of Public Health I found that eating a portion of oats (a cooked cup) two to four times a week resulted in a 16% reduction in the risk of type 2 diabetes.

A bowl of five to six days a week showed an even greater reduction in the risk of 39%. And onesecond study He showed that three servings of whole grain per day, including oats, was as effective as drugs in reducing blood pressure and reducing the risk of cardiac disease of 15% in just 12 weeks. Whips one of these tastyNight oats Recipes to harvest the benefits!



raw mushrooms on wood table

Mushrooms are not only mushrooms, it is a good source of potassium, a nutrient that can help reduce blood pressure and compensate for the negative effects of excess sodium. Another reason to add veggie to your shopping list:Researchers at the University of Florida has shown increased immunity in people who have eaten four ounces of mushrooms cooked every day for four weeks.


Olive oil

olive oil in a white bowl on a teal wood table

The first World Olympians around 776 AV. J.-C. rewarded olive oil jugs for their athletic exploits. And today's health experts are considering regular consumption of "liquid gold" as valuable. Regular consumption of virgin olive oil-ahealthy fatCharacteristic of the Mediterranean diet - is associated with low cancer implications, heart disease and other obesity problems as well as a lower risk of stroke.

A recent study in the newspaperPlos a Has shown that obese firefighters that adhered to a mediterranean style diet rich in olive oil showed a risk of 35% metabolic syndrome, as well as a lower weight gain risk of 43%. Another reason we love olive oil: studies show phenols in virgin olive oil can effectively "deactivate" the genes associated with inflammation observed in metabolic syndrome.



plain yogurt in a glass jar

Ato study With more than 2,000 adults revealed that those who only consume two percent of their total yogurt calories have a lower incidence of hypertension than those that less often eat creamy stuff. And some yogurts also wear a beautiful dose of potassium, a proven blood pressure reducer. Stonyfield's eight ounces of biological and creamy yogurt, for example, contains up to 14% of the consumption recommended by the day, more than you will receive a small banana. To get the benefits and toning your body, start your day with one of theseBest yogurts for weight loss.

Foods to fight diabetes


Although everyone does not realize it, diabetes is a risk factor for various heart disease (including a heart attack and stroke), as well as other conditions such as Alzheimer's disease, Damage to kidneys and nerve lesions. If you want to avoid spending hours in a doctor's office waiting room, make food inferior to the pillars of your diet.


Brown rice

uncooked brown rice pouring out of white metal cannister

On aInternal medicine archives Report, Choosing the brown rice on white can help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, probably because the fiber helps away from blood sugar spikes and hunger surges.



watercress on wood table

A study published in the newspaperDiabetic treatments Discovered that those who ate more green and leafy vegetables in addition to the fruits were less likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Although the study only followed women, there is also a good chance that men can benefit . In addition, nothing wrong has ever come to eat more vegetables! Why do we suggest cresson above all other green? It has many more nutrients than other green and has also been demonstrated to fight cancer.

Results of an eight weeks trial published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical NutritionSuggest daily supplementation of 85 grams of raw watercress (ie about two cups) could reduce 17% damage to cancer-related DNA. The heat exposure can inactivate CEITC, it is preferable to enjoy raw cress in salads, cold juices and sandwiches.


Whole milk nourished with grass

milk in a glass cup next to a metal jug

To 2005Internal medicine archives study revealed that men who have consumed more dairy products, especially those poor in fat, had a reduced risk ofType 2 diabetes. Other research suggests that dairy products can help eliminate insulin resistance, which leads to type 2. diabetes when shopping, select Dairy Products Enriched with Vitamin D and Calcium, as research show that Low levels of vitamin D can be related to the results of poor health.

In fact, people who eat a lot of large fat dairy products have actually the lowest incidence of diabetes, according to a study of 26,930 people in 2015 in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Those who ate a lot of low fat dairy products, on the other hand, had the highest incidence. The researchers hoped that, if calcium, protein, vitamin D and other nutrients of the yogurt are good for us, we need the grease that accompanies them to get their protective effects.



raw broccoli

BroccoliIs filled with sulforaphane, a compound that deactivates inflammation, improves blood glucose control and protects blood vessels from cardiovascular damage that is often a consequence of diabetes. Add it to omelets, hot and pasta.




