You no longer have to do that to avoid Covid
Use your more effective efforts and abandon these prevention measures now.

Over the past year, our understanding ofCOVID-19 [Feminine has evolved as more information has become available. As a result, some of the protection measures recommended by the January 2020 health experts are drastically different from those found in 2021. So, who are now obsolete? Here are 4 things you can stop doing to avoid Covid now, according toShirin Peters, MD, Founderof Bethany Cinge ClinicAt New York. Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.
You can stop wiping grocery stores

Early in the pandemic, wiping everything was the norm. However, now that we have more information about how the virus is mainly widespread, the disinfection of your grocery store is not essential. "Covidic transmission rates via Fomite (viral particles seated in tiny surface droplets outside a host, then picked up by contact and transferred to another host) are shown Minimes with COVID-19," points From Peters Dr. Peters outside. "Although it is not impossible to get Covid to touch a surface, it is very unlikely."
You can wash your hands more often than using a hand disinfectant

Although it is another method of early routine prevention in the pandemic, clean up your hands "every two minutes" is not necessary now. "As long as you wash your hands before and after handling your mask to put it and remove it and avoid touching your face in general, it is not necessary for additional precautions," says Peters. "You can not get from Covid through the skin, such frequent sanitation of your hands is a useless precaution."
No need to wear a N95 mask

In the first months of the pandemic, the N95 masks became a warm goods, because people believed to be the only actual face. However, we now know that this is not the case. "For typical exhibitions outside your home, a 2-layer fabric mask has been demonstrated as effective in preventing the propagation of Covid as N95 mask," says Dr. Peters. "In a medical setting where the risk of exposure is much higher protective equipment, including N95 masks are beneficial."
No need to wear gloves

If you always wear gloves all the time outside the house, stop. "Although it is not impossible to get Covid to touch a surface, it is very unlikely," says Dr. Peters.
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Bottom Line of the doctor

"Although you can be exposed to Covid by contact with a contaminated surface, the risk is low," concludes Dr. Peters. "Washing the frequent hand and the port of a simple 2-layer fabric mask is adequate to prevent the exposure of the covidation." As for yourself, listen to the doctor and follow the fundamental principles of Dr. Anthony Fauci and help put an end to this thrust, no matter where you live: facial mask, the social distance, avoiding big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not go with (especially in the bars), practice good hygiene of the hand, vaccinate yourself when it is Available for you and protect your life and life of your life. others, do not visit any of these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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