Side effects of Covid vaccine, according to Dr. Fauci
Side effects are very minor in most cases.

GetCOVID-19 [Femininevaccine. As soon as it is available for your demography. Please! It's the message ofDr. Anthony FauciThe first infectious infectious expert of the nation and the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Once 75% of the United States (or possibly more) are vaccinated, we can start back to "a form of normality", says Fauci, and shots are becoming more and more available: the Trump administration has just recommended All vaccines now be administered to them 65 years and older, or those with pre-existing conditions. If you are worried about any side effects, do you see that this mentioned that Fauci has mentioned, and others from the CDC - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not lack these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.
You could have a fever

Dr. Fauci has not "got fever, chills or muscle pain" after getting his vaccination, but you could, with a temperature that can increase by 100.4 degrees. "To reduce the discomfort of fever", advises the CDC, "drink a lot of fluids" and "dress up slightly".
You could have chills

You could have chills like your body get used to the vaccine or because of fever. "Small price for protection against Covid", "Dr. William Schaffner of the University of Vanderbilt, a vaccine expert who has not been involved in the study, saidAp.
You could have pain in the arm

Dr. Faisci described his "relatively Benin" shot by saying that he had a pain in his arm. You could also, and "it starts about 8 to 10 hours after vaccination. It does not exceed more than 24 to 36 hours," he says.
You might feel tired

Fatigue is a natural answer to any vaccine. "It is normal to feel slightly sleepy or sleepy in the hours after a vaccination, especially if it was a stressful event for you or your child," says Johnson Memorial Health.
You might have a headache

"Fauci told the participants that it was encouraged by the data around the side effects of the Moderna vaccine - which were light and included the pain of weapons, headaches and fatigue," according toAAMC. He stated that side effects were "in no case be a showstopper." This will be one of those things where you say, "the value of it certainly replaces the disadvantages of feeling bad for a moment."
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You could have swelling if you have had facial charges

After obtaining the Moderna vaccine, some patients with aesthetic facial loads "all had swelling and inflammation in the given area. Some patients had a six-month plays before their vaccine and a patient had a lip load finished two days after the vaccine. All have been treated with steroids and antihistamines and all their reactions have been resolved, "dermatologist certified by the board, Dr. Shirley Chi saidABC News.
It is very unlikely, but you could have an allergic reaction

A rare few people reported to make anaphylactic shock after getting the vaccine. "There were 21 cases of serious allergic reactions, which brings it to an incidence of about one million ... almost invariably in people with a history of serious allergic reactions," said Façi during an interview With members of the internal residence program at University of Washington in St. Louis. "So yes, there is an unwanted event, but it is easily manageable." "It's still a rare result," Dr. Nancy Messonnier, Head of the National CDC Center for Vaccination and Respiratory Diseases, recently said. "At this moment, the known and potential benefits of CIVID-19 vaccines outweigh the known and potential risks to get COVID-19." If this happens after the first dose, ignore the second dose, advises the CDC.
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How to survive this pandemic

As for yourself, follow the fundamental principles of Fauci and help put an end to this thrust, no matter where you live-you are vaccinated when it is available for you, wear a facial mask, the social distance, avoid big crowds, do not go inside with people that you do not go with (especially in the bars), practice good hand hygiene and protect your life and the lives of others , do not visit any of these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .