New side effect of Covid discovered, say to doctors
Add it to the list of many ways that the virus can damage your health.

One of the most curious aspects ofCOVID-19 [FeminineCompared to other diseases, the myriad of ways can attack the body and mind. The symptoms range from neurological to physical and, while some of the damage caused to consumption can be temporary, others are experiencing permanent health damage as a result of an infection. Every day, researchers identify new demonstrations of the virus because they continue to study those who have inflicted. This week, a newto studyhas identified a way more than Covid can devastate the body. Read it to find out what it is-and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.
Covid can cause "significant abnormalities" in the eyes
A new study published in the journalRadiology found that COVID-19 can damage ocular in severely diseased patients. The researchers of the French society of neuroradiology (SFNR) used brain MRIs to identify "significant abnormalities" in the eyes.
"We have shown that some severe Covid-19 patients of the French Covid-19 cohort had one or more nodules of the posterior pole of the world", study Author Augustin Lecler, MD, Ph.D., Associate Professor at the University Paris and neuroradiologist of the Department of Neuroradiology at the Adolphe Hospital Foundation of Rothschild in Paris, explained in aPress release. "This is the first time these results have been described with MRI."
Of the 129 patients of the cohort, nine (7%) had conclusions of abnormal MRI of the globe or the ocular globe, with MRI analyzes showing one or more nodules in the rear part, or posterior pole, of the ocular globe. . All but one of them had fought a serious Covid-19 infection, spending time at the ICU. The nine patients had nodules in the macular area (the area at the back of the eye responsible for our central vision), while eight had nodules in both eyes.
Due to the fact that this type of damage could easily unnoticed, researchers exhort the importance of eye projection in the form of high resolution MRI exams. "Our study advocates the screening of all patients hospitalized in the ICU for Grave Covid-19," said Lecler. "We believe that these patients should receive specific eye protection treatments."
As why the eyes are damaged resulting from the virus, researchers are not safe. However, they believe that this could be linked to the inflammation triggered by the virus.
RELATED: If you feel it, you may have ever had Covid, "said Dr. Fauci
How to stay in COVID
The best way to prevent any health complication related to Covid, is to avoid becoming infected in the first place. So follow the fundamentals of Dr. Anthony Fauci and help put an end to this thrust, no matter where you live-wear afacial mask, the social distance, avoiding big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not go with (especially in the bars), practice good hygiene of the hand, vaccinate yourself when it is Available for you and protect your life and life of your life. others, do not visit any of these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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