10 civid warning signs ruin your brain

A new study shows that neurological symptoms are common.

Now we know thatCOVID-19 [Feminine Is it not just a simple respiratory disease - it affects a wide range of body systems. In particular, doctors learn more and more on its potentially devastating effect on the brain: in ato study Realized at the University of the Northwest, one-third of hospitalized cavidant patients showed signs of modified mental function, including confusion and delirium. These patients remained at the hospital three times longer and only 32% of them were able to resume normal daily activities after being discharged. Experts believe that this can be triggered by the trend of virus to cause inflammation and harm the bloodstream. These are some of the scary neurological symptoms associated with COVID. Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


Brain fog

Woman stressed out in an office

Many Covid patients report that they feel confused sometimes or unable to focus or focus. This "brain fog" can last weeks or months. In August, astudy published intheLancetfound that 55% of people diagnosed with coronaviruses have neurological symptoms three months after their diagnosis.



Covid frequently causes vertigo, vertigo and fainting. Some Covid patients report that they feel stunned when they got up after sitting or lying down. This is called orthostatic tachycardia, which is caused by a sharp increase in heart rate when you stand. It is very common: thirty percent of patients in the Northwest study reported vertigo.

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Cerebral accident

CT scan of the brain of a patient with intracranial hemorrhage

In a particularly scary development, doctors have been mystified by the fact that, before, healthy young people without risk factors have undergone COVID features, some fatal. This seems to be linked to the tendency of coronavirus to cause blood clots in the brain (leading to a stroke), heart (causing a heart attack) and lungs (which creates lung embolism).



man hold his had and suffering from headache, pain, migraine

As they recover, some coovidian patients reported this obscure condition, in which the communication system between the brain and the nerves goes Haywire. Symptoms include respiration and digestion problems, insomnia, migraines, numbness in hands and feet, race heart rate and shortcoming periods inducing anxiety. Scientists do not know what causes it.


Memory loss

Memory Disorder

"My memory is really bad, "recently has a 28-year-old Covid patienttold in the middle, affirming his symptoms to a bad concussion. "For a moment, I could not think about really basic words or definitions. I went weeks without talking to anyone because it was too much work." This can be caused by damaged blood vessels from the virus in the brain.

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Mental health problems

Winter depressed sad girl lonely by home window looking at cold weather upset unhappy

Facing a largely unknown disease, potentially fatal, like Covid-19, can take serious consequences for mental health, causing an anxiety, depression, even a post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which may need to need Treatment long after the physical symptoms of COVID solved.



Woman has a Migraine and headache after wake up in the morning.

The CDC has recently added "new confusion or incapacity to create" to their list of serious coronavirus symptoms that require emergency medical attention. This may indicate that coronavirus has caused inflammation in the brain.



Man hands on his head felling headache dizzy sense of spinning dizziness,a problem with the inner ear, brain, or sensory nerve pathway

In August, NBC News reported that doctors consider a surprising symptom among young Covid-19 patients: delirium, characterized by a reduced confusion and awareness of the environment. Forty percent of hospitalized patients can experiment with it.

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Loss of smell and taste

female cook standing at the hob in her apron tasting her food in the saucepan with a grimace as she finds it distasteful and unpalatable

In a study published in theAMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL, sixty-four percent of people with coronaviruses reported a loss of smell or taste. A recentCDCThe investigation found that this tends to last an average of eight days. But some people feel it for weeks. As so many facets of Covid-19, health experts did not know why this happens.


How to stay healthy

Retired couple walking in a park under quarantine during coronavirus outbreak

As for yourself, do everything you can to prevent you from installing and spread-Covid-19 in the first place: Wear your face mask Be tested if you think you have coronavirus, avoid crowds (and bars and evenings of the house), practice social distance, do only run essential races, wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas and to cross this healthiest pandemic, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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