If you feel it, you may have ever had Covid, "said Dr. Fauci
It is a vague but common indicator of coronavirus.

Some symptoms do not pay attention to the discussion on the discussion onCOVID-19 [Femininebut they could mean that you have already been infected, saysDr. Anthony Fauci, the main infectious infectious expert of the nation.These symptoms are fatigue and cerebral fog-difficulty concentrate, recalling or focusing. COVID-19 often causes these persistent symptoms that Fauci compared the phenomenon of chronic fatigue syndrome. Read to see why it puts you in danger and how to avoid it - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.
Fratigue Frequently seen
"If you look anecdering, there is no doubt that there is a considerable number of individuals who have a post-viral syndrome that, in many ways, can disabling them for weeks and weeks after the so-called Recovery and cleaning of the virus "says Fauci at a press conference of the Covid-19 press of the International AIDS Society. "You can see people who have recovered that do not really come back to normal, that they have things that are very suggestive of myalgic encephalomyelitis and chronic fatigue syndrome, fatigue and difficulty syndrome to focus. So it's something we really need. To seriously examine, because it could very well be a post-viral syndrome associated with Covid-19. "
Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of COVID-19-and one of the most frequently sustainable. Fatigue is a common reaction to any disease. But oneCCording at theLong-term survey of symptoms, 100% of covidant patients reported a fatigue that lasted once their initial illness should have been resolved.
And neurological symptoms such as brain fog are also common. These can include confusion, depression, anxiety, even psychosis.In August, astudy published intheLancetDiscovered that 55% of people diagnosed with neurological symptoms reported from COVID-19 three months after their diagnosis.The authors of the study warned that the Pandemic of COVID could result in a "cerebral damage epidemic", a phenomenon that has also occurred after the 1918 influenza pandemic.
An October study of Imperial College London found that some people infected with coronavirus could have long-term "cognitive deficits" comparable to the aging of the 10-year brain.
As for why this happens, experts are not entirely safe. SomeTudies suggest that Covid-19 can be a mainly vascular disease that damages the blood vessels, which can cause inflammation in the brain or the loss of blood flow. Another theory is that Covid does not enter the brain but causes an excessive reaction of the immune system that causes neurological damage.
RELATED: Dr. Faisci just said when we were back to "normal"
How to survive this pandemic
As for yourself, do everything you can to prevent you from installing-Covid-19 in the first place: mask, make yourself test if you think they have coronaviruses, avoid crowds (and bars and evenings of the house), practice social distance, only run essential races, wash hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas and cross this pandemic with your healthier, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.