Dr. Fauci says it's the worst place where you could be

"With family, be with friends, important gatherings - it's a very risky situation," said Dr. Fauci.

We are traditionally called "the most wonderful period of the year", but it is difficult to feel in this way, with more than 3,000 daily deaths daily by coronavirus. "We have a big problem"Dr. Anthony Fauci, the main infectious disease of the nation and the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said this week. "It can not be business as usual this Christmas because we are already in a very difficult situation and we will aggravate, if we do not do something about it." During a conversation withCalifornia State University Chancellor Timothy White, Fauci warned what dangers to avoid. Read to hear his warning and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.

Dr. Faisci called to travel to be with the family "a risky situation"

Since the discussion focused on colleges, focusing on California, Dr. Faisci was asked what students could keep in mind, but Dr. Faisci appealed to all Americans with his reply. "So let me just take a broad comment based on the population or two to the holiday season, then I will come back to what you're asking for students," he said. "We, when I say we, I told myself and the CDC - a kind of advocacy with the country just before Thanksgiving,As comprehensible because it is to want to travel, to be with a family, to be with friends, have great gatherings - it is a very risky situation, especially the degree of community spread throughout the country. And especially now, as I speak to you in the state of California, as as much as you want to do these beautiful traditional things, that we all did all our lives, the time to reduce a little, not to eliminate, but for you Ensure paying attention only to the necessary travel, keep dinner gatherings at a modest size, not 20 to 25 people in a big dinner inside, "he said.

Dr. Fauci wanted to get this message before Christmas in particular. "And the reason is that if we do not do it, it is very likely that we are going to have what I call a" pushing on an overvoltage ", we are already in a push of case. We do not want to emphasize more the system, particularly in the state of California, which is just at this point of exceeding the sending in certain regions of the state, with regard to the beds, to be intensive beds of care or a trained personnel . "

Dr. Faisci is the other worst places you might be

  • Do not go out in bars. "Bars: really not good, really not good. The congregation in a bar, inside, is a bad news. We must really stop this," says Fauci.
  • Avoid interior restaurants-But to ask the Congress to bail them. "If you turn off these institutions, you will decrease the transmissibility of the infection, but you can not do it in a vacuum cleaner. You must help those people out," says Fauci.
  • Do not surround yourself of tons of people. "Avoid crowds," said Fauci.
  • Do not hit the gym. The CDC "just released with a figure that really says," said Dr. Faisci to Chris Hayes of MSNBC earlier this year. "This shows the chances of risk of different types of situations ... come to you of the figure, it's restaurants, bars and gymnasiums."

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How to survive this pandemic

As for yourself, follow his fundamental principles and help put an end to this thrust, no matter where you live-wear a facial mask, the social distance, avoid the big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not fit (especially in the bars), practice good hand hygiene and protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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