I am a doctor and here's how to avoid Covid right now

We are in the middle of a fall of coronavirus - with more deaths upcoming. Are you properly protected?

As a doctor - and a human being, I was devastated to see that on November 19, the United States reportedOne million COVID-19 casesin the previous seven days. It was the largest number of cases in a week because the pandemic started. At the same time, 80,000 Americans are currently at the hospital with the virus, hospital services are submerged, the mortality rate remains high and250,000US citizens died of the virus. Now, after Thanksgiving and as we approach Christmas, the authorities are concerned about an increase in business and even increased up.

It seems to me that if you did not have Covid now, you make you go! You probably know a lot of people who are currently infected or who have had them. What can you do to beat overvoltage? How can you be the one who never receives Covid? Are there tips or tricks? Read and discover and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


Wear a mask - please!

Female Wearing Face Mask and Social Distancing

Thirty-seven US stateshave now made the mandatory mask. Can you guess why? Because they work.

I have to ask the question, why is on earth so difficult for some people to accept a mask? If you wear a mask and do not prevent one COVID-19 case, it surely makes it useful? Remember that wearing a mask is more likely to prevent you from passing the virus to others than to prevent you from infecting you.

If 80% of US masks wore, the number of COVID infections would cry. This is the conclusion of a new computer study using aMAKSIM SIMULATOR-A intelligently designed computer program that allows you to enter specific details on the virus, viral transmission and masks, and can provide the probability of viral transmission.

If you want evidence that wearing masks prevents infections, examine Japan, for example, where masking has long been an accepted part of everyday life. Despite the life that normally accomplishes during the pandemic, with restaurants, bars and open clubs, and people continue to travel by using public transport, the virus mortality rate in Japan is less than 2% of this. United States.

A recentBrazilian studyInterviewed 1,578 adults and found that those who refuse to follow infection control tips, including the port of mask, are more likely to show personality disorders, such as lack of empathy, manifestation and deception. Does this look like you? There is no excuse for the vast majority of the population - please wear a mask and thank you.


Avoid great gatherings - no weddings, funerals, parties, Christmas events or interior sports events, theaters or cinemas

Family talking over dinner.

You may think that if you go to a big gathering, you will keep you to yourself and be careful and everything will be fine. CornGreat gatheringsincrease the risk of transmission of covidation.

So why is it? What are the facts?

If 10 people are infected, and each then attends a wedding of 100 people, it's potentially 1,000 people who could now be infected.

However, if these infected people attended smaller gatherings, say a wedding of only 10 people, it means that only 100 people could be infected.

For the nation, there will be fewer COVID infections if large gatherings are prohibited.

For you, as an individual, attend a big gathering is high risk because they are cluttered, you can not keep safely six meters from other people, if it is inside, it can There are low ventilation and aerial filtration, some people can not wear masks, the more you need to share installations, including toilets.

For now, you must understand that participation in extensive gatherings is high-risk. Most people who have the virus have no symptoms and are not aware that they still have it, but are infectious and can easily transmit it. Different countries have different rules, but in the United Kingdom, for example, 15 people are allowed to attend a marriage. You must know the risks and make the decision for yourself, but to stay away from the great gatherings.

RELATED:The symptoms of COVID usually appear in this order, study


Always prepare and plan in advance

A man browsing the CDC website to learn key facts about the Coronavirus Disease 2019

The days of entering a coat and out of the front door are sadly finished. Now you have to make a positive decision whenever you leave your own home.

First of all, did you prepare your home? Take a look at theCDC control listFor the steps you can take to be prepared at home and stay safe. If you plan to go out or travel, you can find a list of COVID restrictions in each state.here.

Always wear your mask wherever you can not stay safely at six feet from others and continue to wash your hands regularly. If you decide to go out - perhaps at the supermarket, at the gym or restaurant, watch them online online first and make sure it's Covid-Safe.

The vaccine is on its way - if you are patient now, you can resume these normal activities in a few months.


