According to some research, you have already had signs that you have already had Covid.

Are you a long carrier? These five symptoms are the most common indicators.

If you hadCOVID-19 [Feminine, suffering from a slight, moderate or serious infection and still suffering from mysterious symptoms weeks for months later, you are not alone.Long COVD, AKA Long Haulars Syndrome, is a state of health that presses COVID survivors around the world. Over the past year, health experts have continued to study their symptoms and difficulties, hoping to understand mysterious disease. Now,A new systematic review of studiesidentified the five most common symptoms to look for. Read to find out what they are - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


You can have fatigue

Sick Woman On Bed

Through their research, 58% of people with long-hating syndrome suffer from fatigue, making it the most common symptom of the long and acute CVIV-19. "It is present even after 100 days of the first symptom of acute Covid-19", write researchers. "Symptoms observed in post-Covid-19 patients, partly resemble chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), which includes the presence of severe fatigue disability, pain, neurocognitive disability, compromised sleep, suggestive symptoms of autonomous dysfunction and aggravation of the world Symptoms according to a minor increase in physical and / or cognitive activity. "


You may have a headache

Woman having headache migraine. Stress and depression.

They also explain that neuropsychiatric symptoms are common with long carriers. A headache was the second most reported sign of the syndrome, with 44% of all releases. "The etiology of neuropsychiatric symptoms in CVIV-19 patients is complex andMultifactorials, "explains researchers."They could be related to the direct effect of infection, cerebrovascular disease (including hypercoagulation), physiological compromise (hypoxia), the side effects of drugs and the social aspects of having a potentially fatal disease. "


You can have a disorder of attention

woman sit on couch hold laptop look in distance thinking distracted from online work

Adults have a double risk of recently diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder after the diagnosis of COVID-19, according to the study, the most common psychiatric conditions with anxiety, insomnia and dementia . All these elements can contribute to a person in difficulty in order to be careful, which could explain why attention disorders, neuropsychiatric disease, have been reported by more than a quarter (27%) of those surveyed.


You can have hair loss

woman looking in mirror finding gray hair

Exactly one in four lengths has reported hair loss as a symptom. "Hair loss after Covid-19 could be considered as a remotefruvium, defined by diffuse hair loss after a stressor or a significant systemic infection, and is caused due to premature follicular transitions of the growth phase. Active (Anagen) at the rest (teleloge) phase, "researchers explain. They add that it is a "self-limiting condition" lasts about 3 months, "but it could cause emotional distress."


You can have dyspnea

Curly woman feeling bad and suffering from strong cough while having flu

Difficulty breathing, aka dyspnea, was found in 24% of patients. The researchers explain that the anomalies in CT pulmonary digitizations persisted in 35% of patients, even after 60-100 days from the original presentation. If you feel that or any other symptoms mentionedhere, Contact a health professional to chat if you have a long time Covid.

RELATED: 7 tips to avoid Covid, let's say to doctors


Protect yourself and others

Middle aged employee fitting protective mask on her face

The best way to avoid long-height syndrome is to stay away from Covid in the first place. So follow the fundamentals of Fauci and help put an end to this thrust, no matter where you live-wear afacial mask, social distance, avoid big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not fit with (especially in the bars), practice good hand hygiene, getvaccinated when it is available for you and to protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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