Proven signs that you have already had Covid, according to the new report

A new study identified the most common systemic symptoms associated with long-term covidation.

A few months in theCOVID-19 [FemininePandemic, health experts have noticed that some people - even those who have suffered light infections - lived prolonged symptoms. These people came to be known as long carriers and their state, Long Covid. Interesting enough, some of them did not even know that they were infected with the virus in the first place. Now a newto studyInvolving 3,762 long lengths, has identified the most common systemic signs of Long Covid. In total, 205 symptoms of 10 organ systems have been reported with 66 seven-month symptoms. Depending on their research, these are the most common systemic symptoms of Long Covid. Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


You may have experienced fatigue

Tired mature woman take off glasses suffering from headache

Fatigue is the most common symptom of post-Covid syndrome with up to 80% of those involved in the survey that reports it. Unlike the normal exhaustion of everyday life, this type of fatigue is debilitating. Post-Covid syndrome is "very suggestive of chronic fatigue syndrome or myalgic encephalomyelitis", "Dr. Anthony FauciThe first expert in infectious diseases of the nation and the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said.


You may have suffered post-exertion malaise

Tired woman lying in bed can't sleep late at night with insomnia

A post-existing discomfort is associated with chronic fatigue syndrome and implies that physical and mental symptoms aggravate after brief periods of physical or mental effort. For example, a person with Long Covid would probably suffer more dramatic symptoms from 12 to 24 hours after a postal activity, which could last weeks or months.


You may have suffered a high temperature

Many systemic signs of long-term Covid involve temperature changes. One of the most common signs is a source of body temperature ranging from slight to severe, in the 98.8-100.4 range.


You may have had temperature fluctuations

Sick woman with cold and flu.

Temperature fluctuations, which means that the body temperature continues to crack and autumn, are also extremely common.


You may have suffered skin sensations

Uncomfortable young woman scratching her arm while sitting on the sofa at home.

The sensation of tingling, an abnormal sensitivity of the skin, numbness, itching and skin skin are just some of the many skin sensations that have been documented in CVIV-19 patients.


You may have had a weakness

back view of man sitting on bed and suffering from back pain

Weakness or numbness in the body or muscles is another common manifestation of long-term Covid.


You may have suffered night sweats

Middle aged woman lying awake in her bed at night, worrying because of an uncomfortable pressure in her chest and an irregular heartbeat

Due to temperature fluctuations, nocturnal sweats are another current sign of long-term transport syndrome. Lauren Nichols, diagnosed with COVID-19 March 10, revealed toAtlantic magazineThe one with a month of tremors, she had a fever for three months and night sweats for four months.


You may have suffered cold

Young man suffering from cold at his home

Similar to chills, many long carriers of Covid reported having met the sensation of "coldness".


You may have lived a fever

Woman being sick having flu lying on sofa looking at temperature on thermometer.

Surprisingly, a fever of 100.4 or more was less commonly reported by long carriers than other fluctuations in temperature.

RELATED: 7 tips to avoid Covid, let's say to doctors


You may have had heat intolerance

Hand turning a home thermostat knob to set temperature on energy saving mode

After experiencing a fever, many long-term lengths have trouble regulating temperature, bringing intolerance to persistent heat.


You may have suffered a low temperature

The surprised girl holds a thermometer in her hands.

One of the less common signs of long-term Covid was a low body temperature. If you have experienced this or any of the symptoms mentioned here, see a doctor or contact a Post-Covid Care Center. And protecting your life and the lives of others, do not visit these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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