Signs you have Covid now, according to Cleveland's clinic

"A fever is ... a sign of the natural struggle of your body against infection," says the clinic.

During pandemic coronavirus, a few key voices emerged to provide guidance on how to avoid the disease and treat it if you view warning signs:Dr. Anthony Fauci; The CDC; WHO; and theCleveland Clinic are among the most widely known. The Clinic of Cleveland, a non-profit academic medical center, provides "clinical and hospital care and is a leader in research, education and health information" and has been at the forefront of care COVID. "The CDC says you may have coronavirus if you have these symptoms or combination of symptoms," they say - read it to see their list of symptoms and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


You could have fever or chills

Young man suffering from cold at his home

This is one of the most common warning signs you have welcomedCOVID-19 [Feminine-But some patients never have one and they do not necessarily mean you have coronavirus. However, if you have fever, suppose you have COVID-19 and take precautions. "A fever is a higher body temperature than normal. It's a sign of your body's natural struggle against infection," says Cleveland Clinic.

  • "For adults, a fever is when your temperature is greater than 100.4 ° F.
  • For children, a fever is when their temperature is greater than 100.4 ° F (duplex); 99.5 ° F (orally measured); or 99 ° F (measured under the arm). "


You could have cough

Young woman feeling sick and sneezing in a tissue at home.

"These days, the moment you develop a little cough or starts feeling slightly sick, your brain could immediately go to Covid-19", explains the clinic. This is not necessarily a bad thing. If you have a dry cough - one freeze, this can report coronavirus.


You may have a shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

Young man having asthma attack at home

"When you feel you can not have enough air in your lungs, it's called shortness of breath. Doctors call this frightening feeling dyspnea. This can be a sign of many different health problems. You could the Describe as having a tight feeling in your chest or not being able to breathe deeply, "the clinic reports." Shortness of breath is often a symptom of heart and pulmonary problems. But this can also be a sign of other conditions likeasthma,allergiesWhereanxiety."Or Covid.

RELATED: 7 tips to avoid Covid, let's say to doctors


You could have fatigue

Tired woman lying in bed can't sleep late at night with insomnia

Feeling worn is normal during any virus. And it can come with a COVID. Then maybe a deeper fatigue. "Everyone feels tired from time to time. Fatigue feels severely extended, "says Cleveland's clinic. "Fatigue makes it difficult to get up in the morning, go to work, do your usual activities and do all day. You might have an overwhelming desire to sleep, and you may not feel you can not refresh after rested or sleeping. "


You could have muscle or bodily pain

woman suffer back pain cramp

You may remember to have heard that Ellen Degeneres had an "atrocious" back pain while having Covid-19. "Any feeling of pain results from nerve pulses sent from the body to the brain, indicating that something causes injury or discomfort in the affected area", reports the Cléveland clinic. "Muscle pain and discomfort, known as myalgia in medical terms, is not an illness in itself. It is an indication of" potentially coronavirus, or "injury, muscle disorder or symptom of a wide range of Possible disorders ".


You could have headaches

woman in a couch with headache and a hand on forehead

"Headaches can be one of the first symptoms of coronavirus disease (COVID) -19 and identification of patients with characteristics can help provide insulation and early treatment, depending on the results of the published study. in headaches, "writesAMIT AKIROV, MD, inNeurology counselor.

RELATED:The symptoms of COVID usually appear in this order, study


You could have a new loss of taste or smell

Woman using chili pepper as a funny mustache

Dr. Fauci, leader of the nation an infectious disease of the nation, calls it a "telttal" sign of Covid, because, although it can happen for many reasons, there is a good chance that you have Covid if it is product during the pandemic. "The abnormal sense of smell can refer to a feeling of diminished or absent smell, odorous odors that are not really present or the inability to identify odors," says Cleveland clinic. "These can significantly affect the quality of life in a patient, causing an anxiety and a drop in the pleasure of food. Taste and smell changes can sometimes be dangerous for patients, such as when you do not Can not feel smoke or other warning odors. "


You could have sore throat and congestion or flowing nose

Sick woman blowing nose on her sofa.

Although these symptoms can be normally attributed to flu or cold, if you experience them this year - especially in tandem with one of the other symptoms mentioned in this article - considers them as a warning sign that you could have coronavirus.


You could have nausea or vomiting or diarrhea

Middle aged woman suffering from abdominal pain while sitting on bed at home

"Although the initial data revealed the prevalence of" -gastinal- "-gastinal-" 2% to 10% symptoms in patients with CVIV-19, subsequent studies reported higher rates, "said a report in theCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine. "In a multicenter study of 204 CIVID-19 patients in China, 50.5% reported IM symptoms at the hospital presentation."

RELATED: The new symptom of Covid to every woman must know


Additional symptoms are possible

Patients lying on hospital bed with mask, looking at lung x-ray film during doctor reading result and advice a treatment

"Symptoms may appear between two and 14 days after exposure to the virus. Children have similar symptoms, but generally the symptoms that adults. The elderly and persons who have serious underlying medical conditions such as the Heart disease or pulmonary or diabetes are higher than serious complications of COVID-19, "explains the clinic.


These symptoms require emergency attention

Man With Heart Attack

Said Clinic Cleveland: "Call 911 and receive immediate medical attention if you have these warning signs:

  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Persistent pain or pressure in your chest.
  • New confusion.
  • Inability to spark (rise from sleep).
  • Blueish or face lips.

This list does not include all possible symptoms. Contact your health care provider if you fear that you can have coronavirus, have other symptoms or have serious symptoms. "


When you should be tested for coronavirus

Side close view of female doctor specialist with face mask holding buccal cotton swab and test tube ready to collect DNA from the cells on the inside of a woman patient

The clinic advises: "Call your health care provider if you:

  • Feel sick with fever, coughing or having difficulty breathing.
  • Have been in close contact with a person known or suspected of having COVID-19.

Your health care provider will ask you questions about your symptoms. Your health care provider will tell you if you need to be tested for the new coronavirus, Covid-19 and where to be tested. "

And follow the foundations of public health and help put an end to this thrust, no matter where you live: facial mask, the social distance, avoid the big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not fit (especially in the bars), practice good hand hygiene and protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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