Learn to say no if the risk is too high

woman having video call and pointing finger to laptop computer at home

Maybe you, like me, you are found in an uncomfortable place with friends right now. You may have planned an event that you now feel that you can not go forward or feeling that it is not wise or safe. However, you do not want to cause annoyance.

Things are extraordinary right now, so when these things happen, take a breath and let you wash yourself. We are all in different situations and every person must do what suits them. It's not worth losing friendships about it.


Do not believe myths

media technology and modern lifestyle concept: young woman with smartphone reading fake news at the park

There were so many myths on Covid-19. Last night on the radio, a woman phoned who does not believe in the virus at all. She thinks all the hype is just because of "toxins in your body". I was surprised.

Just to be crystalline - the virus is alive and very real. You can see the COVID-19 virus through an electronic microscope with its characteristic advanced proteins. How can someone refute solid scientific evidence? Antigens and Covid-19 antibodies have been identified. To interview the existence of the virus - after 64 million cases around the world and nearly 1.5 million deaths - is an insult to the global scientific fraternity and those who have lost their lives.

ReadDisconnection Covid-19 mythsof the World Health Organization.

Instead of wasting time to beat around the bush, accept the facts. It is a serious and dangerous virus, at least three times more likely to kill yourself like the flu, and much more likely if you have risk factors, such as men, be older, be overweight, to have diabetes , arterial hypertension or etc. come from a baby background (black, asian and minority).

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Chemist Adjusts Samples in a Petri Dish with Pincers and then Examines Them Under Microscope

Medical tests and scientific experiments have reported a lot of factual information on the CVIV-19 virus. We now know a lot about how it is transmitted and what treatments are effective. Scientists have achieved what we thought of being unachievable and developed three CVIV-19 vaccines, in record time. Science is fantastic and we are indebted to these brilliant scientists who have done such outstanding work.

However, scientific evidence should then be interpreted and used to create policies. This is where you and I enter. Once the experts examined the data and interpreted, they can make reasonable guidelines and regulations to help protect. It is for you and me to respect the data and the process of decision making and to comply. Surely, we should work with scientists and politicians, and not rally against them

I liked this quote: "Believing in what can only be forged not testify - is the religion", to quoteMedpage today.

Ask yourself if you were President, how would you handle this pandemic? Where will you find answers? How would you advise the nation to ensure that all your citizens are kept safe? There is only one answer - you would follow science.


Staying busy at home

Diy woman painting, renewing chair at home.

Life as we knew it, is gone. Now every day is the same and we sit in these four walls, wondering what the future will bring.

Think about when you worked frantically and wanted to go home, crawl into bed and stay there! Now you have the ability to do that! So make the most of being at home.

There is so much to do at home that never made:

  • Déclutout, DIY and decorating, cooking, stay fit and housework.
  • Free time? Now we have lots of time to read bucket; Maybe fiction or poetry or non-fiction if it takes your fancy. Maybe learn a new skill or take an online course.
  • Get out in the garden growing vegetables, or you do not have a garden, create boxes window or an interior garden.
  • Listen to music, learn to relax, to get enough sleep.
  • Catching up with old friends. Be nice volunteer. Being nice is a real thing to do.


Stay healthy, look at your body and your immune system

Happy woman eating healthy salad sitting on the table with green fresh ingredients indoors

One of my friends followed the Michael MouselyMeal Plan quick scheme 800since August and lost 56 pounds! He stuck rigidly supply cycle and every day on a bike indoor exercise. He knew he was overweight, over 50, and men as such in a high risk category if he had Covid. Now he will have significantly reduced its risk of serious infection.

It is up to each of us to look at our risk factors for severe infection and do what we can to change them. You hold your own destiny in your hand.

