7 supplements with side effects you should know before taking

Delete these dangers before hurting or someone else.

Your medicine firm is home to a number of beauty, health and well-being products, but the unhealthy things about your drug cabinet surprise you. Next to your old tweezers and behind this bag of cotton balls, there may be hidden products that must simply be thrown for your own safety. "Look for your own health and make sure that the appropriate storage and safety status of your medications. At the same time, make sure to take steps to keep the other people who share your home security," gay Alkenius, a pharmacist who managed acute carepharmacy At Henry Ford Allegance Health for the past 19 years, said in an article by theHénry Ford Hospital Staff. Here are some of the unhealthy things about your drug cabinet, experts from theCDC,FDA and other expert organizations.Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


Left prescription drugs are unhealthy

White prescription pills spilled onto a table with many prescription bottles in the background

Your doctor has prescribed medications for a specific disease, such as antibiotics for sinus infection or analgesics for back pain. Save these medications to use whenever you need can result in negative side effects, such as the construction of antibiotic tolerance. "Taking antibiotics only when they are needed is an important way to protect yourself and your family of antibiotic resistance," according to theDisease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC).

If you are hanging on analgesics and you put them in your medicine cabinet, they are easily accessible to bad hands, such as your children. "Approximately 2,460 people per week die medicines that were properly prescribed, and based on detailed chart exams in hospitalized patients," saysDonald Light, Ph.D.of the osteopathic medicine school of Rowan University.

Get rid of your old prescriptions by attending arecovery eventIn your area or squeaken the medications and mix them with coffee grinders or cat litter before throwing them into the trash.


Expired medications are unhealthy

multi-colored blisters with pills. drug treatment of various diseases. place for text

When does the last time you check the expiration dates of your medications? If it's been a long time, you may want to add it to your task list. Although expired medications are not harmful to health, these products are simply not effective.

"Once the expiry date is adopted, there can be no assurance that the drug will be safe and effective," saysIlisa Bernstein, Pharm.d., J.D., former assistant director of the FDA Medicine Assessment and Research Center, "If your medicine has expired, do not use it."

RELATED: The most likely supplements you should not take


Diet pills are unhealthy

Take medicine and water

The diet pills, even her plant-based, can cause dangerous side effects, including an irregular heartbeat, headache, dizziness, high blood pressure or stomach problems. 23,005 emergency visits per year are attributed to weight loss pills, according to astudy published in theNew England Journal of Medicine.

On these visits, 2,154 resulted in hospitalizations. The study concluded that most of these visits "involved cardiovascular manifestations of weight loss products or energy products in young adults and avalification issues, often associated with micronutrients, in the elderly."

Do you want to lose weight but stay healthy? Discard your diet pills. Regularly eat a healthy and balanced diet.


Talc powder can be unhealthy

talcum powder to hand

Talc powder is sometimes used to absorb moisture on the skin to prevent grief, rashes and skin irritation. Corntalc with traces of asbestoswere linked to an increase in cases of ovarian cancer. Thus, in 1976, the cosmetic, toilet and perfume association (CTFA) has set up guidelines that have concluded "all talc used in cosmetics in the United States should be free of detectable quantities of asbestos. "

While talc powders do not contain more asbestos, it is still unclear if talc powder is safe. TheInternational Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)Talc labels without asbestos "not classifiable as to carcinogenicity in humans".

However, when used on sensitive areas, such as genitals, the agency claims that it can be "possibly carcinogenic to humans". With troubled studies, it is better to stop using the talc powder.


Cotton mat, when used incorrectly, can affect you

Woman is cleaning ear with a cotton swab

Cotton buffers are apparently harmless, but almost everyone uses them incorrectly. You can be surprised to know that you should not use them to clean your ears at all.

"The use of a buffer cotton like a piston in the Audieu channel pushes the deeper ear ear and deeper. A problem is that if you push the deeper wax inside, it does not there is no way that the wax be swept away from the ear, "saysDr. Yu-Tung Wong, MDfrom Cedars-Sinai.

"In addition, cotton buffers can cause perforated ear drums and hearing loss. In severe cases, cotton swab can damage many sensitive structures behind the auditory channel and cause full deafness, prolonged dizziness with Nausea and vomiting, a loss of taste and even face. Paralysis. "

The insertion of a cotton cotton-rod into your ear is dangerous and if you are tempted to do it, simply clarify this box of your drug cabinet.


Some stomach burns drugs have been drawn from the market


Stomach burns can avoid pain if you send it on a pizza or a red wine. But, if your heart burns medicine contains ranitidine, it's time to throw it. April 1, 2020, theAdministration of food and medicine (FDA)Asked all Ranitidal drug manufacturers to draw their market products, in effect immediately, due to the presence of n-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), a known cancer agent.

"The FDA also advises consumers who take OTC ranitidin to stop taking this medicine, including any unused ranitidine medicine, they can still have at home," saidJoshua wins, PharMD, SCDHarvard Health.


Vitamin supplements are not always necessary

vitamins and supplements on white background with a brown bottle.

Vitamin supplements are designed to provide your body with the nutrients it needs and does not necessarily receive your diet. However, it is possible to overdose supplements, which can lead to negative effects on health.

Some supplements do not mix well with some medications, which can also be dangerous. For example, Gingko is a natural supplement that can end the blood, making it dangerous for patients already on blood thinning medicines. Astudy published in theInternal Medicine JournalFound a "combination of causation possible between using ginkgo and bleeding events".

"Consumers should not expect supplements because we have no evident evidence that they are beneficial and that they should be Leery that they could endeavor," saysS. Bryn AustinHarvard T.H. Chan Public Health School.And to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

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