Get this:Studies suggest that those with high levels of vitamin C in their systems may also have the lowest incidence of diabetes. But before reaching this orange to stay healthy, consider this: Guava provides 600% of the vitamin C of the day in one cup! A small round orange, on the other hand, measures only 85%. Although the tropical fruits packs 4 grams of protein per cup, it is preferable to make a pair of Goyava with an additional source of protein-like nuts or a low fat cheese stick - to ensure that rates of Sugar in the blood stays keel. For more super-passages that can improve your health and help you reduce, discover theseSuperfoods of weight loss!

Foods that keep cancer at the bay

young doctor showing older patient results

We all know that the family's history and the environment play a role in every person's risk of cancer, however, there are also a number of risk factors in our control. Limit alcohol, avoid cigarettes, exercise regularly and eat healthy diet can all help. Paired with a healthy lifestyle, consider food located under an extra shield against the Grand C.




Men who eat more than 10 portions of tomatoes each week have a 18% risk of prostate cancer, according to aCancer epidemiology, biomarkers and prevention to study. It is thanks to the high levels of fruit lycopene, an antioxidant that struggle toxins that can cause damage to DNA and cells. An additional bonus: it has been shown that tomatoes improve the morphology of sperm (form). Men with the highest admission of tomatoes contributed to between 8 and 10% "normal" sperm of more than 8 and 10%.


"Atlantic" or "Boston" mackerel

mackerel on a plate

You probably knew that omega-3s and vitamin D in the mackerel, herring and wild salmon were good for your heart, but did you know they could also help keep the big "c?" A 12-year Harvard study of nearly 48,000 men found that those who consume these types of fatty fish more than three times a week are 40% less likely to develop advanced prostate cancer than those who consume the trick twice a month. The authors of the study credited the high content of omega-3 and the vitamin D of the fish for their protective properties.

Reduce your consumption of processed meats such as cold cuts, bacon and sausages, all of which have been linked to an increased risk of cancer and add more fatty fish to your diet throughout the week to ensure a regular supply of Protective nutrients. If you are in order of the Japanese restaurant, the Saba roll (it's done with Mackerel), and if you are at an American restaurant, look for herring or wildSalmon dishes on the menu.



fresh strawberries in a bowl

Berries, such as cranberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries, contain powerful tumor blocking compounds (such as phenolic acids, glycosides and anthocyanes) and antioxidants (such as ellagic acid). Can slow down cancer cell reproduction and stop free radicals from damaged cells. Consuming the fruit is particularly effective in organizing the cancers of the colon, prostate and esophagus, studies have been found. Add fresh or frozen bays to your fruit salad, pancakes orsmoothies Recover the benefits.


White tea

White tea lemon

According to a 2015food chemistry Study, antioxidants found in white tea help not only protect healthy cells against potentially carcinogenic oxidative damage, but they can inhibit the reproduction of existing colon cancer cells.


Citrus zest

citrus zest

Orange love, lemons and grapefruit? Great! Continue to eat - do not throw peels. Why? They contain a powerful compound that stimulates the production of the body of detoxifying enzymes. In fact, consumption of zest consuming regularly can help reduce the risk of skin cancer of the 30% squamous cells and shrink existing tumors, sayResearchers from Arizona University.



leafy greens in glass bowl

Chemicals and rich nutrients in the fight against diseases that block the larynx, mouth, lung, chest, skin and cancer cells of the stomach, spinach, kales, greens of mustard, of the Swiss Chard and Roman lettuce are all superb greens to add your diet. Although each of these vegetables deserves a place on your plate, spinach should definitely be your snack if you have to choose one, especially if you are a red meat fan.

Why? The GREEN GO-TO BRE-TO POPEYE contains compounds that can block the organic carcinogenic phip compound, abundant in cooked red meat, say to researchers from the State University of Oregon. To harvest the benefits, skip spinach, mustard greens or a Swiss bardet with olive oil, onions and garlic for a quick and easy cover dish.


Soft red peppers

giant red peppers

Lycopene, a phytonutrient that gives fruits and vegetables their red shade has been demonstrated to reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer. To harvest the benefits, add vegetables such as tomatoes and sweet peppers to your diet to your diet several times a week. The lycopene of cooked food with a little fat is better absorbed in the body than raw food consumed without fat. Tomatoes cooked with olive oil, for example, release more lycopene into the body than raw tomatoes.




Looking for another excuse to sneak a little more cabbage rice in your diet? The white veggie is filled with a compound calledIndole-3-carbinol, which has been demonstrated to repair your DNA and your cancer of contraction. For delicious ways to add more or these to your diet, check theseCabbage recipes.



fresh ginger on wood table

This popular root vegetable (usually found in smoothies and Asian style dishes) is packed with ginger, a powerful cancer suppression composed.Scientific minds Let's say it is particularly effective for organizing colon cancer.