  • Eat healthy. Try to eat less red meat and more chicken, fish and pulses. Eat more fruits and vegetables - they are full of antioxidants that support your immune system. Get more fiber in your diet. Plan your meals. Drink more water. Reduce salt in your diet.
  • Drink less alcohol. Alcohol sales have been booming in the pandemic. Try to reduce your alcohol consumption. Limit yourself to only one or two drinks per day. Stay you 14 units per week and have a few alcohol-free days between each day you drink
  • Get more exercise. Make sure you get 5 x 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week. This may be bursts of 3 x 10 minutes per day. This means that exercises such as brisk walking that makes you slightly out of breath or sweaty. You can do this at home, taking phone calls while walking around the house or up and down the stairs several times, for example.
  • Losing weight. By eating healthily and exercising more, you will lose weight. Aim to lose 5 to 10% of your body weight. For example, if you weigh 100 kg for goal to lose 5 kg (11 pounds). If you can lose 1 pound per week, it will take 11 weeks. Losing weight and keeping it is one of the best things you can do for your health.
  • Manage chronic diseases better. If you have diabetes, for example, when did you receive a report? What is the quality of your blood sugars? Is it time that you ask for help? Diabetes is a risk factor Covid severe and you have to manage it the best possible. There is help out there. Do not be too long.


Take measures-prevention is better than cure

woman holding a vitamin pill

Fortify your body as follows:

To takeA certain vitamin D - Since the beginning of the pandemic, low levels of vitamin D have been noted in combination with a serious COVID infection. A recently published study (27eOctober 2020) reported that 82.2% of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 infection had vitamin D deficiency (defined as 2HD serum levels <20 ng / ml (50 nmol / l). The study also found that the Men have lower levels of vitamin D than women, and low levels of vitamin D were associated with elevated inflammatory markers - such as raised ferritin and dimers D.

The authors recommended that high-risk people should have vitamin D supplementation - this would include seniors and people with risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes and obesity.

The vitamin D deficiency is more common in the winter months when the days are shorter. Vitamin D plays a vital role in the immune response. TheBritish GovernmentCurrently recommends that everyone should take 10 mcg (400iU) vitamin D, although this dose has been recently challenged and that higher-risk people may be needed 10 times this amount at 10,000 per day.


Get your influenza shot

Our batting average ranked from last month but that's the reality

Even if you have never had a shot of the influenza before, it's the year to have one. Why should this be? Because:

  • The flu is also a dangerous virus, we now enter the flu season and the last thing you want to do is find yourself infected with Covid and the flu at the same time.
  • By having the influenza vaccine, you stimulate your immune system and keep your immune system alert and ready for action.
  • Have a flu help helps avoid an influenza pandemic
  • If you do not have enough people have an influenza shot, medical services will be submerged.
  • The shot of the flu is safe, efficient and takes 12 = 14 days to be effective. Do not delay - ask yourself today. To discover everything about the influenza vaccine, click onhere.

RELATED: 7 side effects to wear a face mask


Get the Covid vaccine

Female doctor holding COVID-19 vaccine vial and taking liquid solution out with syringe; prevention and immunization from corona virus infection.

As I write it, no COVID vaccine has yet been approved in the United States. However, the MHRA has approved the Pfizer's anti-mRNA vaccine for use in the United Kingdom.

I would like to say that as a doctor and have lived through this pandemic like everyone else and saw the devastation that it has caused, I will first be in the queue to have it, with my husband who has the Cancer.

I read that only21%Americans plan to be vaccinated - it's a very sad new. The most common reason for not having it, is a concern about side effects. I can say with absolute certainty that if you have a Covid infection, it will be much more risky than having vaccination.

Side effectsReported from the use of Covid vaccine in clinical trials are light and serious side effects are very rare.


Final thoughts of the doctor

Doctor holding digital tablet at meeting room

One thing in life is certain: what goes up, must go down! We will cross this pandemic, but how amazing it will be to see an overvoltage, instead of the unstoppable increase - is it quite.

The virus can not jump and infect others by itself. It needs humans to provide the transmission vector. As a species, we just have to be smarter than the virus. Take note at all points in this article and stay safe. If you have not been infected so far, you have to do something good! But be informed, stay up to date and follow science and protect your life and the lives of others, and do not visit any of these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

Dr. Deborah Lee is a writer forDr. Fox Online Pharmacy.

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