Sure sign that you have Covid, like Snooki of Jersey Shore

"My symptoms started like a bad cold sinus," Polizzi said, who added that she had a "stuffy nose".

No one is sure of thecoronavirus-Nu same Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi of MTVJersey Shore Fame, which revealed that it has Covid-19. "Happy Valentine's Day! This one is a little different ... I have Covid," writes Poolizzi on Instagram yesterday. It was photographed in its PJS holding roses and wearing a face mask. "I have been isolated in my room since I discovered," wrote the three-year-old mother, married to Jionni Lavalle. "My family and I have been super cautious and cautious, so it's super scary." Read it to see what symptoms she had - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


You could have a stuffy nose or flow

Woman blowing her nose into tissue

"My symptoms started like a bad cold sinus," Polizzi said, who added that she had a "stuffy nose". "Covid-19 is a disease that can cause what doctors call for respiratory tract infection", "reportsCOOPER UNIVERSITY HEALTHCARE. "This can affect your upper respiratory tract (sinus, nose and throat) or lower respiratory tract (trachea and lungs)."


You might have a headache

woman with face mask holding her head in pain and looking away at home

Polizzi said he has a headache. "Headaches are one of the most common neurological symptoms reported in case series, epidemiological studies and meta-analyzes of COVID-19, with a prevalence ranging from 8 to 71.1%," explains ato studyinHeadache: The Journal of the Head and Face Pain. "Headache is a symptom of Covid-19 widespread in patients with the emergency room, the most common as holocranic or bifurmatically moderate to severe and pressing to quality headaches. Individuals with migraine have tendency to present headaches earlier, longer and more intense. "


You could have a cough

coughing man

Poolzzi described its cough in the form of "sweet" and covidant cough are also generally dry, as in, they produce no phlegm. "Covid-19 will generally be severe for a few days, including multiple symptoms," said Robert Kocur, MD, Allergologist withHEALTHCARE OSF. Unlike allergies: "With seasonal allergies, symptoms tend to stay compatible for several weeks or as long as you are exposed to the irritant."


You might feel tired

Woman feeling headache and touching her head.

After experiencing congestion, the headaches and a soft cough, "so I felt super tired and finished on the night all day that made me test," wrote Poolizzi.Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Officer of the President and Director of the National Institute of the Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said that fatigue is a decisive feature of Covid and post-acute Covid syndrome, in which harmful effects can last a year or possibly life.


You could lose your sense of taste or smell

girl with a spoon near a mouth

"Today, I just feel groggy," writes Poolizzi. "I ended up losing my taste and smell last night. It's bizarre Fricken. I had a bold cheese pizza and could not taste a thing of mn. What sin." The loss of these senses is considered a symptom of scoring of COVID-19. For some people, they never come back.


What if you think you have COVID

woman in medical mask stay isolation at home for self quarantine

If you think you have Covid, theCDC recommends that you stay at home except for medical care; Separate other people; Wear a mask on your nose and mouth; Keep your area disinfected; and get in touch with your doctor. "The rest of my family tested negative, so I hide here in my room until it's over," Polizzi wrote, adding that she felt the love of Valentine's Day. "I woke up in the roses and chocolates thrown on my floors of my family .... Learn all your concerns, but I'm fine! Please stay safe everyone!" So stay safe and protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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