Low blood glucose carbohydrates


For men with colon cancer, low blood glucose carbohydrates can simply be a life saving - literally. In a seven-year study study published inThe Journal of the National Cancer InstitutePatients who have consumed the most carbohydrate with high glycemic loads had a chance of 80% to die or have a recurrence of illness than those who have consumed the least amounts.

Dr. Jeffrey A. Meyerhardt, the main author of the study, suggests avoiding objects like juices and sodas, which have a greycemic load superior to that of things likewater and fresh vegetable juice. Exchange fruit as a date or raisins, which have very high glycemic loads, for things like Apple, Orange or Cantaloupe. "Brown rice replaces for whole and white grains instead of white bread, and instead of having a foax potato as a lateral dish, alternative beans and vegetables," he adds.

The best food for your best corporal goals

Man workout doing pushups

Trying to lose weight? Do you want to pack on a leaner muscle mass? We have what you need. Not only will the food below help you cut, they will also help obesity-related diseases such as metabolic syndrome and diabetes, too!

RELATED: 150 recipe ideas that bring you skinny for life.



close up on peeled brown shell hard boiled egg

Only one egg contains about 15% of riboflavin of the day. It is only one of eight B vitamins, which help all the body convert food to fuel, which is used to produce energy. Another reason why we love this protein? They have been demonstrated to help fat loss.

Inan eight week studyPeople have eaten a breakfast of eggs or bagels, which contained the same amount of calories. The egg group has lost 65% of more body weight, 16% more body fat, has experienced a 61% larger reduction in BMI and saw a reduction of 34% more reduction in circumference. size! For even more healthy egg health benefits, check theseAdvantages of eggs.


Fourte-fed oxen

raw grass fed beef

If you go to the source ofproteinIs the beef, be sure to pick up the grass variety. Why? The beef nourished with the grass in the Holy Trifecta of muscle building: it is the source of food n ° 1 of creatine, which increases muscle mass by accelerating the protein to the muscles; It is rich in CLA, an anti-inflammatory fatty acid; And it provides more than half of the recommended daily consumption of proteins in a four ounce portion. An additional bonus: it is naturally leaner and has fewer calories than conventional meat: a conventional strip steak of seven oz lean has 386 calories and 16 grams of fat. But a seven ounce grass strip steak has only 234 calories and five grams of fat.



quinoa on wood plate

A particularly exhaustive workout can feel like a round in boxing ring against a heavyweight champion, but quinoa is your ropes. Count on this complete protein to help you rebound more quickly and to come back stronger thanks to its complex slow combustion carbohydrates, its notable protein content and rich levels of lysine, an amino acid that facilitates tissue repair and muscles. In addition, Quinoa is a rich source of minerals, including magnesium, which helps to relax the blood vessels and improve blood circulation to your muscles. All this adds to a significantly more defined, stronger value. To keep your taste buds interested, use the grain like a salad tank, mix with oats, add it to an omelette.


Chocolate milk

chocolate milk

Drinking a combination of carbohydrates and protein After a difficult workout can help restore your energy and help with lean muscle, metabolism-booming, but it turns out that you do not need fantasy recovery drink for Report these benefits. After participating in a vigorous cycling session, cyclists who drankChocolate milk have been able to travel 51% longer in a subsequent workout than those who have drunk a standard recovery drink, an article inApplied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism find. In addition, chocolate milk is cheaper (and tastier) than everything you will find in a sports nutrition store.



bowl of raw almonds

Think of each almond like a natural weight loss pill. A study of overweight and obese adults found that combined with limited calorie feeds, consuming a little more than a quarter of nuts can reduce the weight more efficiently than a snack comprising complex carbohydrates and a safflower oil - After only two weeks! (And after 24 weeks, those who ate nuts have experienced a reduction of 62% weight and BMI bigger!)

For optimal results, take your daily service before hitting the gym. A printed study inThe Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition Find out that almonds, rich in amino acid L-arginine, can actually help you burn more fat and carbohydrates during the workouts. For even more ways to burn these additional calories, check theseWays to strengthen your metabolism!



sliced grapefruit

As a marathoner extending before the great race, eating half a grapefruit before a meal can improve the performance of your body's fat. A study published in the newspaperMetabolism I found that this "warm-up" tactic can help gainting your midst of an inch just six weeks!

