Signs you have COVID but I do not know, according to doctors
Be aware of these symptoms and being tested if you have them, advise doctors.

Ascoronavirus caseascend Through America, you can worry about having it. It is essential to know that many of us may never feel symptoms: "It is now clear that about 40% -45% of [COVID-19] infections are asymptomatic," saysDr. Anthony Fauci, the best expert in infectious disease of the nation. That's why, to protect your American colleagues, you have to behave as if you carry it at any time. Make things difficult, those whoto do Symptoms can find them difficult to identify because they can look like other medical problems.Read 11 factors that may indicate that you have COVID-19 and do not know it, and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.
You may have a thunder headache

Broadway Star Danny Burstein recalled "migraines on steroids" during his terrible fight with COVID-19 and headaches are one of theThe most common symptoms of CDC. Since you could normally get them - because of stress, strong noise or body chemistry - you can not associate them with the coronavirus. But you should. "We see a small subset of people who have extended headache symptom long after the end of their acute illness"Dr. Valeriya Klats, a neurologist and a specialist in headaches with the Hartford Healthcare (HHC)Ayer Institute Headache Center In Fairfield County, saysHartford Healthcare. "It can be either episodic or a headache everyday everyday. The way we describe is the new" daily persistent headache ". It's very embarrassing patients."
You can have unusual skin problems

While neither WHO or CDC mentions skin rash as a possible symptom of Covid,Doctors across the countryVarious types of skin rashes - COVID toes with rashes and injury on corporal thinking as a result of virus-related inflammation. In fact, theAmerican Academy of Dermatologyestablisheda registerWhen health workers can report cases of skin problems that develop in CIVID-19 patients, hoping to understand exactly why the virus causes these problems.
RELATED:The symptoms of COVID usually appear in this order, study
You may feel an extreme exhaustion

Was there a time in recent months where you just too tired to move? Maybe you thought it was due to a rigorous training, or maybe a lack of sleep. But oneOverwhelming number of peopleWho have the experience of coronavirus that only light symptoms and one of these is extreme fatigue. As with any type of infection, your body uses energy to fight against it and the result feels more tired than usual. This fatigue, for "lengths", can last months after the shed of the virus.
You had an implacable dry cough

It's easy to brush this symptom: it's cold and you are used to coughing a little in winter. According toChinese researchers, 68% of coronavirus patients complain of a dry and continuous cough. "Considering that Covid-19 irritates pulmonary tissue, cough is dry and persistent. It is accompanied by breathlessness and muscular pain, "ReportsScientific alert. "As the disease progresses, the pulmonary fabric is filled with fluid and you can feel even more breathless when your body struggles to get enough oxygen."
You have pink eyes

The pink eye is one of these pestic eye infections that most of us experience at a time of life. However, the American Academy of Ophthalmology emphasizes that the condition, also known as conjunctivitis, can be linked to Covid. "Several reports suggest that SARS-COV-2 can cause alight follicular conjunctivitisotherwise indistinguishable other viral causes and possibly be transmitted by aerosol contact with conjunctive, "they explained in adeclaration.
You are in the prey to digestive problems

Have you had the experience of diarrhea, nausea or gas and brush it as something you've eaten or the influenza of the stomach? "Some people have conventional signs of COVID infection as body pain, fevers, headaches, coughs and a breathtaking session sometimes, but many people come to the department of emergencies with nausea, diarrhea and abdominal pain ",Sharon Chekidian, MD, MPH, Explain. "Although we generally thought that this is just a stomach virus, there is a good chance that it is Covid."
You have lost your sense of taste or smell

Have you met a strange feeling where you could not taste or feel something?Dr. Chekidian,A medical emergency medicine of Yale medicine and assistant professor in Yale School of Medicine, said it could have been coronavirus. "A sign that you have probably been infected is a loss of smell and sometimes taste," she explains. "Although other viruses or medical conditions can do it too, it may mean that you are infected, even in the absence of other symptoms."
You had shortness of breath

If you had trouble breathing, it could have been Covid-19. Because the virus is an infection of the upper respiratory tract, shortness of breath - especially at rest - can be a sign that you beat the virus.
You thought you were influenza

Due to the fact that the propagation of COVID occurred during the cold season and the flu - and the symptoms are quite similar - it is very possible that what you think that the flu is Covid. "Symptoms ofCOVID-19 [Feminine and the flu appears at different times and have differences, "reports theMAYO Clinic. "WithCOVID-19 [FeminineYou can have a loss of taste or smell.COVID-19 [Feminine Symptoms usually appear from two to 14 days after exposure. The symptoms of influenza generally appear from about one to four days after exposure.COVID-19 [Feminine seems to be more contagious and spread faster than influenza. A serious illness such as the pulmonary injury is more frequent withCOVID-19 [Feminine with the flu. The mortality rate is also higher withCOVID-19 [Feminine than influenza. "
You were around others who had
If you attended a conference, church service, social event, protest or classes with other infected people, you may not have dodged the infection ball after all.Researchfound that many people had Covid and never realized because they were asymptomatic.
You have a positive covidation test

The only way to know if you have COVID-19, it's taking a COVID test. Although it is not always 100% accurate, it is the best tool we have now identified the virus. (PCR tests are considered the golden standard.) "Unfortunately, apart from the tests, it is not possible that you can determine if you had COVID only on the basis of the symptoms," saysShannon Sovndal, MD, certified doctor of the Emergency Medicine Council. "Many coronaviruses (as well as influenza) can make you feel similar. In addition, Covid-19 can infect a person and cause little or no symptoms."
What if you feel you have symptoms of COVID

"If you have a fever, a cough orOther symptoms, you might have COVID-19. Most people have a poor disease and are able to recover at home. If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19, contact your health care provider, "explains the CDC." Keep track of your symptoms. If you haveAn emergency warning sign (including breathing problems), get immediate emergency medical care. And to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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