What is gestational diabetes?

We talked about a certified diabetes educator to learn more about the state and foods you can and can not eat.

Diabetes is a widespread issue around the world, but particularly in the United States, where about 9.4% of the population - about 30.3 million Americans - have the disease, according to theCDC. Between 90 and 95% of these cases areType 2 diabetes, which is mainly caused by poor diet and obesity. Although type 1 and type 2 diabetes are the forms of diabetes that obtain a substantial amount of media coverage, there is a less known type of diabetes that occurs only during diabetes gestation-gestation.

Maryann Walsh, MFN, RD, CDE, gave us an overview of what gestational diabetes is, as well as in which foods are preferable to eat while knowing the condition.

What is gestational diabetes?

"Gestational diabetes is when blood glucose is high duringpregnancy"Said Walsh." Gestational diabetes tests are usually done about 24 and 28 of pregnancy because it is the moment when hormonal levels can cause insulin resistance. "

Insulin resistance is what people with type 2. Diabetes experience mainly, the pancreas fight to produce sufficient insulin necessary to transfer glucose (sugar) into the blood to the cells. The cells need glucose for energy, otherwise they become hungry. In addition, this non-absorbed blood glucose begins to accumulate in the bloodstream causing hyperglycemia, the state in which blood sugar rates become too high.

According toCDC, gestational diabetes in women can often be controlled by diet and exercise. However, some cases require insulin injections.

What would the blood glucose of a woman look like if she has a gestational diabetes?

First, it is important to identify which levels of healthy blood glucose are like.

"The target number of blood glucose is less than 95 mg / dL during fasting or before a meal [and] 120 mg / dl is the target of staying within two hours after a meal," says Walsh. "The target number for A1C (a 3- to 3 month blood glucose level) is less than 6.0%."

Glucose Test After a night of sleep, or several hours without food, and after a meal, important steps are at a time to determine whether or not there is a diabetes. After eating a meal, blood glucose levels are naturally up when the body starts digesting food. However, if blood glucose remains high several hours after consumption, this may indicate insulin resistance.

"When women's blood glucose systematically exceed these [levels], this range indicates a gestational diabetes," says Walsh.

RELATED: TheEasy guide to cut sugar is finally here.

What are some symptoms of gestational diabetes?

The symptoms of gestational diabetes include:

  • Excessive thirst (polydipia)
  • Excessive meromy (polyuria)
  • Blurred vision
  • Frequent yeast infections

There are also several risk factors for gestational diabetes, including:

  • Be over 25 years old
  • A history of diabetes or family history
  • Overweight or obese
  • Pre-existing conditions such as hypertension

What is the link between macrosomy and gestational diabetes?

Fetal macrosomy is the term used to describe a newborn baby that weighs more than 8 ounces. Women with gestational diabetes are higher to give birth to a bigger baby. Babies that exceed the average weight of birth are more common health complications later in life.

"Additional glucose circulating through the mother's blood circulation in the placenta, who can bring the fetal pancreas to make more insulin, leading to greater growth and a bigger baby," says Walsh.

What would a suitable gestational diabetes diet look like?

"Diabetes, whether gestational or not, looks different for everyone," says Walsh. "The best way to assess your food needs is to regularly monitor your blood glucose with a home test kit. In this way, you can have an overview of most blood glucose foods of your blood the most."

If regularly eat foods that are rich inadded sugars is not suggested. Eat meals that have a balance ofmacronutrients (carbohydrates, greases and proteins), arecontrolled by the partAnd are consumed at daily constant schedules will help maintain sugar levels in regulated blood.

"Calorie requirements will change slightly quarter to the quarter," she says. "However, a pregnant woman usually only needs 350-500 additional calories through the final quarter, so" eat for two "is a bit of a myth."

What foods should women avoid if they have gestational diabetes?

Walsh says there are no foods that should be entirely eliminated from the diet, there is one person who should be limited to others. Here are some examples.

Foods to be limited:

Foods to eat more than:

Can gestational diabetes turn into type 2 diabetes after pregnancy?

Walsh says that blood sugar levels generally resume normal levels after about four to six weeks after delivery.

"Although there is an increased opportunity to develop post-pregnancy type 2 diabetes, it is not a guarantee and can be prevented with the diet, Choice of exercise and lifestyle ," She adds.

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