Scientists attribute the powerful effects to phytochemicals of greases of grapefruits. The fruit can negatively interact with some medications, so you get the green light of your MD, plan to have half of a grapefruit before your morning meal and add some segments of your boot salads to harvest the advantages. For even more ways to eat yourself skinny, check theseHealthy breakfast ideas.



sliced pork

A long-standing enemy of doctors and Dianangen, pork comes from a healthier alternative at the end of the end of the waist. Your best bet is the pork net: a study from the University of Wisconsin revealed that a three ounce of pork net has a little less greasy than a skinless chicken breast.

It has 24 grams of protein per serving and 83 milligrams of choline at the waist (in the last case, about the same thing as an average egg). In a study published in the newspaperNutrientsScientists have asked 144 overweight people to eat a diet rich in lean pork fresh. After three months, the group saw a significant reduction in size, IMC and size.big belly, without reduction of muscle mass! They speculate that the amino acid profile of the pork protein can contribute to greater grease combustion.



millet in bowl

Millet can be the main ingredient in Birdseed, but this less known health food should not be limited to Mr. Bluebird on your shoulder. Although technically a seed, the millet must be treated as a grain. It helps to improve blood flow to your muscles thanks to its rich magnesium content, allowing them to develop and take a more jacked air.

Better yet, this seed has the power to strengthen your body and give your long-lasting fuel muscles because it is a large source of vegetable protein and complex carbohydrates. More info about it? Great! We suggest you use it as you would in Quinoa salads, sides andBreakfast bowls.


Chia seeds

chia seeds in bowl

They can be tiny, but the seeds of chia benefits for massive health and a lot of muscle power chopping. Their greater strength as a better body is ally of the double blow they provide omega-3s, fatty acids and fibers. Omega-3 health work to reduce inflammation and help strengthen and develop your muscles through the process of protein synthesis, while fiber supply will provide you with stable, long fire. In fact, only two soup seed spoons contain 11 grams of intestinal filling fibers. Add things to oats, smoothies and salad sauces to harvest fruits.


cottage cheese

cottage cheese in white bowl

The powers of reinforcement of the cottage cheese muscles come from two different components: the casein (the dairy protein with slow digestion) and living cultures. When you eat casein, your amino acidic blood levels increase slowly and remain high longer than if you've eaten whey. Living cultures help you break down and absorb all the nutrients you need to get more and more stronger. Eat the plain of things, mix with some chopped nuts and berries, or mix with eggs and chopped vegetables for a frittata packed with extra protein. For even more foods that will feed your muscles, see theseFood strengthening muscles.

Foods that boost your immunity

happy man with friends having dinner at restaurant

Even if you wash your hands regularly and Purell like crazy, you have to protect your body from the inside out. The superaliments below have been shown to stimulate the body of the defense against colds and flu and more serious conditions, too.



kefir milk dairy

If you areLactose intolerance of dairy products lover, kefir can be your new BFF. The tangy, aigre-tasting drink is made from fermented cow's milk is 99% without lactose. It is also a main source ofprobiotics, A type of healthy bacteria that benefits the health of heart, digestion and immunity.


Chile Peppers

bowl of red chili peppers

Not only can Chile peppersStimulate metabolism and adding the flavor to your calories of preferred foods, they are also rich in a fight against infection called beta-carotene. Bonus: aAssociation of Urologists of Canada Report found that peppers have anti-prostate-cancer properties. Add a tablespoon of pepper flakes or half-pepper or diet every day to harvest profits.


Sweet potatoes

sliced sweet potatoes

For a humble root plant, orange tubers that are powerful! Not only can eat them regularly counter the effects of second-hand smoke, they have also been shown to prevent diabetes. There is more:Sweet potatoes Contain glutathione, an antioxidant that can enhance the health of the immune system and protection against Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson, heart attack, stroke and liver disease.



kale in a bowl

"kale is packed with vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, a substance found in plants that are believed to be beneficial for the prevention of various diseases ", explainsLisa Hayim, Rd. "Phytonutrients promote optimal cell function and communication, ensuring that enzymatic reactions occur when they are supposed in the body, and establishes the basis for a solid immune system to combat disease. »




If you feel that your immune system has been down lately, picking up a pint of blueberries.Oregon State University Recently took a look at more than 400 compounds for their ability to stimulate the immune system of, and the study revealed the compound, pterostilbene, in blueberries is an outstanding contest. Goodbye Pepto Bismol, Hello Pterostilbene! Tooked from simple blueberries? Add them to the oatmeal of yourSmoothies weight of loss.

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