Dr. Faisci warns of this "very disturbing" covidant symptom

Everyone is not covered with coronaviruses in a few weeks - or at all.

Fever or chills, dry cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, loss of sense of smell and taste. These are just some of the frightening symptoms that people infected withCOVID-19 [Feminine are reports. Usually, it takes a few weeks - even more than a month - for these manifestations of the highly infectious virus to replace. Most people are better. However, some people are fighting the virus symptoms long after the infection decreases, a phenomenon thatDr. Anthony Fauci, the main expert on the infectious disease of the nation, judges "very disturbing". Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

It is concerned with "lengths"

During an Instagram interview with actor and UT Austin Professor Matthew McConaughey last year, the director of NIH expressed his concern as to what the group of people the medical world has lived as "long carriers".

"We are starting to see more and more people who apparently get out of the viral party of it, then weeks later, they feel weak, they feel tired, they feel dead, they feel in the short of breath, "Fauci, President Medical Officer, explained."It's a chronic projection in front of the symptoms, even if the virus is gone, and we think it's probably an immunological effect."

He admitted that, although health experts study the phenomenon and learn more about it each week, they are always perplexed for which some people are left with these confusing symptoms, while others make a complete recovery. "We have to dig and do the work that needs to be done to help relieve suffering and stopping this madness," said Dr. Michael Saag, an infectious expert on the University of Alabama University in Birmingham, said December. Use of a session onlengths At NIH.

"It's very disturbing, because if it's true for many people, I do not save that may not be correct," said Fuci. "These people have had their acute illness several months ago and they suffer quite powerfully since:" says Dr. Saag. "And the fact that they still fight with it gives an extra power to what we are trying to do today."

RELATED: 7 tips to avoid Covid, let's say to doctors

The CDC confirms its concerns

At the end of July, the United States centers for disease control and prevention published a report confirming that thirty-five percent of people with coronaviruses interviewed by the agency still lived his anger two to three weeks. After having tested positive for the virus. An interesting aspect of their study is that they only used people with viruses that had not been admitted to a hospital, signaling an apparently softer infection. In addition, those who reported that persistent symptoms were not just seniors. 26% of people aged 18 to 34 and 32% of these 35 to 49 are long-term symptoms.

"Covid-19 can lead to prolonged disease, even among people with a softer ambulatory disease, including young adults," wrote the authors of the report. Until a vaccine is widely available, do everything you can to prevent recovery and propagation-Covid-19: wear a face mask, test yourself if you think of coronaviruses, avoid crowds (and bars and evenings of the house), practice social distancing. , only run essential races, wash hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas and cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch coronavirus.

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