Dr. Faisci has just published this disturbing warning

The delta variant is like a new virus, he says now.

TheCOVID-19 [FeminineVire you now is not the one you know last year. It is more communicable. This leads to a more severe disease. And it can even affect those who are vaccinated. So, how do you want someone wanted to stay safely of this delta variant - and how can you?Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Officer of the President and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, appeared onThe newspaperPodcast with Ryan Knutson to explain why we should worry and what you can do to protect your family and friends. Read about 5 essential points - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


Dr. Fauci warned that we treat with a "different virus" now

Biotechnology scientist in ppe suit researching DNA in laboratory using microscope. team examining virus evolution using high tech for scientific research of vaccine development against covid19

"We treat with a different virus," said Dr. Faisci. "We were talking several months ago while we entered in the summer, I hope we could have enough vaccinated people that we would not really have difficulty that we could start approaching normal at a fast pace. Now comes from The delta variant and something changes because of its transmissibility, the vaccinated persons infected by the breakthrough can now transmit it to a vulnerable person, be that someone outside who is not connected with them, who is Not vaccinated or above all, someone their own house. "


Dr. Fauci says that's why wearing masks is important

Brunette woman wearing a KN95 FPP2 mask.

Due to how the transmissible delta is- "That's suddenly, you talk about masking in schools, masks in interior settings when the CDC said:" When you are in an inner frame, you Do not have to hide. 'Now you change and change because this virus when you are in an indoor environment in a geographic area that is a high or substantial virus level, you need to wear a mask. " He admitted that CDC mask restrictions have raised too early. "If you had to do it again, I guess you would have said," Well, you knew that the delta variant was a dominant variant. It was sooner or later was going to take over.; So there are people who naturally criticized and say, "Why did you do that in the first place?"


Dr. Faisci warned that vaccinated people may have long Covid

Depressed woman awake in the night, she is exhausted and suffering from insomnia

Can we vaccinate people to get long Covid, the constellation of symptoms - fatigue, migraines, inflammation, post-existing discomfort - that ruined so many lives? "Yes. In fact, it was a recent study that showed that if you are a vaccinated person and you get a revolutionary infection, you can get the persistence of symptoms after the virus clearance, which by definition is long Covid . I imagine that this is probably not going to be as frequent or serious as the lives of a non-vaccinated person who has been sick for a considerable period, recovers and then long Covid. I would be surprised if it was equivalent that It was equivalent, "he said.

RELATED:I am a doctor and here's how not catch delta


Dr. Faisci says Delta is more serious

Infected patient in quarantine lying in bed in hospital, coronavirus concept.

"There were three studies, Ryan, some were better than the other. I will not name them. I do not want to offend anyone. But I would think to look at these studies, I think it suggests that he suggests it Not definitively prove, but it suggests that the delta variant can be more serious leading to more hospitalizations in most unvaccinated people, "he said.

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Dr Fauci stated that non-vaccinated people put people vulnerable at risk

Man gesturing stop to nurse offering syringe with vaccine.

Dr. Fauci was asked if we just have to let people withdraw themselves inevalcine; If they want to risk getting sick or risk being sick of their children, or the children of a sick foreigner, leave them. "You know, it's not in my mind a good approach to public health," said Fauci. "You know, it almost blame people because they may have absorbed misinformation or may have been induced. So, rather than abandoning them, I hope to continue to project them. Remember -You, once the virus continues to smoke. will, if we do not receive the overwhelming proportion of this vaccinated population, if you give up and told yourself: "The Heck with that, we will just let you be infected. What you forget is the vulnerability of vaccinated people who get a very bad answer; transplanted patients, immunosuppress, cancer chemotherapy, children who have not yet passed vaccinated. They are vulnerable because there is An infection among non-vaccinated. So you do not want to say abandoning the inevalcé because you will then leave the vulnerable vulnerable. The best way to solve the problem that returned to the really simple message that I must say 50 times a day, to be vaccinated, and we want to have this conversation. "

Therefore be vaccinated as soon as possible; If you live in an area with low vaccination rates, wear a N95facial maskDo not travel, social distance, avoid big crowds, do not go inside with people you are not shelter with (especially in bars), practice good hand hygiene and protect your life and the lives of others, don 't visit one of these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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